Zaaman Rul, the Prince of Good Fire

The weakest of the archomentals is Zaaman Rul, the prince of good fire creatures and rumored offspring of Imix. Representing the positive and beneficial aspects of fire, he perhaps naively attacked his father’s forces, but suffered a complete rout, forcing him into hiding until he can rebuild. Nothing like an underdog on the side of good to generate some excellent plot hooks!

Zaaman Rul (PDF Version)
(The Prince of Good Fire Creatures, the Archomental of Good Fire, the Beacon of Warmth)
Near Power of the Elemental Plane of Fire, NG

Portfolio:                 Elemental fire, warmth, harnessing of fire, cleansing flames, persistence
Aliases:                     None
Domain Name:           Elemental Fire/Wanders (in Hiding)
Superior:                   None
Allies:                       Amaimon, Chan, Darahl Firecloak, Hiatea, Sunnis
Foes:                           Asgeroth, the Elder Elemental God, Garyx, Imix, Surtr
Symbol:                     Sword made of flames
Wor. Align.:             LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN

Representing the beneficent power of fire among the archomentals is Zaaman Rul (ZAH-mahn ROOL). He embodies the power of fire to create tools in a forge, turn clays into strong bricks and pottery, and bring out delicious flavors and nutrients in meals. His power offers light to read and learn by, and his heat protects against deadly cold. He strives to bring benefit to all creatures with his flame, but as the weakest of all the archomentals, he is keenly aware of the disparity that often exists between good and evil.

While there are competing theories about the origins of the other good archomentals, virtually all agree that Zaaman Rul is the bastard son of none other than Imix himself. Of his mother, no solid information exists, but many tales swirl about her identity, favoring such beings as an azer, a fire giantess, or efreeti noble. These tales have no backing evidence, and all are fanciful romances, causing many sages to dismiss them out of hand. The most popular tale in the City of Brass claims that Imix wooed and seduced an azer princess, but after bearing him a child he set her aside and ignored her. She raised their son alone in the depths of the Temple of Ultimate Consumption. When he was old enough, Zaaman Rul joined the ranks of Imix’s fire elementals, and quickly rose through the ranks. But the diabolic actions of Imix and his followers disgusted him, and he fled his father’s domain to raise an army to overthrow his tyrant of a father. Whatever the truth, Zaaman Rul certainly did rise to oppose his father due to differences in philosophical outlook.

The opposition of the Archomentals of Good and Evil Fire Creatures came to head when Zaaman Rul led his forces against those of his father. Confident he had gathered an army that could best his father’s, the battle was joined on the Plain of Burnt Dreams surrounding the Temple of Ultimate Consumption. Unfortunately for the forces of good, this battle was a resounding defeat for the Archomental of Good Fire Creatures, and his followers were destroyed or scattered to the far reaches of the plane in the rout. It is widely believed that naïveté on the part of the youngest archomental caused him to believe that good always triumphs over evil if it but tries, while others claim it was simply Imix’s greater tactical ability that won the day. Persistent rumors claim Zaaman Rul carried some powerful artifact of good into the battle, but a surprise charge from Imix’s pit fiend general Asgeroth penetrated to the heart of his forces and in the desperate fighting the artifact was lost beneath the flames of the Plain. Eager treasure hunters have been spotted searching the area for signs of it, hoping to sell it to whichever archomental offers the highest reward. Since the battle, Zaaman Rul has been in hiding, slowly working to reestablish his forces and gather new allies; he has sworn to never again overestimate his own capabilities. Still, it is clear that he is undeterred in his hopes for a better Plane of Fire, despite a wide-held belief within the City of Brass that his defeat may have solidly swung the plane towards the power of evil.

