I’m not sure why I didn’t realize it before, but considering goblins and hobgoblins have their own patron deities, norkers and koalinths should as well. So what would these two deities be like? To start with, both would likely be demipowers; norkers and koalinths are significantly less common than goblins or hobgoblins afterall.
The Norker god would be Chaotic Evil like his followers, and could have the portfolios of savage and unorganized combat, individuality, and eating. He would obey Maglubiyet out of fear, but would be unreliable; the other goblin deities would likely use him and his followers as the lowest of cannon fodder in the endless war with the orcish hordes on Acheron. He would likely hate and despise Bargrivyek.
The deity of the koalinth would be an opponent of both Deep Sashelas and Panzuriel; he would probably live on Baator rather than Acheron, like Bargrivyek. His portfolios could include Oceans, Aquatic combat, and Ambush. I don’t think Nomog-Geaya being his superior would make sense, so he would likely be subservient to Maglubiyet only.