Titania the Faerie Queen

The leader of the Seelie Court, and supreme fairy is Titania, the Faerie Queen. She rules her court with compassion and love, but she posses incredible magical power with which to defend her diminutive subjects. For this write-up, I incorporated an old 1st Edition druid subtype from Dragon #155, for a previous incarnation of the faerie queen named Rhiannon, as well as some medieval folklore about faeries and people said to be touched by them.

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Titania (PDF Version)
(The Faerie Queen, The Queen of Elphame, the Queen of the Seelie Court, the Light Queen)
Greater Power of the Planes, CG(NG)

Portfolio:                 Faerie folk and realms, friendship, magic
Aliases:                     Rhiannon
Domain Name:           Wanders/the Seelie Court (the Gossamer Palace)
Superior:                   None
Allies:                       Angharradh, Baervan Wildwanderer, Corellon Larethian, Damh, Diancastra, Eachthighern, Ehlonna, Erevan Ilesere, Erik, Garl Glittergold, Lurue, Mielikki, Mystra, Obad-Hai, Oberon, Rellavar Danuvien, Rillifane Rallathil, Sarula Iliene, Sehanine Moonbow, Shiallia, Silvanus, Skerrit, Solonor Thelandira, Tapann, Verenestra, the centaur pantheon, the Seelie Court, the Seldarine, the Tuatha Dé Danann
Foes:                           Abbathor, Auril, Cegilune, Erythnul, Kriesha, Malar, Moander (dead), the Queen of Air and Darkness, Shar, Talos, Urdlen, the goblinoid pantheons
Symbol:                     White diamond with central blue star
Wor. Align.:             LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN

The great Faerie Queen is Titania (tie-TAY-nee-ah or tih-TAH-nya), who cares for all faerie folk as a mother does her children, even those who have strayed from her teachings. She is revered by all faeries of the Seelie Court, but brownies, bookas, pixies, and sprites hold her to be their patron. Kindly, gentle, and slow to anger, her diminutive size belies the great magical power she can wield should her fury be unleashed.

Faerie myth is silent on Titania’s origin, leading to much speculation among sages about her early existence. While some hold she is a beneficent reflection of the goblinoids or a diminutive sibling of the Seldarine, the leading theory posits that she is truly ancient, one of a group of primordial powers that includes Annam the All-Father, Io the Ninefold Dragon, and Shekinester the Three-Faced Queen. No myth credits her with creation of multiverse or the world, however, and neither do the faerie folk hold her to have watched as others created, but these creatures do believe she is eternal and timeless. Faerie myth, while briefly describing the origins of the other members of the Inner Circle save Oberon, favors tales with a goal of entertainment rather than explanation, and here the Faerie Queen and her consort often play pivotal roles. Most such tales utilize the frequent marital disputes and jealousies of the couple as framing devices and resolutions that surround other adventurous tales, as do many of Titania’s myths among humans, elves, gnomes, and other races. As the queen and most powerful member of the Seelie Court, Titania’s role is often that of a deus ex machina to solve otherwise unsolvable problems in the mythology, rather than as an active participant.

The Queen of the Seelie Court maintains a wide number of alliances and relations with other powers of goodness, nature, and magic. Chief among these are Corellon Larethian and the elven powers of the Seldarine. So closely aligned are the Seelie Court and the Seldarine that it can be difficult to determine where one ends and the other begins, for no fewer than three of the elven gods can be considered members of the Outer Circle of the Court. Of these, Erevan Ilesere, who is known as the Jack of the Seelie Court, is the most active, but Rellavar Danuvien the Frost Sprite King and Sarula Iliene the Nixie Queen are also regular attendees to Court affairs. It is for these reasons that most sages believe the elven and faerie gods are closely related, possibly with one having been born from the other. Regardless of the history, it is undeniable that almost no other pantheons are as closely allied as the Seldarine and the Seelie Court. A similar, if not quite as close, relationship exists between the Seelie Court and the Tuatha Dé Danann, led by the Daghda. As with the Seldarine, many sages have postulated an ancient relationship between the two pantheons, wherein a split between the civilizing powers lead to those now worshiped by humans, while the more primal deities hid themselves away and became the Seelie Court. Whatever the case, the alliance between these pantheons is real. Finally, she also maintains an alliance with the gnomish pantheon through Baervan Wildwanderer and Garl Glittergold; the close nature of forest gnomes to other sylvan folk and the corruption of the spriggans has created a long-lasting bond between the Seelie Court and the Lords of the Golden Hills.