Since the rout on the Plain of Burnt Dreams, Zaaman Rul has realized he needs more allies in his battle against the forces of evil. He has long been on good terms with Amaimon, King of the Azer, and most residents of the plane believe he currently hides within one of the many azer towers. He has long been strongly allied with his brethren among the Archomentals of Good, apart from the boorish Ben-hadar; however, Chan and Sunnis are kept busy with their own struggles against their opposite numbers. He has made an alliance with Hiatea the Huntress, the giantish goddess of protection as she has a keen interest in the proper and beneficial usage of fire, and some efreet in the City of Brass have claimed they are aware of a mercenary group of fire giants who have signed on to fight for the Archomental of Good. His most recent alliance is with Darahl Firecloak, the estranged elven god of fire and earth. He has attempted to ally with the dragon goddess Elemtia, but as yet has seen no success with his entreaties.

Before his defeat, some of Zaaman Rul’s followers had begun to cultivate followings on the Prime Material Plane, but he can spare none for such efforts at this time. Until he can re-establish himself on the Plane of Fire and secure his realm from attacks by Imix, it is unlikely he will spend any new efforts on recruiting among Prime Material races, nor is he likely to visit that plane. Still, some of his cults are perpetuating themselves, and he does what little he can spare to aid them.

Zaaman Rul’s Form (20-HD Fire Elemental)
The archomental Zaaman Rul appears as a bare-chested, red-skinned humanoid some ten feet tall, with coal-black hair and eyes wearing a supple kilt of bronze cloth. His voice crackles like flame, but always exudes a comforting warmth. He can make an enormous flaming two-handed sword appear in his hands at will. Full details of his physical form can be found in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III. Should Zaaman Rul become a demipower or more powerful, he is likely to continue to use a modified version of this form for some time.

Other Manifestations
Zaaman Rul is not able to manifest his power strongly on the Prime Material Plane, and typically only does so to communicate to followers or warn them of danger. These warnings typically take the form of a collapsing log in a hearth or a spurt of flame or sparks. Sometimes it will also take the form of the motions of flames or a sudden, brief flare up of a fire. Only if a follower is near a gate to the plane of fire or performing some task of special import to the Archomental of Good Fire will he manifest more strongly. In these cases, he may cause a flame blade to appear in the air before a follower, which they can take hold of and wield for up to an hour, or he may wreath them in a warm fire shield.

The Prince of Good Fire is served primarily by azer, fire elementals, and firetails, as well as efreeti, fire fundamentals, fire giants, fire mephits, firenewts, helions, lava children, phantom stalkers, salamanders, sun dragons, and tshala. He displays his favor through the discovery of carnelians, fire agates, fire opals, garnets, rubies, and red gems of all sorts, the feeling of pleasantly warm heat without a source, the smell of cooked food, and the pleasing crackle of a hearth fire. He displays his displeasure through the violent flickering of flames where there is no cause, the roar of an unseen inferno, uncomfortably intense heat with no source, and the smell of incredibly burnt food.

The Church
Clergy:                      Clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, shamans, wizards
Clergy’s Align.:      LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Turn Undead:           C: Yes, SP: No, Cru: No, Sha: No, W: No
Cmnd. Undead:         C: No, SP: No, Cru: No, Sha: No, W: No

All clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, and shamans of the Prince of Good Fire receive religion (Zaaman Rul) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. As Zaaman Rul is only a near-power, he can only grant 3rd-level spells to his followers on the Prime; if he appears in person, or for those on the Elemental Plane of Fire, he is able to grant 4th-level spells as well.

Even on worlds where other cults of the various archomentals thrive, there may be none dedicated to Zaaman Rul. Where they do exist, they are mostly found among learned folk with detailed knowledge of the inner planes; otherwise, they tend to be found among breakaway groups of firenewts or fire giants who reject the normal hostile attitudes of their societies. The cults of the Archomental of Good Fire rarely can function openly, as the faiths of Imix and Kossuth accept no alternatives to their authority or outlook. When they are found in otherwise good human or demihuman societies, they tend to be viewed with suspicion as strange outside cults, at least initially, although outright suppression is not common. As such members strive to show their neighbors the positive and beneficial nature of their faith.

