Panzuriel the Enslaver

January 1, 2019

Panzuriel is the evil of the depths, partially banished long ago by Deep Sashelas and an alliance of oceanic deities. He raises a rabble of followers wherever he can in order to lay waste to the civilizations on the sea floor, although his favored followers are the kraken and morkoth. Read the rest of this entry »

Fanthros Storm-Hooves

December 1, 2018

This month features the second of the four centaur deities that were listed but not detailed in an old Dragon Magazine articles on centaurs. Fanthros is the patriarch of the small clan of four deities, who all serve under Skerrit the Forrester. Among the small centaur pantheon, Fanthros is the deity of weather, the sky, and agriculture. Read the rest of this entry »

Semuanya the Survivor

November 1, 2018

Wrapping up the reptilian deities is Semuanya, the patron and creator of lizard men and their kin. Semuanya is an aloof deity who exists and survives for the sake of surviving and existing, and teaches his followers that survival and propagation is of paramount importance. Read the rest of this entry »

Persana, Guardian of the Deep

October 1, 2018

Persana is the creator and patron of the tritons, having sculpted them from elemental water and breathed life into them. He is known as one of the greatest architects of the multiverse, having designed a wide variety of wonders throughout the planes. While aloof and generally uninterested in the affairs of others, he recognizes that the other good and neutral races of the deep are more likely to keep to agreements and defend allies in need, and so has thrown his lot in with them. Read the rest of this entry »

Linroth Fleet-Hoof

September 1, 2018

One of the four minor centaur deities mentioned in Dragon Magazine #103, Linroth is a deity of speed, traveling, and merchants. I drew some inspiration from nomadic steppe peoples for the write-up, as well as some elements from Greek mythology. Read the rest of this entry »

Merrshaulk the Serpent Lord

August 1, 2018

While still powerful, the somnolent Merrshaulk is in a slow decline. His chosen followers are the insidious yuan-ti, who lurk in ruins of ancient cities, either remnants of their own past or the remains of places they corrupted and destroyed. His lack of direct attention to his followers has led to a usurpation of his power by other deities on more than one world, however. Read the rest of this entry »

Blibdoolpoolp the Sea Mother

July 1, 2018

Nearly insane, Blibdoolpoolp is patron of the declining subterranean race of kuo-toa. She hates humanity for the ancient wars that drove her race underground, and is well pleased when her followers sacrifice them to her. She is rumored to know great secrets of ancient magics, but in her insanity, she shares them with no one. Read the rest of this entry »

Remnis the Great Lord of the Eagles

June 1, 2018

Flying through the skies of the upper planes is the Great Lord of the Eagles, Remnis. He is said to be the ultimate aerial hunter, and with his great eyesight, he spies out secrets throughout the planes. He perches on the heights of Mount Celestia and in the boughs of the World Tree Yggdrasil, awaiting the call to service. Read the rest of this entry »

Shekinester the Three-Faced Queen

April 1, 2018

Shekinester, creator and queen of the nagas, is one of the most complex deities in the D&D multiverse. She has three distinct aspects, each representing a different alignment, with different portfolios of interest, but all elements of her overriding portfolio of Wisdom.

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Eadro the Deliverer

March 1, 2018

It took me a little while to decide what exactly Eadro represented, as he was described simply as the patron of the merfolk and the locathah. I eventually decided that he represented the strong bonds of community that merfolk and locathah are characterized as having, and this makes him a good addition to the loose “pantheon” of good and neutral aquatic deities.

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