Patron of goblins as a race, and a power of strict order and organization, is Khurgorbaeyag. He is one of the few deities who does not have a strong interest in combat, and instead is a deity of slavery and oppression. Similarly, his priests are not front line fighters, and have a great focus on maintaining social order and castes, as well as training and maintaining slaves.
Khurgorbaeyag (PDF Version)
(The Overseer, the Slave-Taker, the Mighty Oppressor)
Lesser Power of Acheron, LE
Portfolio: Slavery, oppression, morale, social order, hierarchy
Aliases: Kuro (Chult)
Domain Name: Avalas/Clangor
Superior: Maglubiyet
Allies: Bane (dead), Bargrivyek, Hextor, Hruggek
Foes: Bahgtru, Ilneval, the orcish pantheon, the Seldarine, the dwarf and gnome pantheons
Symbol: Red and yellow striped whip
Wor. Align.: LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE
Khurgorbaeyag (kurr-GORE-bay-ag) the Overseer, the patron of goblins as a race, is primarily a deity of slavery and oppression. The Slave-Taker emphasizes the superiority of the goblin races by enslaving all other races, and forcing them to perform the menial labor that is beneath goblins. Finally, like Maglubiyet, the Mighty Oppressor is a deity of strict and rigid social order and hierarchical organization, stating that every goblin has their place and they must stick to it.
While Nomog-Geaya is more useful to Maglubiyet as a war leader, it is Khurgorbaeyag who is more akin to the Mighty One in spirit in temperament., as both believe in strict order and organization, above all. However, Maglubiyet watches the Overseer closely, and with good reason, although he is not directly aware of the ambitions held by his subordinate. Khurgorbaeyag desires the position and power of the chief god of the pantheon, and plans to one day depose him. Having seen what happens to other members of the pantheon who got too ambitious, he bides his time and obeys the Lord of the Flaming Iron Throne willingly until he can develop a foolproof plan to topple him. The Slave-Taker despises Nomog-Geaya as a rival for power in the pantheon, believing that he too desires the throne of Maglubiyet. Khurgorbaeyag is determined to see his goblins ultimately rule over all others, even the hobgoblins, and as such he seeks to undermine the Grim-Visaged one at any opportunity. In his overall goals of goblin rule, he has a strong ally in Bargrivyek. While the Peacemaker has no preference for any particular goblin race over the others, the Mighty Oppressor’s drive for goblin dominance over outsiders causes them to work together quite frequently, although Bargrivyek refuses to participate in plots that harm hobgoblins or other subraces.
Outside of the goblin pantheon, Khurgorbaeyag maintains an alliance with Hextor, as they share similar goals in conquest and rulership. He also was known to work with the Faerûnian god Bane on occasion before that deity’s death. The Overseer holds a strong hatred for the orcish deities Baghtru and Ilneval due to an ambush they staged which likely would have resulted in Khurgorbaeyag’s death had it not been for the timely intervention of the bugbear patron Hruggek. Since that time, the two deities have maintained a tentative alliance of mutual gain against the orcish, human, and demihuman powers. For his part, Hruggek has been noting the genius behind the Slave-Taker’s plans, and off-handedly pointing out the flaws in those of Maglubiyet. The Decapitator has also taken note of Bargrivyek’s reluctance to join Khurgorbaeyag in schemes against Nomog-Geaya, and questioned the Mediator’s loyalty to the Overseer’s goblins. Such conversations have given the goblin deity much to think about.
Khurgorbaeyag delights in taking slaves, and often sends his avatar to oversee and assist goblin tribes in acquiring larger labor forces. He will also send his avatar at the command of Maglubiyet to assist goblins in military action against orcish tribes or other outside forces, frequently with the further assistance of Bargrivyek. Finally, if he detects the interference of Baghtru or Ilneval in goblin affairs, he may send an avatar to battle them.
