Oberon the Faerie King

April 1, 2021

Oberon the Faerie King is a god of male faerie warriors and hunters, and patron of wild places and the beasts who live there. He is consort to Titania, but is not fond of the politics of the Seelie Court and prefers to stay away when possible. He is a tireless defender of the sylvan races, and is more than willing to take the fight to the Court’s foes.

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Naralis Analor, the Watcher of Souls

March 1, 2021

Another of the minor Seldarine deities published originally in Dragon #155 and updated in #236, Naralis is a god of healing and death. He serves Sehanine in this capacity, while his priests often serve the elven nations in classic medic roles.

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Kil’lix the Ambitious

February 1, 2021

Another of the neogi deities from Dragon Magazine #214, Kil’lix represents the cutthroat nature of neogi advancement. He is a god of death, and teaches his followers to gain power through poison and murder.

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Verenestra the Oak Princess

January 1, 2021

Daughter of Titania and Oberon, Verenestra possesses an unearthly beauty that is dimly reflected in the nymphs, dryads, and sylphs of the Prime Material Plane that worship her. She is a flightly and vain, but ultimately cares deeply for her faerie folk.

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Cador the Shadow Knife

December 1, 2020

Cador is virtually unknown dwarven deity of revenge and hatred, not truly part of the Morndinsamman, but also acting as a dark reflection of the pantheon as a whole. He only shows up in a single 1st Edition adventure, Nigel Findley’s “Caermor” from Dungeon #2 (and reprinted in 2nd Edition’s Dungeon anthology release, “Dungeons of Despair”). I expanded upon the slight details there to make Cador a full-fledged deity.

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Kr’tx the Flaming Master

November 1, 2020

One of the neogi deities detailed in the article “The Ecology of the Neogi,” in Dragon #214, Kr’tx is that race’s deity of war. It is an unsubtle brute of a neogi, and favored by the umber hulks the neogi keep due to its brutality.

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Eachthighern the Unicorn Lord

October 1, 2020

A member of the Inner Circle of the Seelie Court, Eachthighern is lord of unicorn and pegasi. He is both guardian and healer, and his name is a byword for loyalty among the sylvan creatures.

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Araleth Letheranil the Prince of Stars

September 1, 2020

One of the younger elven deities from the pages of Dragon Magazine, Araleth Letheranil is the god of starlight. He is an adventurous deity that keeps darkness at bay, and opposes many of the traditional enemies of the surface elves, especially drow. These traits have made him particularly popular with the members of the Elven Fleets in wildspace.

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Psilofyr the Spore Lord

August 1, 2020

A contemplative and peaceable deity, Psilofyr is the myconid deity of community and philosophy. It is an ancient power, manifesting as a type of fungal world tree archetype. It dislikes animal life, seeing them as inherently destructive and violently destructive, although it has softened towards races like the svirfneblin that have proven themselves allies to myconids.

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Squelaiche the Court Jester

July 1, 2020

Squelaiche is the patron of leprechauns, and the Court Jester of the Seelie Court. He is a trickster, but his jests and jibes always carry lessons to those they target. He is the only member of the Inner Circle who isn’t related to Titania.

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