Semuanya the Survivor

November 1, 2018

Wrapping up the reptilian deities is Semuanya, the patron and creator of lizard men and their kin. Semuanya is an aloof deity who exists and survives for the sake of surviving and existing, and teaches his followers that survival and propagation is of paramount importance. Read the rest of this entry »

Merrshaulk the Serpent Lord

August 1, 2018

While still powerful, the somnolent Merrshaulk is in a slow decline. His chosen followers are the insidious yuan-ti, who lurk in ruins of ancient cities, either remnants of their own past or the remains of places they corrupted and destroyed. His lack of direct attention to his followers has led to a usurpation of his power by other deities on more than one world, however. Read the rest of this entry »

Shekinester the Three-Faced Queen

April 1, 2018

Shekinester, creator and queen of the nagas, is one of the most complex deities in the D&D multiverse. She has three distinct aspects, each representing a different alignment, with different portfolios of interest, but all elements of her overriding portfolio of Wisdom.

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Sess’innek the Emperor Lizard

January 1, 2018

Happy New Year everyone! The ascended tanar’ri lord Sess’innek, long ago tiring of the Blood War, turned to followers on the Prime Material Plane as another path to power. Seeing the general complacency of Semuanya, he has been slowly usurping that power’s authority over the lizard men with the creation and leadership of his chosen followers, the Lizard Kings. Read the rest of this entry »

Parrafaire the Naga Prince

September 1, 2017

Parrafaire is one of the more unusual deities, as he is a servitor of many other powers more than one who has active concerns of his own. He is a guardian of secrets and items of power, but his guardianship is not absolute. He designs traps, tricks, and riddles to test those who search for his charges in order to determine only those he deems worthy gain them. His few worshipers similarly focus on guardianship, although with a much lower focus on testing those who search for their wards. Read the rest of this entry »

Laogzed the Devourer

August 1, 2017

Perhaps one of the few deities who can rival the disgusting nature of Vaprak is the patron of troglodytes, Laogzed. While he grants spells to the troglodytes, he did not create them, and cares little for their welfare, granting spells simply because he doesn’t care enough not to. He is shunned by most other powers, and used as a divine disposal by those willing to deal with him or willing to risk getting close. Read the rest of this entry »

Io the Ninefold Dragon

January 1, 2017

Wrapping up the draconic deities is the creator of all dragonkind himself, Io. Much like Annam, he is said to be the creator of the universe, wherein other deities have built their own worlds and own races. He is an experimental deity, tweaking dracoform species and their environments in order to produce unique combinations. Despite his experimentality, he is not a particularly active deity, preferring watching to interfering. Read the rest of this entry »

Jazirian the Eternal Serpent

April 3, 2011

Update Feb. 1, 2017: I’ve made a revision of the Jazirian entry to include a humanoid shaman class and clergy details, as well as some unique spells for both couatl and shamans.

This entry is a little different. Jazirian has no priesthood, so there is no specialty priest information; I also decided (s)he wouldn’t be the time to grant spells to non-couatl followers, either. However, I took the opportunity to write up some additional cultural details on couatl. Hopefully it will prove interesting. I’ll probably treat Shekinester, Parrafaire, and Stillsong the same way. Also, I suppose I should note that I did not incorporate the information from A Guide To Hell for the simple reason that I did not like it; I also felt it did not keep to the earlier canon.

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Ramenos the Great Frog

February 24, 2011

One of my favorite tactics as a DM is to surprise players with creatures that are normally weak and pretty much push-overs, like kobolds, by tossing in some that have classes or skills the PCs aren’t used to seeing. However, you can only use kobolds so many times before the PCs begin to expect it. So you need to mix it up, and this latest entry to my Monster Mythology update project allows just that, with bullywugs. I had a lot of fun creating the spells for Ramenos’s priests, and it gave me an opportunity to cite one of my favorite monsters. If anyone uses the specialty priest in this write-up, let me know! I’d like to hear about the PCs’ reaction.  :D

It’s a lot of fun dropping in Spelljammer references and adventure hooks, too.

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