The creator of the aboleths, known as Piscaethces the Blood Queen, lives deep in a hidden bog-cavern in Minauros. She is a lethargic power despite her desire to guide her followers to domination of all other creatures. She is, however, known to send her occasional offspring to Prime Material Plane, where they often become among the most powerful of savants.
Juiblex the Faceless Lord
May 1, 2022Another of the Tanar’ri lords elevated to godhood, Juiblex is the Demon Prince of Ooze. Patron of aboleths and intelligent amorphs, the Slime Lord has inscrutable and unknown goals, keeping mainly to itself and not even participating in the politics of the Abyss. On the Prime Material Plane, it is also favored by insane cultists or those desiring power. Read the rest of this entry »