Khurgorbaeyag’s Avatar (Fighter 26, Cleric 14)
Khurgorbaeyag appears as a large, muscular goblin. His flame-red skin is speckled with orange and yellow scales, and blazing yellow eyes. He is clad in black scale mail and a stole of charcoal-grey wolf fur, as well as a cloak of the same. He sometimes wears a wide bejeweled gold band around his temples, taken from a now-forgotten dwarven demigoddess he slew long ago. While he can cast spells from any priest sphere, he rarely does so, preferring to use spells from the spheres of charm, combat, protection, law, and protection.
AC −1; MV 12; HP 168; THAC0 −5; #AT 5/2
Dmg 2d6+12 (whip +3, +7 Str, +2 spec. bonus in whip)
MR 20%; SZ L (9 feet tall)
Str 19, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 17
Spells P: 6/6/6/5/3/2/1
Saves PPDM 3; RSW 5; PP 4; BW 4; Sp 6
Special Att/Def: Khurgorbaeyag uses a whip +3 called the Overseer’s Lash. Any creature struck by this whip must save vs. spell with a −4 penalty or be affected as by a symbol of hopelessness, which lasts for a number of days equaling 20 minus the victim’s Wisdom score. In addition, he can use it as a rope of entanglement with a range of 30 feet and triple hit points.
The Overseer can cast mass charm and domination once per day, and issue a command at will; he can use this latter ability in addition to any other actions he takes in a round. He carries a small copper cube that he can throw at a target, causing it to expand into a 10 cubic foot forcecage (as the 7th-level wizard spell). Any creatures caught inside are subject to the effects of a symbol of hopelessness, although a normal save vs. spells is allowed to avoid the effects.
Khurgorbaeyag is unaffected by most spells meant to subdue or control, such as charm, command, domination, or symbol of hopelessness, and similar spells. He is immune to weapons of less than +1 enchantment, and typically wears banded mail +3.
Other Manifestations
Khurgorbaeyag most often manifests about a favored follower as a dreadful aura of command, typically lasting for 1d12 turns. While this aura is in effect, slaves and opponents make morale checks with a −2 penalty. In addition, once every three rounds, the follower may use the Intimidation proficiency as if they had a base score of 14 in either Strength or Charisma; if they already have the proficiency, they gain a +2 bonus to their roll. Finally, once per turn, they may utter a four word command that lasts for four rounds, although all other restrictions of the spell still apply. When the Overseer sends omens to his followers, they most often take the form of whipcracks. He may also send images in the form of glowing bars of light, reminiscent of his forcecage, which may indicate disapproval if they appear to bar a follower’s way, or approval if they appear to block routes other than the way forward. Finally, sudden onset of depression is seen as a severe warning to goblins that the Slave-Taker is extremely displeased with their actions or situation.
The goblin pantheon is served primarily by renegade baatezu (any least and lesser type), barghests, and wolves (normal and dire). In addition, Khurgorbaeyag is served by acheierai, bakemono, fhorges, mites, hell hounds, imps, inquisitors, maelephants, and sword spirits. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of non-goblin corpses still in shackles, intact shackles of iron, steel, or bronze, bloodstone, carnelian, citrines, garnets, grey chalcedony, hematite, iron pyrite, jargon, magnetite, red jasper, rubies, sulabra (argillite), and topaz. He shows his displeasure through the discovery of rusted or destroyed shackles, chains, and manacles, goblin corpses bound or shackled, and goblin corpses that have obviously been slain by the tools of the slave trade (bludgeoned or strangled by chains, for example).
