Memnor the Deceiver

December 10, 2013

Memnor is one of the more interesting of the evil giantish gods. As patron of evil cloud giants, he is directly opposed to Stronmaus and Annam, and in myth, is often said to be brother of one or the other. His worship is fairly complex, as it is subtle and focuses on charm and deception. In my research for divinities in other sources, I stumbled across an adventure in Dungeon #16 that offered a perfect opportunity to craft an alternate persona for Memnor, as not all of the giants know of his evil; the adventure “Palace in the Sky” by Martin & John Szinger included a very brief mention of a deity named Vilya in an evil cloud giant castle which I was able to incorporate into Memnor’s description as a false god of the openly evil cloud giants (as opposed to evil cloud giants within larger giantish society). Enjoy!  Read the rest of this entry »

Surtr the Black

August 10, 2013

Surtr is the patron of fire giants, and of the same generation as Thrym and Skoraeus. Like his brother Thrym, he has also become obsessed with the affairs of the Aesir, in part due to his hatred of the god Freyr. He is much more patient than his chaotic brother, and is willing to wait until the right time to make his move and lead his armies against Asgard, and slowly builds the strength of his warriors. Enjoy! Read the rest of this entry »

Thrym, the King of Ice

July 25, 2013

Thrym is of the same generation of giantish deities as Skoraeus and Surtr, and like them, he has chosen to be patron to one specific breed of giant, the frost giants. His narrow focus on just one breed of giant, evil nature, and obsession with Freya and the other Aesir and Vanir have made him a disappointment to his father Annam. Enjoy! Read the rest of this entry »

Gorellik the Loner

July 10, 2013

Gorellik was once the primary patron of gnolls and flinds, but as those races have turned to other gods, he has languished and lost power. I’ve always thought Gorellik was an under-appreciated deity in the game, and a pretty interesting individual. I’ve tried to embellish his history a bit with some additional speculation on his origins, and set him up to be a more useful deity to DMs who want to make more varied gnollish cultures. Enjoy! Read the rest of this entry »

Kostchtchie, the Demon Prince of Wrath

June 26, 2013

Kostchtchie is another tanar’ri prince who is a true success story. Once a mortal human, he has risen to the rank of Abyssal lord and beyond, to become a true divinity. He is a hateful power of violence who lives in a realm of harsh ice and snow. He has attracted worship from the most violent and power hungry amongst the frost giant race through promises of wizardly magic, power over dragons, and priestly magic. Enjoy!

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Skoraeus Stonebones, the Living Rock

June 16, 2013

Skoraeus is of the same generation as Thrym and Surtr, and like them, has become the patron of one of the breeds of giants. Unlike his brothers, he is not evil; but their evil has cause him to turn away from the wider world to focus solely on his followers. As a god of crafts and artistic creation, he is still venerated by the other giant breeds, however.

I’m trying something a bit different with this post. I’ve noticed that the PDFs come up on Google much more often than the blog posts, so I’m making the deity entries in-line so they come up instead. Feedback is appreciated. This will not be the end of the PDFs, but I need to think about how to make them easily available but not have Google searches end up on them rather than the blog itself. Enjoy!

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Refnara the Moon-Biter

May 10, 2013

Refnara is the old Gnoll goddess of fear, mentioned solely in the adventure “To Bite the Moon” in Dungeon #48. There was quite a bit in that adventure to extrapolate from, and I drew upon a bunch of ideas I had floating around to make quite an interesting deity, I think. Enjoy!

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Baphomet, Demon Lord of Minotaurs

April 10, 2013

Baphomet, like Yeenoghu, is a tanar’ri power who has gained enough power to become a full-fledged deity, adopting minotaurs as his followers. As he believes he is the master of all beasts, he spends a great deal of time creating and modifying new monsters; similarly, many wizards with a desire to do the same are drawn to his service. Enjoy!

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Nomog-Geaya the General

December 25, 2012

The last member of the goblin pantheon is the patron of the hobgoblins, Nomog-Geaya. A merciless combatant and commander, he is the perfect epitome of the ideal hobgoblin warrior. His priests are brutal and belligerent fighters, leading forces into battle at any opportunity. They are so well known for their rigid discipline that Nomog-Geaya has been known to punish those who show excessive emotion, even if it is from such spells as Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter. Enjoy!

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Meriadar the Patient One

December 10, 2012

Like Stalker, Meriadar is an outlier amongst the goblinoid deities. However, unlike that spiteful power, Meriadar has a race to call his own: the oft-enslaved mongrelmen. Through patience, tolerance, and understanding, he hopes to bring all the goblinoid races out from the shadow of evil. Enjoy!

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