Yurtrus White-Hands

August 25, 2012

The final major orcish god, Yurtrus is the dreadful god of death and disease. He never speaks, and is avoided by the other gods of the pantheon, who fear and loathe him. His priests are masters of orcish burials and death ceremonies, and intercede with their mute god to head off or cure diseases, as well as using their divinely granted powers to afflict such upon their enemies.

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Khurgorbaeyag the Overseer

August 10, 2012

Patron of goblins as a race, and a power of strict order and organization, is Khurgorbaeyag. He is one of the few deities who does not have a strong interest in combat, and instead is a deity of slavery and oppression. Similarly, his priests are not front line fighters, and have a great focus on maintaining social order and castes, as well as training and maintaining slaves.

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