The Church
Clergy: Clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, shamans, witch doctors
Clergy’s Align.: LE, NE, CE
Turn Undead: C: No, SP: No, Cru: No, Sha: No, WD: No
Cmnd. Undead: C: Yes, SP: No, Cru: No, Sha: No, WD: No
All clerics (including multiclassed fighter/clerics and cleric/thieves), specialty priests, shamans, and witch doctors of Khugorbaeyag receive religion (goblin) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
While subservient to the church of Maglubiyet, Khurgorbaeyag’s priests are highly respected and quite politically powerful within goblin tribes. Rigid social stratification is of paramount importance to the priests. Every goblin has their place within the tribe, and none may change their status without the express permission of the Overseer’s priesthood. Such permission is deliberated upon for weeks, and is rarely granted, although bribery is used to grease the wheels. The sole exception is when a member of the Mighty One’s clergy, or a tribal chieftain himself, orders a goblin to change castes; these orders are facilitated dutifully and swiftly. As the clergies of Khurgorbaeyag and Bargrivyek have similar goals, they are generally on good terms with each other and work closely together. One sticking point in that relationship, however, is the alliance the Oppressor’s church has with that of the bugbear patron, Hruggek. Bugbears often serve as guards to Khurgorbaeyag’s shrines and temples, and are usually paid with slaves, although those slaves more often than not end up in the cookpot. There is little love lost between the Slave-Taker’s priests and those of Nomog-Geaya, who are seen as arrogant, humorless, and unnecessarily cruel (for goblins). Amongst hobgoblin tribes, however, the church functions as little more than slave trainers and task masters; they are respected for knowing how to handle and train slaves, but they are looked down on for not being avid warriors.
Temples and shrines built by the Overseer’s priests are similar in construction to all goblin temples, although in design are usually circular with additional chambers branching off at cardinal points. Temples of any size will always have attached slave barracks, as well as rooms for discipline and punishment. The conditions in these chambers are always squalid, as obedience is far more important than the health of the slaves; more can easily be acquired if any fall ill or die. The temple chambers themselves are kept clean, and are often decorated with implements of slavery and punishment, such as chains, manacles, branding irons, whips, and racks. Frescoes and murals cover the walls, showing the supremacy of goblins over all other races, showing them defeated and enslaved. Reds and yellows dominate the temple decorations, with occasional accents of grey. Important ceremonies are typically held in the largest public space within a community, as they often include disciplining captives and slaves in order to make examples of their weakness, invigorating and reinforcing the belief that goblins are the rightful rulers and masters of all other races. Other ceremonies are held in the central chamber of the temple, around a large fire pit into which sacrifices are hurled.
Novices in the service of the Overseer are called the Chained. Full priests are called Masters of Whip and Shackle, although in less formal situations, they are generally called Shacklers. As with the Mighty One’s clergy, the hierarchy of the church is strict, and only those of high social caste may rise to the upper ranks of the priesthood. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by priests within the hierarchy are Enslaver of Kobolds, Master of Kobolds, Enslaver of Halflings, Master of Halflings, Enslaver of Gnomes, Master of Gnomes, Enslaver of Orcs, Master of Orcs, Enslaver of Dwarves, Master of Dwarves, Enslaver of Men, and Master of Men. Specialty priests are known as oppressors. Goblins (88%) make up the vast bulk of the Slave-Taker’s clergy; hobgoblins (10%) make up most of the rest, followed by a smattering of norkers (2%). Females are never allowed to join the priesthood, as their rightful positions in the tribe are subservient to males. Specialty priests (55%) and clerics (25%) dominate the clergy of Khurgorbaeyag, with smaller numbers of cleric/thieves (9%), crusaders (7%), and fighter/clerics (4%) filling out the remainder. Shamans and witch doctors are considered brothers of the faith, although they have no place within the hierarchy. Shamans are found in about three times as many Khurgorbaeyag-dominated tribes as witch doctors.
Dogma: Social order is of utmost importance; all members of the tribe must know and keep to their stations. Make slaves of the lesser races and have them perform the menial labor life requires, freeing goblins to wage war. The acquisition and discipline of slaves increases social status and glorifies the Overseer. Do not slay helpless enemies; capture and enslave them instead. The use of harsh discipline is often necessary to keep slaves in their place, but torture for pure pleasure is unproductive.
Day-to-Day Activities: Much of the Khurgorbaeyan clergy’s time is spent closely monitoring both their tribemates and the tribes’ slaves. They police the rigid social stratification of their tribes, ensuring that no one is attempting to over-reach their own position. They also are teachers to an extent, instructing their people in what is right and proper in goblin society. Their other major concern is the tribe’s slaves; they direct the work they perform, set the guards to ensure none escape, and discipline those who get out of line. Much of the disciplining received by the slaves is performed publicly, to show their subservience to goblins, and is often for fairly minor infractions. Many clergy members also raise wolves as pets and companions, showing them much more care and consideration than the slaves receive.
Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: Waxing and waning crescent moons symbolize Khurgorbaeyag’s whip amongst the goblin races. Services honoring him are often held on these nights, and priests are especially vigilant for caste and slave transgressions, believing their god is paying greater attention on such days. If a tribe has suffered defeats lately and their morale is poor, a special ceremony may be held by the priests, called the Blessing of the Mighty Oppressor. The priesthood selects the tribe’s most troublesome or least valuable slave, and before the tribe, they extol the virtues of goblindom and how they are rightfully the masters of lesser races, all the while whipping and beating the chosen slave.
Major Centers of Worship: The Overseer’s clergy maintains a fairly large temple and slave dormitory complex beneath the Pomarj, on Oerth in Greyspace. From this temple, the clergy and the goblin tribes that support it maintains a slave trading network with a number of surface and underdark nations in the Flanaess, and are believed to have a connection with the Chainmen, possibly through a base located in the Grinder. There is also a known temple complex in the Stonelands, on Toril in Realmspace, This temple is not particularly large, but recent reports of slaving raids into the lands around Tilverton may indicate it is growing.
Affiliated Orders: The clergy of Khurgorbaeyag has no military orders associated with the church, but priests lead many slave-taking bands throughout the known spheres. Outside of pirates or bandits, these slaver groups are the most common independent goblin forces throughout the known spheres. Many have strategic alliances with the infamous slaver organization known as the Chainmen.
Priestly Vestments: Priests of the Overseer wear dark red scale armor and leather helms covered in wolf fur. Over this armor, a stole of grey wolf fur is worn, and high ranking priests may also wear a cloak of the same. The holy symbol of the clergy is a braided whip with alternating red and yellow plaits. These whips are never used in combat, although they may be used to threaten or discipline captives and slaves.
Adventuring Garb: As Khurgorbaeyag’s priests are not front-line fighters, they often wear their ceremonial garb when accompanying troops into battle situations. If heavy combat is expected, they may trade their ceremonial scale armor for better equipment. They prefer to use maces and clubs, but have no compunction against using other weapons if the situation merits it.
Specialty Priests (Oppressors)
Requirements: Wisdom 9
Prime Req.: Wisdom
Alignment: LE
Weapons: Any bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons, plus lasso, mancatcher, net, scourge, and whip
Armor: Any (scale armor preferred)
Major Spheres: All, combat, guardian, healing (reversed only), law, protection, sun (reversed only)
Minor Spheres: Charm, elemental (earth), necromantic (reversed only)
Magical Items: Same as clerics
Req. Profs: Footman’s mace, club
Bonus Profs: Intimidation (choose type)
- Oppressors must be goblins, hobgoblins, norkers, or koalinths, although most oppressors are goblins.
- Oppressors are not allowed to multiclass.
- Once per day, oppressors can cast cause fear (as the reverse of the 1st-level priest spell, remove fear) or Khurgorbaeyag’s reminder (as the 1st-level priest spell).
- At 3rd level, oppressors can cast scare or bind (as the 2nd-level wizard spells) once per day.
- At 5th level, oppressors can cast cloak of fear (as the reverse of the 4th-level priest spell, cloak of bravery) or whip of obedience (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.
- At 8th level, oppressors receive a +2 bonus to saving throws versus spells from chaotic-aligned spellcasters, as well as spells or spell-like effects that cause domination, fear, or charm.
- At 8th level, oppressors can cast compulsive order (as the 4th-level priest spell) or Khurgorbaeyag’s admonishment (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
- At 12th level, oppressors can cast impeding permission (as the 5th-level priest spell) or whip of pain (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
- At 15th level, oppressors can cast a symbol of pain or hopelessness (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per week.
Khurgorbaeyan Spells
1st Level
Khurgorbaeyag’s Reminder (Pr 1; Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Law
Range: 10 yds.
Components: V
Duration: 1 rd.
