Astilabor is the goddess who represents the desire most dragons have for gaining status amongst their peers, mostly through the acquisition of wealth and treasure. This is not greed in the normal sense, for the wealth is not desired for its own sake or to deprive others of the opportunity of gaining it; that is the realm of Task. The importance of status and wealth to most dragons has made Astilabor one of the more powerful draconic deities, and while she feels her wealth places her above the other deities, she does not think her abilities surpass theirs in all things.
Astilabor (PDF Version)
(Acquisitor, Hoardmistress)
Intermediate Power of Limbo, CN
Portfolio:Â Status, acquisitiveness, wealth, desire to gain and hold wealth to gain status
Aliases:Â None
Domain Name: Limbo/the Hoardmistress’s Lair
Superior:Â Io
Allies:Â Aasterinian, Arcanic, Bahamut, Elemtia, Hlal, Kereska, Rais, Sardior, Tamara, Zorquan
Foes:Â Abbathor, Task, Tiamat
Symbol:Â Twelve-faceted gem
Wor. Align.:Â Any
Astilabor the Hoardmistress is the goddess of draconic status and social rank, and the desire to gain the wealth that for most species is the measure thereof. One of the most popular draconic deities, Astilabor is venerated by most dragons who wish to gain the benefits greater status brings, such as larger domains, more respect from their brethren, and the best mates. The Acquisitor sees wealth and treasure as a valuable tool to gauge relative status and power both within and between species; she despises naked greed and the desire to gain treasure for no reason other than the treasure itself.
Astilabor is on reasonably good terms with most of Io’s Children, although she holds no close ties with any of them. Towards her siblings, she is generally somewhat aloof and maintains a slightly snobbish attitude, feeling that her hoard places her at a rank second only to Io himself, although this attitude never interferes when mutual interests necessitate working together. As her attitude is about superiority of rank rather than ability, she has no trouble admitting when another has a clearly better idea or is better suited to a particular task. The Hoardmistress holds great contempt and disgust for the avarice shown by Tiamat and Task, as they simply desire what others have and place little value on what they have or what it represents. Despite her feelings towards her greedy siblings, she prefers to act in subtle ways to disrupt their plans and confound their followers; one of her favorite tactics is to make information available to thieves and adventurers in such a way that they might burgle valuables from the followers of Task and Tiamat.
Astilabor has little contact with deities outside the draconic pantheon. She is on fair terms with deities of merchanting and wealth, for they know the value of money and the power and prestige it brings, although she counts none amongst her allies. She is generally on poor terms with deities of thievery and is downright hostile towards those who make a habit of raiding dragon hoards. The only non-draconic deity she actively opposes is the dwarven God Abbathor. In him Astilabor sees the same unbridled avarice that she so despises in Task, and the alliance between the two has only cemented her opinion and opposition. This has led her to make overtures towards the dwarven god Vergadain.
The Hoardmistress is not a particularly active deity; she prefers spending her time in her lair on Limbo, surrounded by her hoard. It is said this hoard is the single greatest accumulation of wealth anywhere in the multiverse, and contains coinage from every realm that has ever existed and precious objects from every master jeweler who has ever worked in gold or silver. No one can find her lair without her permission, and if there are any living beings who have seen her hoard, they aren’t speaking of it. When she feels it necessary to act elsewhere, she favors manifestations or servitor creatures, although she regularly sends avatars to collect treasures from her temples or those followers who left their hoards to her upon their deaths.
Astilabor’s Avatar (26-HD Great Wyrm Dragon, Priest 32, Wizard 28)
Astilabor appears as an enormous dragon whose scales shimmer and change through all the colors of metallic, chromatic, and gem dragonkind. On rare occasions she appears in the form of a female dwarf bedecked in fine clothing and a tremendous amount of jewelry, all of which still manages to be tasteful. She draws her spells from all schools and all spheres save plant and animal.