By contrast, there are far fewer powers that Titania actively opposes, despite there being a large number that actively oppose her Seelie Court. Overall, she wishes well-being and friendship to all creatures, but has sadly felt the need to take active measures to intervene against other powers that covet the magic or homelands of the sylvan races, or who just delight in the slaughter of her small followers. Of these she is most active against the ruler of the Unseelie Court, the Queen of Air and Darkness. There is a significant amount of sadness in the Faerie Queen’s heart for the corruption that has rotted the spirit of the creature myth claims is her sister, and Titania’s opposition holds none of the hatred that consumes the Dark Queen. Thus, her active defense against the activities of the Queen of Air and Darkness is one of earnest necessity, and Titania searches endlessly for some process to restore her dark sibling to the Seelie Court. One of the few powers for whom Titania holds no love is the Hag Goddess, Cegilune. The precise relationship between the two deities is unknown, but mythology and speculation among sages runs the gamut from the pair being sisters (often deemed unlikely considering the existence of the Queen of Air and Darkness) to each goddess being inextricably tied to the other, such that any harm that befalls on is visited on the other equally. Whatever the truth, there is a connection, and it is this relationship that has created the antipathy of Titania; of course, the depredations of Cegilune’s hag followers on the sylvan races would likely be enough to create this relationship alone, many sages point out. In addition to these powers, Titania opposes all those who would despoil sylvan lands and kill the sylvan races, but her actions typically end at the edge of those same sylvan lands, unless aiding one of her allies. Finally, while she does not oppose them, she still blames dwarves and their deities for the corruption that infected the Queen of Air and Darkness; she recognizes that they were not truly responsible, but so deep was her love for her sister, and so deep does she feel her loss, that she has had difficulty letting go of the blame.

Titania is active on the Prime Material Plane, sending avatars frequently to visit with faerie folk in their hidden realms. She sometimes also takes a special interest in non-faerie folk, especially young lovers who are forbidden to be with each other by parents or society. She has also been known to take handsome males of various races as lovers from time to time. Existential threats to sylvan lands or races, especially when orchestrated by another deity, also cause her to act. When dispatching an avatar, she is almost always accompanied by at least one other member of the Inner or Outer Circle.

Titania’s Avatar (Enchanter 40, Illusionist 40, Druid 32)
Titania appears as an ageless female faerie of great beauty with gossamer wings like those of a butterfly. She has flawless pale skin, strongly elven features, and penetrating, wise eyes of blue-grey. Her long hair never seems to be the same style twice, and while flaxen and honey-brown are the most common shades, it can be almost any conceivable color. She always wears delicate, beautiful dresses in a bewildering variety of styles and colors. Jewelry is also a common accessory, but it is never gaudy or ostentatious. She draws her spells from all schools and spheres, but rarely uses magic that causes direct damage or pain.

AC −7; MV 12, Fl 48 (MC A), Sw 12; HP 128; THAC0 0; #AT 1
Dmg 1d3+4 (dagger +4)
MR 90%; SZ S (3½ feet tall)
Str 12, Dex 23, Con 15, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 24
Spells P: 14/13/13/12/11/10/8, W: 11/11/11/11/11/11/11/10/10*
Saves PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 5; BW 7; Sp 4
* Numbers assume one extra enchantment/charm and one extra illusion/phantasm spell per spell level.