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Originally developed by Zulkir Nybor of Thay, a small number of Khurgorbaeyag’s clergy observed this spell and immediately petitioned the Overseer for a version of it; it has spread throughout his faith like wildfire in a drought. Victims receive a sharp, agonizing pain, which immobilizes and prevents them from taking any action for one full round. All saving throws made by the victim during this round are at a −2 penalty. The spell inflicts no actual physical damage.
2nd Level
Whip (Pr 2; Evocation)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 70 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to conjure a whip of mystical force that may be used to strike at opponents. The crack of the whip keeps normal animals at bay unless they make a successful saving throw vs. spell. If an animal is struck, it takes no damage, but must make a successful saving throw vs. spell at −1 per 3 levels of the caster (to −4 maximum) or slink away. The whip can be used in melee combat, also. A successful hit has a chance (13 or better on a 20-sided die for edged weapons, 6 or better for non-edged weapons) of pulling a weapon from an opponent’s hand (the opponent receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid this). A full round is generally required to recover a weapon after being disarmed.
The material component for this spell is the priest’s holy symbol.
Whip of Obedience (Pr 2; Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Charm, Law
Range: 1 yd.
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d4 turns + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Upon casting this spell, a priest may use his whip to command a creature to perform a specific task. The commands may be a full sentence, but may not be combative or immediately harmful in nature. For example, a priest cannot order a creature to fight a dragon or walk off a cliff, but they could order them into an unstable mine to dig for iron ore. In addition, the command must be something the creature is physically capable of doing; they cannot be ordered to try and fly for example. The creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to resist the orders; failing the save forces the victim to perform the action for 1d4 turns plus 1 turn per level of the caster. The priest must use his whip upon the victim at least once each turn of the duration or the spell ends prematurely. This spell is typically used to force unruly slaves to complete their tasks.
The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a whip, which may be one and the same.
3rd Level
Khurgorbaeyag’s Legirons (Pr 3; Alteration)
Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 month/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell is causes the lower limbs of a single creature touched by the priest to become magically heavy. An attack roll is required to hit the creature unless they are otherwise restrained (bound, held, asleep, etc.). The movement rate of the targeted creatures is reduced to half normal, and they can run for a maximum of three rounds every hour. Furthermore, the spell turns the target’s lower legs and footwear coal-black. Dispel magic or similar magic will eliminate all effects of this spell. Typically used on slaves or prisoners, this spell allows the caster to employ fewer guards than normal.
The material component is a pair of iron wires tied into loops; one pair is required for each creature to be affected. The loops disappear once the spell is cast.
Khurgorbaeyag’s Admonishment (Pr 3; Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Law
Range: 10 yds. + 1 yd./level
Components: V, S
Duration: 2d4 rds.
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This improvement on Khurgorbaeyag’s reminder, also originally developed by the Red Wizards of Thay, causes intense pain in its victims and incapacitates them for 2d4 rounds. Those affected can take no action during this time other than lying on the ground and writhing in pain. All saving throws made during this time suffer a −3 penalty.
4th Level
Whip of Pain (Pr 4; Evocation)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a whiplike, flexible line of force, emanating from the fingertips of the caster’s hand. This crackling, coiling line of purple sparks can be wielded as a lash in battle and strikes opponents up to 10 feet distant.
The whip of pain functions as a +2 magical weapon. If the wielder successfully strikes a target, there is a loud snapping sound, and the target must make a saving throw vs. spell and a Constitution check. If the saving throw fails, the target creature suffers 4d4 points of damage. If it succeeds, the creature takes only half damage. If the Constitution check succeeds, the creature feels only enough pain to suffer a −1 penalty to its next attack roll. Failure wracks the creature with pain until the end of the next round, lowering its Armor Class by one, imposing a −2 penalty to its attack rolls, and making spellcasting impossible.
Spellcasting by the whip wielder, the successful application of dispel magic, or the unconsciousness of the wielder causes the whip of pain to disappear, ending the spell. (The wielder can trigger magical items like wands with his other hand without ending this spell.)
The material components of this spell are a drop of the caster’s blood and one of the caster’s hairs.