Diinkarazan the Mad God

December 1, 2021

The second of the Derro Twins, banished from the Morndinsamman for their crimes, is Diinkarazan, the Mad God. Betrayed by his brother and imprisoned by Ilsensine, he has been driven mad by the hallucinations inflicted by the mind flayer god. However, he gains lucidity periodically, but not for long enough to effect his freedom.

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Cador the Shadow Knife

December 1, 2020

Cador is virtually unknown dwarven deity of revenge and hatred, not truly part of the Morndinsamman, but also acting as a dark reflection of the pantheon as a whole. He only shows up in a single 1st Edition adventure, Nigel Findley’s “Caermor” from Dungeon #2 (and reprinted in 2nd Edition’s Dungeon anthology release, “Dungeons of Despair”). I expanded upon the slight details there to make Cador a full-fledged deity.

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