AC −11; MV 15, Fl 42 (B), Jp 6; HP 286; THAC0 −5; #AT 3+special
Dmg 1d12+12/1d12+12/5d8+12 (claw/claw/bite)
MR 70%; SZ G (310 feet—body 210 feet, tail 100 feet)
Str 20, Dex 24, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 24
Spells P: 13/13/13/12/11/9/8, W: 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6
Saves PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 4; BW 4; Sp 4
Special Att/Def: Astilabor prefers to use her breath weapons and magical abilities to direct physical combat. The Hoardmistress’s primary breath weapon is a jet of acid, 5 feet wide and 140 feet long. Any creatures caught in the stream suffer 24d10+12 damage, with a save vs. breath weapon allowed for half damage. In addition, due to the highly corrosive nature of this acid, any metallic items carried by creatures caught in the spray, even those within nonmagical containers, must make a save vs. acid or be destroyed. Making a successful save versus the damage does not protect items, although only exposed items like armor and weapons are affected. Because her primary breath weapon has such a high likelihood of destroying valuable items, Astilabor prefers to use her second breath weapon, a ray of teleportation with the same dimensions as her acid breath. Any creatures struck by this ray must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or have all of their metallic items teleported to the Astilabor’s hoard on Limbo. Creatures make their saves against both types of breath weapon with a −4 penalty; items save normally. Objects not in the possession of a creature and not protected by magic gain no saving throw.
Astilabor can detect metals and minerals and detect magic at will. She knows the value of all gems, jewels, art pieces, and other precious objects by sight, and can identify the type of metals and gems used in any piece of jewelry by touch. The Hoardmistress can dimension door 3 times per day, and can cast clairaudience and clairvoyance once per turn. Finally, she can create a double sized wall of stone or wall of force once per day. While within her lair, the Hoardmistress can use these abilities at will. She has at her disposal any common or uncommon magical item from the Dungeon Master Guide and the Tome of Magic.
Astilabor’s aura of dragon fear extends to a radius of 160 yards. Creatures up to 5 HD/levels who catch sight of her are automatically affected (as well as all noncarnivorous, nonaggressive creatures with fewer than 25 Hit Dice) and flee for 4d6 rounds. Trained war mounts of 4 HD or more, organized military units, and single creatures with more than 5 HD or levels do not automatically flee. Rather, they are entitled to a saving throw vs. petrification at a −5 penalty. If they fail this saving throw, they fight with a −2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. No one save another deity is automatically immune to her fear effect.
Astilabor is immune to all spells below 6th level. She is immune to all forms of poison, paralysis, petrification, death magic, mind-affecting and controlling spells and psionics, and limited wishes that attempt to alter her directly (i.e. a limited wish couldn’t wish her back to her home plane or wish her wings crushed, but it could create a lightning storm that would affect her). Astilabor is immune to acid and hostile teleportation effects, and takes half damage from fire-based attacks. She is immune to weapons of less than +3 enchantment.
Other Manifestations
As Astilabor prefers her followers to achieve greater status and larger hoards on their own, she does not typically manifest her power in their lives. When she does feel the need to do so, her manifestations are usually through divinely inspired knowledge, such as a warning of an impending attack by an intelligent foe interested in their hoard, or the general location of a rival’s lair or a lost treasure cache. Followers who have especially pleased her in their efforts at building their hoards may be granted a boon from Astilabor’s hoard, suitable in nature to the accomplishment and the dragon’s own hoard. Followers who have greatly displeased the Hoardmistress may find their own treasure hoards subject to a blast from her teleportation breath weapon.
Astilabor is served primarily by magpies and bower birds, as well as aurumvorae, blood rings, buzzjewels, gemstone golems, goldbugs, lock lurkers, mineral quasielementals, spectators, stargazers, stone golems, and tsnng. The Hoardmistress shows her pleasure through the discovery of worked gems, jewels, and precious objects of all types. Her displeasure is shown in the ruination of precious objects or the discovery that such items are fakes and forgeries made of base materials.
The Church
Clergy:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dragon-priests, specialty priests
Clergy’s Align.:     LN, N, CN
Turn Undead:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â DP: No, SP: No
Cmnd. Undead:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â DP: No, SP: No
All dragon-priests and specialty priests of Astilabor receive religion (draconic) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
Astilabor’s worship spans virtually all dragon species, and she is one of the most commonly called upon of all the draconic deities. She represents the desire virtually all dragons have to become important amongst their peers and gain high status, which for most dragons means increasing the size of their treasure hoard. Astilabor is said to guide dragons in the acquisition of wealth and status, and many dragons pray for her favor before engaging in activities that could lead to an increase in the size of their hoard.