Special Att/Def: Titania avoids combat if possible, favoring the use of magic to subdue, frighten, or pacify those who would do her harm; she resorts to utilizing harmful magic if these options fail or are not possible. She carries a small dagger +4 named Midsummer’s Touch that can put any creature struck to sleep, unless a saving throw versus spell with a −4 penalty is successful; this blade is mostly for decoration, however. The diamond-tipped wand Titania always carries, called the Sceptre of Elphame, has all of the functions of a staff of power, and the diamond on the tip has the powers of a gem of brightness. Further, it conveys a +2 protection bonus and radiates both prayer and protection from evil, 30ʹ radius. Finally, the wand can purify food and drink, create food and water, and create a heroes’ feast twice per day each.

Titania has a natural charm aura that is so strong that any creature seeing her must make a saving throw versus spell with a −10 penalty or be forever unable to attack her. The Faerie Queen can recognize and magically detect pure water, poisons, and natural plant and animal types at will. She can geas any creature to never enter deep sylvan lands for the rest of its life, with no save permitted. She can summon swarm at will, and six times per day she can summon up to 80HD worth of woodland creatures. In addition to any other actions, she can entangle creatures with a simple wave of her hand (a saving throw is allowed with a −6 penalty). Within woodland environs, and for 10 turns after leaving, Titania can cast detect charm, detect magic, detect invisibility, ESP, faerie fire, forget, know alignment, plant growth, speak with animals, and obscurement at will, and goodberry six times per day. In addition, she is able to pass without trace automatically, and move silently and hide in undergrowth (as hide in shadows) in such areas with a 95% success rate.

Titania is immune to all illusion/phantasm spells, mind-controlling magic and psionics, symbols, and power words, as well as caused wounds, poison, paralyzation, disease, death magic, polymorph attacks, and weapons below +3 enchantment. Even if magically compelled, no sentient non-evil plants, non-evil faerie creatures, or normal woodland animals will attack her. However, outside of a sylvan environment, her magic resistance is halved and she suffers a +4 penalty to her Armor Class.

Other Manifestations
Titania manifests subtly, usually through magical effects that serve to hide followers or beguile hostile forces. She is especially fond of using her power to lead foes of her fairy folk into dangerous situations with wildlife or monsters. She can also blanket areas of woodland in heavy fog, within which she will often create ghostly lights and voices to distract and frighten hostile creatures. This fog may also induce deep sleep or amnesia, allowing her sylvan followers to remove the creatures without harm if they are acting out of ignorance or without overt maliciousness. She has also been known to guide lost creatures through woodlands with mystical lights or small animals if they have shown themselves to be respectful of their surroundings.

As a member of the Seelie Court, Titania is served primarily by aasimon, asuras, and eladrins (especially coures), but she also calls upon normal and giant animals of all sorts, aasimar, amber dragons, cath shee, coltpixies, cooshee, feystags, forest gnomes, hybsils, kercpa, moon dogs, moon-horses, moonstone dragons, silver dogs, sunflies, sylvan elves, and voadkyn. She demonstrates her favor through the surprise appearance of beautiful flowers and glistening morning dew, as well as the discovery of fairy rings and toadstools, the sound of ephemeral giggles and laughter, and small, natural environments of breathtaking beauty. She does not display her displeasure through any discoveries, but those who incur her disfavor can feel her disappointment in them.

The Church
Clergy:                      Clerics, specialty priests, druids, rangers, wizards
Clergy’s Align.:      LG, NG, CG, N, CN
Turn Undead:           C: Yes, SP: No, D: No, R: No, W: No
Cmnd. Undead:         C: No, SP: No, D: No, R: No, W: No

All clerics, specialty priests, and druids of Titania receive religion (Seelie Court) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

Followers of Titania are well-respected in sylvan communities as leaders and wise counsellors. They are seen as acting in her stead in many faerie communities, especially among the bookas, brownies, pixies, and sprites. Older female followers especially are treated as communal mother figures who young folk often consult for life advice. They often serve as intermediaries between faerie folk and the larger demihuman and human cultures that live nearby.