No firm architectural styles or themes are found across Zaaman Rul’s cults. When built, their temples and shrines normally follow common styles of the communities in which they are found. Accents and decorations are typically made of cast bronze, and predominant colors are reds and oranges, with accents of black or dark grey. When possible, temples are built in close proximity to naturally hot locations, like hot springs, geysers, and volcanic vents. Finally, the symbol of a giant flaming sword will be displayed prominently, and shrines always include a miniature model of such a sword as well. Zaaman Rul is unlikely to dictate a temple style on the Elemental Plane of Fire until he can secure a new realm.

Cults dedicated to the Prince of Good Fire on the Prime Material Plane tend to have unique hierarchies with no resemblance to each other; this is unlikely to change in the near term. On his home plane, the hierarchy he established for his faithful was destroyed when his army was routed; it is not likely to change as Zaaman Rul rebuilds his following. Novices in the service of the Archomental of Good Fire Creatures are called the Unlighted, while full priests are called the Illuminated. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Zaaman Rul’s clergy are Flame of the Candle, Flame of the Hearth, Flame of the Oven, Flame of the Kiln, Flame of the Forge, and Beacon of the Pharos. Specialty priests are called thermogens. Due to the destruction of his planar forces, Zaaman Rul’s clergy is now overwhelmingly dominated by his Prime Material shamans (70%); the remainder includes priests mostly found on the Prime and only a handful still found on the Plane of Fire, including wizards (18%), clerics (9%), specialty priests (2%), and crusaders (1%). For the same reason, his priesthood is now overwhelmingly dominated by Prime Material creatures, including humans (59%), firenewts (28%), dwarves and gnomes (3%), and fire giants (3%); on the Elemental Plane of Fire, Zaaman Rul can still include azer (4%), fire genasi (2%), and other planar creatures (efreet, salamanders, etc., 1%) in his clergy’s ranks. Finally, where his followers have no preference for priestly gender, his clergy breaks down fairly evenly between males (52%) and females (48%).

Dogma: Fire is a beacon in darkness, revealing that which needs to be seen and warding off danger. Fire wards off cold, ensuring survival even in the most frigid of locations. Fire can strengthen and transform materials. Fire turns inedible food edible; it turns soft clay into hard pottery; it turns worthless rock into metal tools, armor, and weapons. Fire burns away filth and disease both inside the body and out, but it must be respected lest it blaze out of control. Use fire to improve life for yourself and those around you.

Day-to-Day Activities: Zaaman Rul’s few remaining faithful work to re-establish his faith on the Plane of Fire, and on the Prime Material, they work to spread his tenets to those who work with fire to benefit others. As such, many of his followers are smiths, potters, and cooks, all of whom understand the power and benefit of flame.

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: As yet no widespread holy days are celebrated by the faithful of the Prince of Good Fire. His followers on the Prime Material Plane often create holy days unique to individual cults, with names like Day of the Kiln, Day of the Forge, or Day of the Oven. These days celebrate the use of fire in these professions, but they share no common rites at this time.

Major Centers of Worship: No central sites of worship of Zaaman Rul exist; once he establishes an open realm it is likely to become a center of his faith, however. It is rumored that there exists a hidden temple within the City of Brass, but its location, if it exists, is not even hinted at in the rumors. While the efreet of the City keep their options open by openly honoring a great many fiery powers, it is likely they already see the Prince of Good Fire as out of his league in the plane’s power struggles and would not wish to anger Imix by allowing an open temple to exist.

Affiliated Orders: Before the disastrous battle against Imix’s forces, the Prince of Good Fire Creatures had established an order of crusaders called the Arm of Light. This order was in the vanguard of the army, and widely believed to have been completely wiped out in the fighting. Rumors persist that a couple survived, however, and are in hiding and working to restore the order. Regardless, it is likely that Zaaman Rul will himself re-establish the Arm of Light once he secures a new realm.

Priestly Vestments: On the Prime Material Plane, vestments vary wildly from one cult of the Archomental of Good Fire to another, although robes of some sort in reddish hues are common. On his home plane, Zaaman Rul has directed his faithful to wear orange robes with red hems and yellow fringes at the collar and cuffs, and heads are to be uncovered. When wearing armor for ceremonial purposes, it is to be made of metal, preferably bronze, and painted orange. The holy symbol used by the priesthood is a cast bronze pendant of a flaming sword.