Actual temples dedicated to Astilabor are rare. Those that do exist are great treasure vaults that successive dragon priests add their own hoards to; it is said the Hoardmistress periodically transfers most or all such treasures to her own lair in Limbo, and expects her priests to continue to gather treasures for the temple. Magical traps are plentiful within these temples, and often curses are carried away with treasure acquired through theft or force. It is also not unknown for ghosts of dragon-priests to watch over the temples for a time before being called to the Hoardmistress’s side. Many dragons, be they priests or not, set up small shrines within their lairs, although this may be as simple as carving her symbol in a prominent place that looks over their hoard.
On most worlds, dragons do not form organized priesthoods, as there are too few of them and they are far too individualistic. Only worlds with very dense dragon populations or very structured dragon cultures will develop hierarchical priesthoods, and the form they take are likely to be unique to those worlds. Specialty priests of Astilabor are known as acquisitors. Dragons of any draconic species capable of becoming priests may join the Hoardmistress’s priesthood, although chaotic and materialistic dragons are most common. Those dragons that place little value on treasure hoards or status (amber dragons, aquatic dragons, electrum dragons, faerie dragons, vishaps, weredragons, etc.) virtually never join her priesthood. The Hoardmistress’s priesthood is dominated by specialty priests (85%), with only a relatively small number of dragon-priests (15%). Astilabor is a favorite amongst non-evil half-dragon merchants and thieves, although none are allowed to join her clergy.
Dogma: Wealth is the only concrete and universal measure of status. Always gather more to ensure your position in the social hierarchy. Your hoard is second only to your life itself. A large hoard and a high status ensures the respect of peers, the best mates, a leading voice amongst your species, and a better place in the afterlife.
Day-to-Day Activities: Astilabor’s followers spend much of their time planning ways to increase their hoard and status, generally in ways typical to their species. They also encourage other dragons to do the same. They publicly discourage underhanded means such as theft, but they will often look the other way, as long as the goal was to increase status and not purely for greed. They also chastise or ridicule dragons who don’t seem to care about their hoard size or status, as well as those who lose or give up wealth easily. They often make prayers to the Hoardmistress as they sort, organize, or count their valuables.
Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: The Hoardmistress’s clergy has no fixed holy days; instead, her worshipers honor her when they reach significant milestones on hoard size or complete a venture that added significantly to their hoard. Many dragons also promise to make an offering to her should a venture succeed, although they never follow through, even if their plan succeeds, believing Astilabor would not respect a dragon that gave up treasure so easily. Oddly enough, her lack of retribution backs up this belief.
Major Centers of Worship: It is said that an ancient temple dedicated to the Hoardmistress is located somewhere within the Yatil Mountains of Oerth. No living priests oversee this temple, but it is said some dragons near the end of their natural life fly there to die, magically transporting all or a portion of their hoard there in order to bequeath it to Astilabor in hopes of assuring themselves a high place in the afterlife. Stories of this temple describe a vast chamber filled with the towering mounds of gold and jewels from all eras of Oerth’s history, accessible only by a shaft hundreds of feet deep. No one who has found the temple has lived to tell the tale, although the legends continue to draw searchers.
On the world of Toril, scholars of the ancient realm of Netheril have uncovered the journal of a warrior from the Netherese town of Wreath, and one of the survivors of the attack on the blue dragon Brightstrike in her lair. The journal described the lair, located in what is now known as the Greycloak Hills, in great detail and clearly indicating it was in fact a temple dedicated to the Hoardmistress. The destruction of the town and recovery of her treasures by Brightstrike’s children lends credence to the theory the temple continued to see use after her death; it is likely her descendants altered the entrance to hide it from the Netherese and later humans in the area, however.
Affiliated Orders: None.
Priestly Vestments: The holy symbol used by Astilabor’s clergy is a twelve-faceted gemstone in a precious metal setting; while dodecahedrons are most common, hexagonal bipyramids and pentagonal cupolas aren’t unusual. Often gems of different hues are magically merged to form one single gemstone, and the total value of the gemstone must be at least 200 gp per age category of the dragon.
Adventuring Garb: None.
Specialty Priests (Acquisitors)
Requirements:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Intelligence 13, Wisdom 12, Charisma 13
Prime Req.:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â N, CN
Weapons:                  Any, but normally a dragon’s natural weaponry
Armor:                      Any, but normally a dragon’s natural armor
Major Spheres:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â All, charm, creation, divination, guardian, healing, protection, summoning, sun, wards
Minor Spheres:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Chaos, elemental, numbers
Magical Items:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Same as dragons, clerics
Req. Profs:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Appraisal
Bonus Profs:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Etiquette
- Acquisitors may be of any true dragon species capable of becoming a priest.