Temples and shrines dedicated to Titania are very rare, as her followers tend to worship in naturalistic environments. Meadows and glades are particularly favored, especially when wildflowers are in bloom. Among her small non-faerie following, shrines take the form of wreathes of local leaves intertwined by silver thread or thin silver chains, with a dangling star pendant hanging to the center of the wreath. Faerie shrines and temples are typically built high in tree boughs and designed to be completely camouflaged with the leaves and branches of the tree it resides in.

Novices in the service of the Faerie Queen are known as Peaseblossoms, while full priests are known as Glorianas. No formal hierarchy exists within the Titanian church; younger priests give deference to their elders among faerie kind, while non-sylvan races treat each other with nominal equality. Some elder priests are granted special titles by their younger brethren out of respect for their wisdom and deeds. Specialty priests are known as fae knights. As might be expected, more females (72%) are drawn to the Faerie Queen’s service than males (28%). The majority of the Titanian priesthood is composed of specialty priests (48%) and druids (34%), with the remainder made up of rangers (8%), clerics (6%), and wizards (4%). Pixies (24%), sprites (22%), and brownies (20%) are the bulk of Titania’s priesthood, with much smaller numbers of bookas and other faerie creatures (9%), satyrs (7%), centaurs and their kin (6%), nymphs and dryads (4%), humans and demihumans (mostly sylvan and grey elves, forest gnomes, and tallfellow halflings; 4%), and other sylvan races (6%).

Dogma: The sylvan lands are home to Titania’s children; protect them and the natural magic they contain. Work together with all faerie and sylvan creatures of beneficent intent and share nature’s bounties amongst your neighbors. Be wary of interlopers but show friendship and joy towards those who prove their good intentions. Most faerie folk are small in stature, but magic is a tool to balance the scales.

Day-to-Day Activities: Most of Titania’s followers live lives as others of their race do. They are often looked to for leadership and life advice by other faeries, especially as they get older. They are also quite fond of wild animals, even more so than their races might indicate.

Non-faerie Titanian clergy tend to be more solitary than the faerie priesthood, focusing on the protection of sylvan and faerie lands. They seek to preserve the wild places and natural magics of these lands, while also ensuring they are relatively safe for outsiders of good nature who stray into them. They are not afraid of revealing themselves, but often hide the nature of the deity they worship.

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: The only recognized holy day in the Titanian church is the Golden Jubilee of Titania and Oberon, celebrated every fifty years by all faerie folk. These observances aren’t conducted by the Faerie Queen’s clergy, or any other priesthood, and are in fact a society-wide observance. Priests therefore celebrate wherever they desire.

Major Centers of Worship: Titania’s priesthood does not see places as sacred, and so the clergy has little interest in traveling to places of religious significance. However, the magic and atmosphere infusing deep sylvan lands is considered sacred, but simply existing in proximity is enough to evoke a feeling of religious awe in her priesthood.

Affiliated Orders: The church of Titania sponsors no martial or monastic orders, but there are more than a few adventuring bands that have dedicated themselves to her service. Such bands often consist of young elves and half-elves, with a desire to protect the beauty of the woodlands and have fun while doing it.

Priestly Vestments: Clothing worn by Titania’s clergy in the rare situations where they feel the need to act in an official capacity tend towards the elegant and delicate. Little matters besides the need for them to appear of the finest make and style, and jewelry in the same vein is a common accessory. Colors vary to an individual’s taste, but always match local floral shades. The holy symbol used by the priesthood is a silver diamond with an inset four- or eight-pointed blue star.

Adventuring Garb: The clergy of the Faerie Queen utilize whatever garments are common among their races. Faerie folk use gossamer armor and tiny weapons, while larger races prefer strong armor that is not too restrictive, such as mail and scale armor. The exception to this are most humans and some elves, who use plate armors when possible. Faeries never use shields, but the larger races do fairly often. Weapons favored by the clergy are those useful in hunting, such as bows and spears, as well as swords and natural weapons like staves.

