Nomog-Geaya the General

December 25, 2012

The last member of the goblin pantheon is the patron of the hobgoblins, Nomog-Geaya. A merciless combatant and commander, he is the perfect epitome of the ideal hobgoblin warrior. His priests are brutal and belligerent fighters, leading forces into battle at any opportunity. They are so well known for their rigid discipline that Nomog-Geaya has been known to punish those who show excessive emotion, even if it is from such spells as Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter. Enjoy!

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Bargrivyek the Peacekeeper

October 21, 2012

With a title like The Peacekeeper, one might expect Bargrivyek to be an exile from the goblin pantheon. One could not be more wrong, however; he preaches peace, not between all races, but between goblin tribes so they can more effectively wage war on non-goblins. His priesthood is of particular importance in large goblin and hobgoblin kingdoms, keeping tribal disputes to a lower key or subtly directing blame from goblins to humans, elves, dwarves, or other nearby enemies. Enjoy!

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Khurgorbaeyag the Overseer

August 10, 2012

Patron of goblins as a race, and a power of strict order and organization, is Khurgorbaeyag. He is one of the few deities who does not have a strong interest in combat, and instead is a deity of slavery and oppression. Similarly, his priests are not front line fighters, and have a great focus on maintaining social order and castes, as well as training and maintaining slaves.

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Maglubiyet the Mighty One

March 14, 2011

Okay, you were probably expecting Trishina next, but she has been slightly delayed (off berrating Deep Sashelas for pursuing an elf maiden, I imagine). Instead, I bring you the chief of the goblin and hobgoblin pantheon, Maglubiyet! Compared to Gruumsh, there was surprisingly little canon on the Lord of Depths and Darkness, so I wasn’t very constrained in my writing. I’m definitely getting a better feel for these documents, too. After working on this one, I’m kind of looking forward to working on Bargrivyek, as I think I’ll turn him into one of the favored gods of spelljamming goblins. That will be a little while off though. Anyway, without further ado, here is Maglubiyet.

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