- Acquisitors are not allowed to multiclass.
- Acquisitors gain a +1 bonus to their physical attacks and damage when attacking another dragon in a competition to gain status; they are prohibited from killing a dragon that yields in defeat; should the acquisitor not do so, they lose their spellcasting powers and must perform some act of atonement; such acts often require giving up a portion of the dragon’s own hoard. Should the acquisitor kill a dragon who is both yielding and offering up a portion of its hoard, they will forever be cast out of Astilabor’s service and gain a curse that makes it very difficult to ever gain a hoard of any significant size. This combat bonus is also gained by the acquisitor when defending against the same sort of challenge, and they are prohibited from surrendering any portion of their hoard to the attacking dragon, even if it means death.
- Acquisitors can cast assess status (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day for each age category they have achieved.
- At the 2nd age category, acquisitors can cast hoard servant (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per week. At the 6th age category, this rises to once per day.
- At the 3rd age category, acquisitors can cast hoard attunement (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per week.
- At the 4th age category, acquisitors can cast glyph of warding (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per week.
- At the 5th age category, the Charisma of the acquisitor is permanently increased by 1 point. This increase can allow the acquisitor to exceed their racial maximum. In addition, the acquisitor can never be surprised by another dragon who wishes to attack and gain the acquisitor’s hoard. They can still be surprised by a dragon who doesn’t care about gaining the acquisitor’s hoard, however.
- At the 7th age category, acquisitors can cast barrier of retention (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.
- At the 9th age category, acquisitors can detect metals and minerals (as the 1st-level priest spell) at will.
- At the 10th age category, the Charisma of the acquisitor is permanently increased by 1 point once again. As with the previous increase, this can allow the acquisitor to exceed their racial maximum. In addition, the acquisitor is forewarned of an attack by another dragon who wishes to add the acquisitor’s hoard to their own. They receive this forewarning 1d6+4 rounds prior to the arrival of the attacking dragon. They gain no forewarning about an attack by a non-dragon or a dragon with other intentions besides acquiring their hoard.
- At the 12th age category, acquisitors can teleport without error (as the 7th-level wizard spell) to the location of their hoard at will. No magic of 6th level or less can prevent this teleportation, and any magical traps of similar levels set up to harm the acquisitor during this teleportation, or upon appearance at the destination, fail and dissipate with no effect. Traps or other magic set off before the teleportation occurs, or upon normal movement after teleporting, operate normally.
Astilaboran Spells
In addition to the spells listed below, priests of the Hoardmistress can cast the 1st-level priest spell detect metals and minerals, detailed in Powers and Pantheons in the entry for Geb.
1st Level
Assess Status (Pr 1; Divination)
Sphere:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Divination
Range:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 100 yds.
Components:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V, S
Duration:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Instantaneous
Casting Time:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 round
Area of Effect:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 dragon
Saving Throw:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â None
Upon casting this spell, the priest immediately knows the target dragon’s status relative to his own. The caster can specify whether to base the assessment on hoard size only, or hoard size and any additional subjective variables. The assessment is made in terms such as “slightly lower status†or “considerably greater status.†Subjective status elements are based on the target dragon breed; for example, a red dragon using this spell and reading the full status on a gold dragon who has a small hoard but is highly respected by other golds for single-handedly saving a human kingdom from an orcish horde would be assessed as having a high status, even though red dragons don’t consider such acts of goodness when evaluating their own status.
Hoard Servant (Pr 1; Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Summoning
Range:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 10 yds.
Components:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V, M
Duration:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 hr./level
Casting Time:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 4
Area of Effect:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
Saving Throw:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â None
This spell is the draconic version of the standard unseen servant spell. Since the needs of a dragon are far greater than those of lesser races (according to dragons), a common unseen servant just does not possess the physical strength to fulfill its required tasks.
Unlike an unseen servant, a hoard servant’s sole purpose is to tend the hoard of the casting dragon. In fact, the spell is cast on the hoard itself, binding the hoard servant to it for the duration of the spell; it can never move more than 10 yards away from the hoard without negating the spell. (Note that a dragon’s hoard is treasure in a single location for the purposes of this spell, not secreted in a number of separate lairs.)
