Half-Radiant Dragons

September 25, 2017

The Council of Wyrms campaign setting offered as a character option the half-dragon, a crossbreed of a demihuman and a dragon with natural shapechanging ability. Limited to half-gold, half-silver, and half-bronze in the campaign setting (as the dragons there were limited to the metallic, gem, and chromatic dragons). In Dragon Magazine #206, the options were expanded to Krynnish half-silvers, half-chiang lung, half-shen lung, half-Greyhawks, half-steels, half-deeps (aka Drow-Dragons), and half-irons. However, there were a handful of dragons left out of the selections, including the half-adamtite and half-radiant. Both were specifically left out of the selection for different reasons, but I was never satisfied with those reasons. Presented here is my take on the Half-Radiant Dragon, rare even compared to other half-dragons. See the Council of Wyrms set or issue #206 of Dragon Magazine for details on how fixed and discretionary abilities operate.

Half-Radiant Dragon
Worlds: SJ
Appearance: Normal half-dragon with pearly-white hair, lustrous white irises, pale skin with shimmering flecks.
Ability-score modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, –1 Wisdom, –1 Charisma.
Ability-score ranges: Str 6/19, Dex 6/19, Con 5/18, Int 3/18, Wis 3/17, Cha 3/17.
Alignment tendency: Any.
Allowable classes: Cleric/priest (14), fighter (10), mage (10), specialist—invoker (14), specialist—force mage (14), thief (11).
Discretionary abilities: Create/destroy air (1/day), Bigby’s interposing hand (1/day), Bigby’s grasping hand (1/day), wall of force (1/day), forcecage (1/day), dragon fear (once per day).
Fixed abilities: Claw attacks (1d6/1d6), breath weapon (pulses of magical force to a 20 foot range, 3d6 damage, usable twice per day; pulses can be divided between up to 3 targets. Successful save vs. breath for no damage.).
Average Height and Weight: Height: 78/74 + 2d8. Weight: 120/100 + 3d8.
Age: Starting age: 14 + 1d4 years. Maximum Age Range: 300 + 3d20. Middle Age: 150 years. Old Age: 200 years. Venerable: 300 years.
Thieving Skill Adjustments: PP —, OL –10%, F/RT –5%, MS +5%, HS +10%, DN +5%, CW —, RL +5%.

Parrafaire the Naga Prince

September 1, 2017

Parrafaire is one of the more unusual deities, as he is a servitor of many other powers more than one who has active concerns of his own. He is a guardian of secrets and items of power, but his guardianship is not absolute. He designs traps, tricks, and riddles to test those who search for his charges in order to determine only those he deems worthy gain them. His few worshipers similarly focus on guardianship, although with a much lower focus on testing those who search for their wards. Read the rest of this entry »