Meriadar the Patient One

December 10, 2012

Like Stalker, Meriadar is an outlier amongst the goblinoid deities. However, unlike that spiteful power, Meriadar has a race to call his own: the oft-enslaved mongrelmen. Through patience, tolerance, and understanding, he hopes to bring all the goblinoid races out from the shadow of evil. Enjoy!

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Gaknulak the Trapmaker

November 25, 2012

Gaknulak is one of the few goblinkin deities with a primarily constructive aspect, being the kobold god of invention, traps, and protective construction. He is reluctantly subservient to Kurtulmak, and is frequently dragged into Steelscales’ ill-fated plots against the Gnomish gods. Enjoy!

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Stalker, the Hateful Shadow

November 10, 2012

Stalker is not fully a part of any goblinoid pantheon,  but is propitiated in many local pantheons as a god of death, particularly amongst the bugbears. It seeks nothing but death and revenge, hunting after all the goblinoid races and anything else that lives in the dark places. Its rare followers operate in secret, plotting revenge and murder upon their personal enemies. Enjoy!

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Bargrivyek the Peacekeeper

October 21, 2012

With a title like The Peacekeeper, one might expect Bargrivyek to be an exile from the goblin pantheon. One could not be more wrong, however; he preaches peace, not between all races, but between goblin tribes so they can more effectively wage war on non-goblins. His priesthood is of particular importance in large goblin and hobgoblin kingdoms, keeping tribal disputes to a lower key or subtly directing blame from goblins to humans, elves, dwarves, or other nearby enemies. Enjoy!

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Skiggaret the Deranged One

September 30, 2012

The last of the bugbear racial deities, Skiggaret the Deranged One is the god of fear, madness, and insanity. He is sent by the other gods of the pantheon to punish tribes or drive them to acts of violence through the fear he brings. He is propitiated by bugbears, but rarely worshiped directly. Those few who do tend to be exiles and wanderers, living on the edge of bugbear society, but too frightening for the members of the tribe to actually kill. Skiggaret was one of  the most enjoyable gods I’ve worked on recently. Enjoy!

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