Once the spell is cast, the hoard servant polishes jewels and gems, separates and stacks coins, organizes chests and boxes, etc. It is stronger than a standard unseen servant and is able to carry 50 lbs. or push or pull 100 lbs. over smooth surfaces. It can also withstand more damage than an unseen servant, possessing 15 hit points instead of the usual 6. A hoard servant is identical to an unseen servant with regard to its limitations and means of destruction.
This spell is particularly favored by metallic and gem dragons, both of whom seem more interested in the appearance of their hoards than do other dragons.
The material component for this spell is the priest’s holy symbol.
2nd Level
Hoard Attunement (Pr 2; Divination)
Sphere:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Divination, Guardian
Range:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Touch
Components:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V, M
Duration:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
Casting Time:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 turn
Area of Effect:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
Saving Throw:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â None
Dragons are well known for the intimate knowledge they have of their hoards. Indeed, it is reasonable to assume that a dragon’s hoard is very nearly an extension of the dragon itself. This spell enables the casting dragon to enhance that bond considerably.
For the spell to function, the dragon must be in contact with its hoard at the time of casting. Once the spell is cast, the dragon knows the exact value of the collective hoard, as well as the value of specific items (or a collection of similar items, such as a particular coin type) within the hoard. For example, a dragon whose hoard is valued at 50,000 gp knows how much of that amount consists of coins (type and number), how much consists of gems (type, number, and value), and so forth.
In addition, hoard attunement enables the dragon to notice whether any items in the hoard have been disturbed or stolen, even if but a single copper piece is missing. If the dragon is in physical contact with the hoard when it is disturbed, the dragon is immediately aware of the disturbance (even if sleeping, in which case, the dragon always awakes fully alert). If treasure is missing from the hoard, the dragon instinctively detects the distance and direction of the absent treasure with unerring precision, so long as the treasure is within one mile of the dragon per age category. For example, a Great Wyrm can track down missing treasure while it remains within 12 miles. Once the treasure leaves this range, the dragon’s only choice is to continue moving in the direction in which the missing treasure was last detected and hope it comes back in range. Hoard attunement lasts for one month, so long as the dragon remains within the “tracking†range given above. If the dragon is separated by a greater distance for a number of days equal to its age category, the spell immediately ends. Therefore, a dragon who spends too much time attempting to track down a few missing coins could very well lose its attunement with its hoard, in addition to the missing items.
New treasure added to an attuned hoard does not receive the benefits until it has been part of the hoard for a number of days equal to the dragon’s age category. Once this time has passed, the new treasure is regarded as if it had been there when the spell was cast.
Hoard attunement is unaffected by dispel magic and similar spells. To remove it, a full wish, Mordenkainen’s disjunction, or similar magic is required.
The material component for this spell is the dragon’s hoard and holy symbol, neither of which are consumed or otherwise harmed in the casting.
3rd Level
Glyph of Warding: Astilabor’s Curse (Pr 3; Abjuration, Evocation)
Sphere:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Guardian
Range:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Touch
Components:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V, S, M
Duration:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Until discharged
Casting Time:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
Area of Effect:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
Saving Throw:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
A glyph of warding is a powerful inscription magically drawn to prevent unauthorized or hostile creatures from passing, entering, or opening. The glyph of warding: Astilabor’s curse is favored by priests of the Hoardmistress. No other priesthoods are known to use it. The conditions, limitations, and material components for casting a glyph of warding: Astilabor’s curse are the same as for a normal glyph of warding. This glyph may only be inscribed by a dragon with an effective casting level of a 20th level priest.
When triggered, Astilabor’s curse causes the creature who triggered it, and all other creatures within 10 feet, to be filled with insatiable greed. This greed is so powerful that the afflicted creatures regard all valuables they encounter as their own, even those of slight worth, such as copper coins. They will react in a hostile manner to any who would keep any such valuables from them. Creatures affected by this glyph are allowed a saving throw versus spell to avoid the curse, and the effect fades in those afflicted after one day per age category of the casting priest. Regardless of the outcome of the save, affected creatures are teleported 1d6 miles away from the location of the glyph; such teleportation will never teleport the creatures into inherent danger (and active volcano, the den of a bear, etc.), and no save is allowed to prevent the teleportation.
