Maanzecorian always fascinated me, as a knowledge- and philosphy-loving deity of a very evil race. He always felt like the perfect patron of Estriss, the illithid in the Cloakmaster Spelljammer novel series. I was disappointed when he was unceremoniously slain in the Dead Gods adventure, so I took this opportunity to create the potential of a revival (or, for those who wish it, another deity to masquerade as him). Read the rest of this entry »
Ilsensine, the Great Brain
May 1, 2024The terrible and powerful patron of the illithids is Ilsensine, the Great Brain. A deity of pure mental energy, it exhorts its followers to take their rightful place of domination over all other races of the multiverse. There’s been a lot written about illithids over the years, so this one took a lot of research and I’m pretty sure I still missed a lot of potentially relevant material, but it was still a lot of fun to write! Read the rest of this entry »