Ilsensine, the Great Brain

May 1, 2024

The terrible and powerful patron of the illithids is Ilsensine, the Great Brain. A deity of pure mental energy, it exhorts its followers to take their rightful place of domination over all other races of the multiverse. There’s been a lot written about illithids over the years, so this one took a lot of research and I’m pretty sure I still missed a lot of potentially relevant material, but it was still a lot of fun to write! Read the rest of this entry »

Piscaethces the Blood Queen

September 1, 2023

The creator of the aboleths, known as Piscaethces the Blood Queen, lives deep in a hidden bog-cavern in Minauros. She is a lethargic power despite her desire to guide her followers to domination of all other creatures. She is, however, known to send her occasional offspring to Prime Material Plane, where they often become among the most powerful of savants.

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Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon

April 10, 2011

This was an interesting project, considering that Tiamat is included in the FR Powers & Pantheons book. However, as that was specifically to the FR/Unther Human version rather than the generic/multisphere Draconic version, it wasn’t possible to do a straight cut and paste. Also, this features my version of draconic specialty priests, which I think work a LOT better than the version in Cult of the Dragon. Also, watch for me slip in some hints at what I’m going to do with my revised real-world pantheons.  :D

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Gruumsh One-Eye

January 12, 2011

Okay, here’s the second entry in my project to update the gods of Monster Mythology to the 2nd Edition “Faiths & Avatars” format.  This time we have the chief deity of the orcish pantheon, Gruumsh.

This time I’ve created a couple spells for Gruumsh’s clergy to use, so I’m interested to hear thoughts on them, too.  One is a modification of an existing dwarven spell, and the other is a codification of a special ability granted to Gruumsh’s priests in Monster Mythology. I plan to do that for similar abilities listed for other gods.

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