Specialty Priests (Fae Knights)
Requirements:          Intelligence 12, Wisdom 13, Charisma 11
Prime Req.:                Intelligence, Wisdom
Alignment:                NG, CG
Weapons:                   Any
Armor:                       Any
Major Spheres:         All, animal, chaos, charm, creation, divination, healing, plant, sun, time
Minor Spheres:         Elemental, protection, wards
Magical Items:         Same as clerics and wizards
Req. Profs:                Etiquette
Bonus Profs:             Herbalism or survival (forest)

  • Fae knights can be any sylvan race, as well as humans, elves, half-elves, forest gnomes, and tallfellow halflings.
  • Fae knights are not allowed to multiclass.
  • Fae knights have an aura of protection from evil in a five-foot radius, exactly as that of a paladin.
  • Fae knights can select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior and wizard group without penalty.
  • Fae knights can cast animal friendship (as the 1st-level priest spell) or sleep (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per day.
  • At 3rd-level, fae knights can cast create food and water (as the 3rd-level priest spell) or forget (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day.
  • At 5th level, fae knights can cast entangle (as the 1st-level priest spell) or gossamer armor (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 7th level, fae knights can cast animal summoning I (as the 4th-level priest spell) or hallucinatory terrain (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day.
  • At 10th level, fae knights can cast animal summoning II (as the 5th-level priest spell) or call woodland beings (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 12th level, fae knights can cast geas (as the 6th-level wizard spell) on one individual who has wronged a sylvan creature or harmed a woodland environment once per month.
  • At 15th level, fae knights can cast animal summoning III and heroes’ feast (as the 6th-level priest spells) once per week each.

Specialty Priests (Druids)
Requirements:          Wisdom 12, Charisma 15
Prime Req.:                Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment:                N
Weapons:                   Bow, club, dagger, dart, knife, scimitar, sickle, sling, spear, staff, sword (one-handed only)
Armor:                       Padded, leather, or hide armor and wooden, bone, shell, or hide shield
Major Spheres:         All, animal, charm, elemental, healing, plant, sun, time, weather
Minor Spheres:         Protection, travelers
Magical Items:         Same as druids
Req. Profs:                Animal lore or herbalism
Bonus Profs:             Survival (woodland)

Some of Titania’s specialty priests are druids. Their abilities and restrictions, aside from changes noted above and later in this section, are detailed in full in the Player’s Handbook.

  • Titania’s druids may be any race capable of becoming druids.
  • Druids of Titania are not allowed to multiclass.
  • Druids of Titania do not gain the normal druidic power to enter the elemental planes upon reaching high levels.
  • At 2nd level, druids of Titania can turn normal and giant animals just as clerics can turn undead. The same chart is used, with the Hit Dice of the animals compared to the HD entries on the chart. Entries of D (dispelled) are treated as T (automatically turned), but otherwise animal turning functions exactly as undead turning.
  • At 17th level, druids of Titania can summon a korred to serve them for up to an hour once per week.
  • At 18th level, druids of Titania can cast commune with nature (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per week.
  • At 18th level, druids of Titania gain immunity to disease, and they can automatically detect any gates or portals to planar faerie realms, including the Seelie Court itself.
  • At 19th level, druids of Titania can grow a pair of butterfly-like gossamer wings once per day, for up to two hours. These wings grant a movement rate of 15 and a maneuverability class of B.
  • At 20th level, druids of Titania can commune (as the 5th-level priest spell) the Faerie Queen once per month, but only if such contact would lead to a direct benefit for a forested land.
  • At 21st level, druids of Titania can shape change (as the 9th-level wizard spell) once per day. Forms they can assume are all standard faerie creatures save faerie dragons, quicklings, satyrs, swanmays, and sylphs. The change can last up to 24 hours, and the druid gains the Armor Class and abilities of the creature, but retains their own hit points.
  • At 22nd level, druids of Titania can resurrect (as the 7th-level priest spell) any dead, normal animal once per day. There is a cumulative 20% chance that an animal will fail its system shock roll and remain lifeless permanently.
  • At 23rd level, druids of Titania may enter the Seelie Court directly without need of a gate or similar magic. They may only do this on the night of the new moon, although they may return to their plane of origin freely at any time.

