Jazirian the Eternal Serpent

April 3, 2011

Update Feb. 1, 2017: I’ve made a revision of the Jazirian entry to include a humanoid shaman class and clergy details, as well as some unique spells for both couatl and shamans.

This entry is a little different. Jazirian has no priesthood, so there is no specialty priest information; I also decided (s)he wouldn’t be the time to grant spells to non-couatl followers, either. However, I took the opportunity to write up some additional cultural details on couatl. Hopefully it will prove interesting. I’ll probably treat Shekinester, Parrafaire, and Stillsong the same way. Also, I suppose I should note that I did not incorporate the information from A Guide To Hell for the simple reason that I did not like it; I also felt it did not keep to the earlier canon.

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Trishina the Waverider

March 20, 2011

Sorry for the delay on this one. When writing about Trishina, I drew heavily upon what had been written for Deep Sashelas, since the two faiths are so closely intertwined. I also based aspects on Eldath, since I saw that there are a number of similarities between their faiths and attitudes. Overall, Trishina was another really fun one to write, and gave an opportunity to explore some aspects of cetacean culture, including some very unusual ones in the Spelljammer setting.

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