The small kobold pantheon is filled with a number of local deified heroes and minor gods, few of which are genuine powers. Of those that have, Dakarnok is by far the most powerful and widely known. He has become the deity of kobold warriors, focusing on destruction and plunder.
Kurtulmak the Cunning
May 28, 2011Sorry for the long delay between releases. I’ve been really busy, and I had a major computer hardware failure that has been taking up a lot of my time. I’ve also been working out some publishing ideas for these deity entries. For these reasons, new entries will be rather sparse for the near future.
Kobolds have always been one of my favorite humanoid races. As such, I really liked working on Kurtulmak. I also wrote this from the point of second edition canon, so you will not find any mentions of Tiamat in this document; nor will you find anything explicitly stating they’re reptiles. I personally do not endorse either of those views, but I wrote this entry to be relatively neutral toward either view. It should be easy enough to use this write-up with either viewpoint.
Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon
April 10, 2011This was an interesting project, considering that Tiamat is included in the FR Powers & Pantheons book. However, as that was specifically to the FR/Unther Human version rather than the generic/multisphere Draconic version, it wasn’t possible to do a straight cut and paste. Also, this features my version of draconic specialty priests, which I think work a LOT better than the version in Cult of the Dragon. Also, watch for me slip in some hints at what I’m going to do with my revised real-world pantheons. :D