Hoard Armor (Pr 3; Alteration)
Sphere:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Protection
Range:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0
Components:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V, S, M
Duration:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 hr./level
Casting Time:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 6
Area of Effect:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The caster
Saving Throw:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â None
Hoard armor is used by dragons both to take advantage of the large number of coins and gems that comprise their hoards for defensive purposes, as well as to dazzle other creatures with a garish display of their wealth. When this spell is cast, any unsecured gems or precious metals (copper, silver, electrum, gold, or platinum only) that are less than a half pound in weight apiece and within 20 feet of the spellcaster are drawn to the immediate vicinity of the spellcaster’s body. The gems and chunks of precious metal (usually coins) form a whirling cocoon around the spell-caster that shimmers and sparkles in nearly any intensity of light. By means of the magic of this spell, the enveloping hoard never obscures the spellcaster’s face, hands (claws), or feet, so it is possible to eat, talk, cast spells, fight, or walk normally.
If the spellcaster is of huge or gargantuan size, for every 1,000 gems or pieces of precious metal attracted by the spell, the spellcaster receives a +1 bonus to his or her AC. If the spellcaster is of medium or large size, the Armor Class bonus is +1 per 100 gems or pieces of precious metal. If the spellcaster is of tiny or small size, the Armor Class bonus is +1 per 20 gems or pieces of precious metal. In all cases, the maximum AC bonus resulting from this spell is +5.
Although the spellcaster does not physically carry the material components of hoard armor, all movement rates of the spellcaster are reduced by 3, and, if the spellcaster can fly by means of wings or similar natural nonmagical locomotion, his or her maneuverability class is penalized by one class (to a maximum of E).
When this spell expires or a dispel magic or similar incantation is successfully cast, the enveloping hoard armor immediately falls off and is once again subject to the pull of gravity.
Casting this spell is costly, particularly to naturally avaricious dragons, for 1% of the gems and pieces of precious metal composing the hoard armor, selected randomly, are consumed by the magic of this spell and are forever lost. As a result, this spell is not as commonly employed as one might expect.
The material component of this spell is the 1% of the gems and pieces of precious metal used to comprise the hoard armor that are consumed when the spell ends.
Hoard Cache (Pr 3; Alteration)
Sphere:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Numbers
Range:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Touch
Components:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â V, S, M
Duration:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Special
Casting Time:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 6
Area of Effect:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 container
Saving Throw:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â None
Hoard cache provides the casting dragon with a quick and easy means to transport its hoard when circumstances demand relocating to a new lair. The spell enables the dragon to temporarily transform an ordinary box, chest, barrel, or similar enclosed container into an extra-dimensional receptacle akin to a portable hole or bag of holding, though one with near infinite storage capacity. The dragon must touch the container during the spell’s casting or else the spell fails and is wasted.
Once the transformation is complete, the dimensional space remains active indefinitely, provided the dragon maintains physical contact with the container. If the wyrm breaks contact with the container, it remains stable for 1 hour. The dragon can break and reestablish contact repeatedly, but the 1 hour time limit is not renewed with each contact. If the spell expires due to noncontact, the container’s contents are lost forever. Thus, a wise dragon maintains contact as long and often as possible until the hoard is removed from the hoard cache.
As noted, the hoard cache has near infinite storage capacity, enabling it to hold the dragon’s entire trove. The dimensional space is precise in accordance to its cargo, expanding and contracting as treasure is added or removed, but weight never exceeds that of the container itself. It cannot store items that are normally too large to fit through the container’s opening, so larger containers are generally preferable to smaller ones.
A hoard cache container is not affected by dispel magic and similar powers, but as a dimensional space, it is subject to the same dangers associated with portable holes, bags of holding, and similar dimensional receptacles. In this instance, a hoard cache is treated as a portable hole for the purpose of determining the results if it comes in contact with another dimensional container or in case the hoard cache container itself is damaged or destroyed. In the event that the container is brought within an anti-magic shell, dead magic zone, or similar magic-dampening condition, the hoard cache is not negated or destroyed, but cargo cannot be removed or added while it remains in such an area. Noncontact time still counts against the spell if the container is left unattended within such an area. Hoard cache cannot be made permanent, much to the chagrin of those dragons with access to the spell.
The material component for this spell is the priest’s holy symbol.
IS there a reference putting Astilabor on Limbo? Dracomonomicon p. 32 and Races of the Dragon p. 150 both have teh HOrdemistress as neutral with a realm in the Outlands
Yep, Cult of the Dragon p.120. :)