Titanian Spells
3rd Level
Gossamer Armor (Pr 3; Invocation/Evocation)
Sphere:                    Protection, Sun
Range:                     0
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 1 turn/level
Casting Time:          1
Area of Effect:         The caster
Saving Throw:        None

By means of this spell, the caster brings into being a suit of plate-like armor of pale gossamer material, spun from moonbeams, dew, and the dappled shadows of the forest. This armor is virtually weightless, adding nothing to the caster’s encumbrance and offering no restrictions to their movement. This armor grants a base Armor Class of 5, plus one point for every five levels the caster has attained (+1 at 5, +2 at 10, etc.). This protection is not cumulative with other armor or magical bonuses from such devices as bracers of defense, rings and cloaks of protection, or similar magic. Dexterity bonuses, shields, cloaks of displacement, and similar protections do function with the gossamer armor, however.

This armor can be dispelled by powerful magical illumination of exceptional brightness, such as a sunray, the flare effect from a gem of brightness, or the sunburst from a wand of illumination. Besides these effects, no spell or spell-like power of 4th level or lower can dispel the armor.

The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a fragrant flower that the caster crushes in his hand during casting.

Seelie Spell of Forgetting (Pr 3; Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere:                    Charm
Range:                     50 yds.
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Permanent
Casting Time:          3
Area of Effect:         50 ft. cu.
Saving Throw:        Special

This spell, which can be cast only by members of the Seelie Court, enables the caster to erase the recipient’s memory of time spent among the faeries. Saving throws are adjusted by a victim’s Magical Defense Adjustment for Wisdom; failure means the recipient remembers nothing.

Should the victim recall anything, the memory is hazy and seems not quite real. The character cannot recollect names, locations, directions, or any other specifics unless the caster so desires. For example, a faerie might cast this spell on a lost traveler to make him or her forget the faerie’s name and the location of the Seelie Court, but may allow the character to remember directions to the nearest safe haven.

If the recipient again encounters a faerie or place “forgotten” as a result of this spell, he or she experiences a sense of deja vu, but does not recall specifics.

The spell does not negate charm, suggestion, geas, quest, or similar effects the recipient may have entered into during time spent among the faeries. The character does, however, forget the circumstances and the spellcaster that bound him or her with such magic.

Only a limited wish or wish can enable someone to recall experiences erased by this spell.

The material component of this spell is one pinch of faerie dust per recipient.

4th Level
Fae Feast (Pr 4; Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere:                    Charm, Creation
Range:                     10 yds.
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Special
Casting Time:          1 rd.
Area of Effect:         1 feast
Saving Throw:        Special

By means of this spell, the caster brings into being a small feast of food and drink, suitable to feed six man-sized individuals. This feast includes well-prepared meats, breads, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and sweetmeats, as well as wine, mead, or other beverages. The caster has considerable leeway in what this spell creates, although all food and drink must be of sorts found locally, rather than exotic cuisine from distant lands.

This feast is filling, easily counting for a full day’s food and drink needs for those consuming it. The food has a delightful aroma and flavor even if the creatures consuming it normally dislike the food in question; no creature will ever refuse the food due to flavor or aroma. At the time of casting the priest can indicate up to six individuals who are compelled to partake in the meal; those who resist this compulsion are allowed a saving throw versus spell to refuse the meal, but they will be unaware of this compulsion unless a detect charm spell is active at the time. No divination spells of 4th level or less will indicate there is any danger in consuming this meal, although it does detect as magical.

