The Faceless God of the Yak-Men

February 1, 2025

The enigmatic yak-men of the Al-Qadim campaign are one of the more interesting “hidden threat” foes in AD&D. They can take over the bodies of humanoids and infiltrate their society in order to undermine and eventually dominate them. Their god is even stranger, for it has no known name but is the source of the ability of the yak-men to summon and control the genies of elemental earth, dao. Read the rest of this entry »

Klikral, the Master of the Mound

July 1, 2023

The enigmatic insectare are a race of insect creatures with an elf-like appearance, first appearing in the second Spelljammer Monstrous Compendium appendix (MC09). Little is known about them other than their reclusive nature and desire to rule the spacelanes by undermining the Imperial Navy and other organizations; neither is there much known about their deity, Klikral. I chose to explore what their connection to the elven peoples are in this writeup of that little-detailed instectoid god. Read the rest of this entry »