Adventuring Garb: As with the vestments, non-ceremonial garments vary from cult to cult. If appropriate, however, warm colors are generally chosen. Members of the faithful favor the best armor and weapons they can get, and many try to learn the use of incendiaries when possible. On the Plane of Fire, the faithful of the Archomental of Good Fire utilize heavy armor and swords whenever possible.

Specialty Priests (Thermogens)
Requirements:          Strength 10, Constitution 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12
Prime Req.:                Strength, Wisdom
Alignment:                NG
Weapons:                   All bludgeoning (wholly type B) weapons, plus any swords and torch
Armor:                       Any
Major Spheres:         All, astral, combat, creation, elemental (fire), healing, summoning, sun
Minor Spheres:         Divination, elemental (air, earth), war
Magical Items:         Same as clerics
Req. Profs:                Blacksmithing, cooking, fire-building, pottery (choose one)
Bonus Profs:             Survival (desert or volcanic regions)

  • Thermogens can be of any race capable of becoming priests, although most are azer, fire giants, or genasi. Until Zaaman Rul becomes a true power, only those trained by another specialty priest or those who travel to the Elemental Plane of Fire to train directly with him or his servants can become a specialty priest.
  • Thermogens are not allowed to multiclass.
  • Thermogens may select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior group without penalty.
  • Thermogens may use any weapon that produces flame, such as a flame tongue sword, regardless of class restrictions. They suffer no non-proficiency penalties with such weapons. Furthermore, they deal an extra point of damage with these weapons, but they suffer an extra point of damage from any weapon that produces cold such as a frost brand Only weapons are affected, whether they are natural, magical, or temporarily generated from a spell; the extra damage does not extend to spells or other effects.
  • Thermogens take twice as long to suffocate when in smoke. Further, they gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws versus any attacks that involve smoke, heat, or fire.
  • Thermogens can cast wizard spells from the school of elemental fire as described in the Limited Wizard Spellcasting section of “Appendix 1: Demihuman Priests” in Demihuman Deities.
  • Thermogens can cast affect normal fires (as the 1st-level wizard spell) or firelight (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 3rd level, thermogens can cast flame blade or produce flame (as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.
  • At 5th level, thermogens can cast Agannazar’s scorcher (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) or pyrotechnics (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 7th level, thermogens can cast fire aura or wall of fire (as the 4th-level wizard spells) once per day. Currently, this power is limited to those thermogens who operate on the Elemental Plane of Fire; should Zaaman Rul eventually become a demipower, this and the other powers listed hereafter will become available.
  • At 9th level, thermogens can no longer suffocate from smoke inhalation, being able to breathe it freely; other forms of fouled air still affect them normally, however. Further, they are completely immune to heat and fire damage, but suffer an additional +1 point of damage per die from water, ice, and cold attacks.
  • At 10th level, thermogens can summon 1d4 fire mephits or lesser firetails who serve faithfully, even laying down their lives, for 6 turns. The creatures appear anywhere designated within a 30-yard radius on the round after the summoning. This summoning can be performed once per week.
  • At 16th level, thermogens can summon a 16-HD fire elemental once per week. The elemental is utterly loyal and control cannot be wrested by another spellcaster. The elemental serves for one turn per caster level, until dismissed by the caster, or until dispelled by the appropriate magic.