While this spell can create a normal, delicious feast, its true power is in a pair of additional effects that the caster can choose to include at the time of casting. The first effect induces sleep in those who consume the meal. This sleep is magical in nature and lasts for 2d6 hours, in which no normal means of waking are possible save wounding the individual. Once the period of magical sleep has elapsed, the creature enters normal sleep to round out a full 12 hours, during which shaking and other normal means can awaken a creature. For example, if 5 hours of magical sleep are indicated, an affected creature will sleep normally for another 7 hours, to the total of 12. The second optional effect is that of amnesia. Creatures consuming the meal will forget all events for the last 6d6 hours and be unable to form long-term memories for 4 hours following consumption of the meal. In addition, they will be in a daze for the period; they can easily be led about, although they will recognize obvious danger and any direct, immediate threat ends the daze. Both of these effects can be activated for a meal, but they cannot be activated individually for each creature who consumes it. If one power is activated, saving throws are made with a −3 penalty, while both being active allow saves with only a −1 penalty. The full portion for each creature must be consumed (requiring at least 30 minutes) for this penalty to apply; consuming less than a full portion, including even a single bite grants a +2 bonus to the saving throws.

The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a natural soporific, such as a poppy flower.


6 Responses to Titania the Faerie Queen

  1. Barastir says:

    Nice entry, thank you. Gonna read more carefully! Keep the good work!!!

  2. Alzrius says:

    In the last sentence under “Other Manifestations,” it says that those who incur her disfavor “feel can feel” Titania’s disappointment.

    Also, the power to enter the Seelie Court without a gate that Titania’s druids gain is listed as only working on nights with a full moon. This is a change from the original write-up in Dragon #155, where it only worked on the new moon.

  3. William says:

    I like the bit about geas to never enter sylvan lands again (essentially banished forever from Fairyland). Some more description from various sourcess:

    Titania is the living embodiment of summer and all that it entails. Growth and beauty attend her at all times. Wherever she treads, summer flowers sprout and bloom. Peace and tranquility adorn her like a veil, and she glows with an enchanting golden light. Within all this beauty is one of the most intelligent and dangerous creatures to ever grace the multiverse with her presence.

    Titania cares for all the faerie creatures, even those turned to evil, whom she ever seeks to bring back into the fold. She watches over all fey beings, and desires nothing more for her charges than that they should live forever in blissful happiness. Or at least, that is how Titania feels on a good day. On a bad day, she is a wicked and capricious schemer. She is known to hold terrible grudges, striking with fiery orbs, summoning woodland allies, and conjuring powerful storms that rain fire and doom. Titania has a bardic proxy, True Tom (sometimes called Thomas the Rhymer) — she made him her consort and enchanted him so he could only speak the truth.

    Titania rules her land from Senaliesse, an awe-inspiring palace of emeralds and other gemstones that blends naturally and effortlessly into the trees, creating a sense of otherworldly wonder. It is said that the Green Lord Oran handcrafted this city for the Summer Queen from the branches of a mighty oak millennia ago. Senaliesse is located in the most beautiful of sylvan woodlands, built among towering trees. It is decorated with flowers, very fine silks of radiant colors, and fountains, all open to the warm sun and bathed in the light of the stars above. Here the inhabitants experience everything as if it is for the first time. It is always peaceful, and pleasures of all kinds can be found within. Representatives of fey from all across the Feywild, as well as occasional guests from the Outer Planes and even the mortal realm, bring lavish gifts and offerings, all in the hope of grabbing the Summer Queen’s eye.

    The lands surrounding Senaliesse are too beautiful for mortal eyes to comprehend. Flowers bloom eternally in the Summer Kingdom, and lakes sparkle as though made of sapphires. Plant life in the region is exceptionally robust. The air is always warm in the lands of Summer (unless Titania wishes it otherwise), and despite the constant twilight of the Feywild, it is much brighter here.

    My favorite picture of Titania:

  4. Tony says:

    Its beyond the scope of this work

    Yet id be fascinated to hear a thought of the authors about titiana’s possible ties to the feywild

    • AuldDragon says:

      I don’t know much about the Feywild, beyond some of the Seelie Court creatures/deities got moved there. It was introduced after 2nd Edition, which is what I generally restrict myself to with these entries.

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