Kheiron the Educator

December 1, 2019

One of the most famous centaurs, Kheiron is the offspring of the Titan Cronus, but does not share his disposition towards the Olympians. As such, he is included in both that human pantheon and the centaur pantheon, and has branches of his clergy among both races. Throughout his history, he has taken special interest in educating would-be heroes, and his mythology includes many long lists of the heroes he has educated. Read the rest of this entry »

Persana, Guardian of the Deep

October 1, 2018

Persana is the creator and patron of the tritons, having sculpted them from elemental water and breathed life into them. He is known as one of the greatest architects of the multiverse, having designed a wide variety of wonders throughout the planes. While aloof and generally uninterested in the affairs of others, he recognizes that the other good and neutral races of the deep are more likely to keep to agreements and defend allies in need, and so has thrown his lot in with them. Read the rest of this entry »