Zaaman Rular Spells
2nd Level
Forged in Flames (Pr 2; Alteration)
Sphere:                    Creation
Range:                     Touch
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Instantaneous
Casting Time:          1 turn
Area of Effect:         Special
Saving Throw:        None

By means of this spell, the caster may touch an unfinished item and cause it to become processed as if by heat or flame. For example, touching a mound of dough will cause it to bake as if it had been in an oven for an appropriate amount of time and an unfired clay bowl will be processed as if it had been in a kiln. Items processed this way are completed crudely but serviceably; bread would be bland and tasteless, but provide the necessary nutrients, and a fired clay plate would be ugly and poorly shaped but would not be cracked or shaped in a way that it couldn’t hold food. If the caster has an appropriate proficiency (cooking, pottery, blacksmithing, etc.) the item produced will be plain and of average quality but with no defects; bread would taste fine, a clay pot would be properly formed but plain in coloring, etc. The caster can use this spell to process a single item per level, of up to one cubic foot of volume total. This spell has no effect on items that have already been processed or those that are not processed through flame or heat.

The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a fragment of an item processed by fire or heat, such as a piece of cooked food, a pottery sherd, or a nail.

3rd Level
Zaaman Rul’s Sword (Pr 3; Invocation/Evocation)
Sphere:                    Elemental Fire
Range:                     0
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 1 rd./level
Casting Time:          6
Area of Effect:         6-ft. long blade
Saving Throw:        None

This spell, similar to the flame blade spell, causes a blazing beam of red-hot flame to sprout from the caster’s hand. This beam is larger than that created by the flame blade spell, and must be wielded in two hands, as a two-handed sword. This beam of fire cannot be dropped or transferred to another individual, but the caster suffers no nonproficiency penalties when attacking with it. The damage caused by this spell is 1d4+6 points of damage against man-sized or smaller creatures and 3d3+9 points of damage to those larger than man-sized, plus a further 2 points against undead and those creatures vulnerable to fire attacks. Against creatures protected against fire, damage is reduced by two points; creatures immune to fire suffer no damage from Zaaman Rul’s sword. The weapon strikes as a +2 weapon, although it gains no attack bonuses. It can easily ignite flammable materials as a torch or flame tongue weapon and gives off as much light as a bonfire. This spell does not function underwater.

If the caster uses a 500 gp diamond as an additional material component in the casting of this spell, the blade becomes a cold fire blade; in such a case, fire creatures suffer full damage from the weapon, while all other creatures suffer the above reduced damage and undead are immune to the sword’s damage. It cannot ignite materials but still does not function underwater.

The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a small bronze model of a flaming sword.

4th Level
Cleansing Flames (Pr 4; Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere:                    Elemental Fire
Range:                     60 yds.
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Instantaneous
Casting Time:          1 rd.
Area of Effect:         30-ft. cube
Saving Throw:        Special

When this spell is cast, a burst of flame and heat briefly fills the area designated by the priest. This heat and flame burns off any fog or foulness in the air as well as scouring surfaces clean and burning off taints in any water within the area. Gaseous spell effects such as stinking cloud and cloudkill are eliminated in the area. Molds, oozes, slimes, and similar creatures that are vulnerable to fire are eliminated entirely if they are less than 3 hit dice; those that have 3 HD or more are allowed a saving throw versus death to avoid being slain. Further, magical oils, grease spells, and similar surfaces are destroyed, as well as mundane filth, dirt, and dust are burned away leaving a fine dust that is easily blown or swept away. The cleansing flame scours water clean of contaminants, although it leaves a burnt smokey flavor in any water affected. It cannot change salt water to fresh or other liquids to water, however.

Any creatures caught within this spell suffer 1d3 points of damage, plus 1 per level of the caster; undead creatures suffer double damage; a saving throw versus spell indicates a character has successfully escaped the area of the cleansing flames. However, all nonmagical diseases and poisons within a creature affected are eliminated due to the magical heat. Flammable materials such as wood or paper are not ignited by this spell, nor are surfaces damaged; however, highly combustible materials such as lamp oil, greek fire, and smoke powder must make a saving throw versus magical fire or be ignited, with normal effects for the volume of the material so ignited.

The material component for this spell is the priest’s holy symbol.

2 Responses to Zaaman Rul, the Prince of Good Fire

  1. Paul E Leone says:

    Nice! I always wanted there to be more lore about the good archomentals and your write-ups are fantastic. Zaaman Rul is one of my favorites – as you said, the underdog recovering from a defeat offers a lot of plot hooks.

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