Semuanya the Survivor

November 1, 2018

Wrapping up the reptilian deities is Semuanya, the patron and creator of lizard men and their kin. Semuanya is an aloof deity who exists and survives for the sake of surviving and existing, and teaches his followers that survival and propagation is of paramount importance. Read the rest of this entry »

Merrshaulk the Serpent Lord

August 1, 2018

While still powerful, the somnolent Merrshaulk is in a slow decline. His chosen followers are the insidious yuan-ti, who lurk in ruins of ancient cities, either remnants of their own past or the remains of places they corrupted and destroyed. His lack of direct attention to his followers has led to a usurpation of his power by other deities on more than one world, however. Read the rest of this entry »

Parrafaire the Naga Prince

September 1, 2017

Parrafaire is one of the more unusual deities, as he is a servitor of many other powers more than one who has active concerns of his own. He is a guardian of secrets and items of power, but his guardianship is not absolute. He designs traps, tricks, and riddles to test those who search for his charges in order to determine only those he deems worthy gain them. His few worshipers similarly focus on guardianship, although with a much lower focus on testing those who search for their wards. Read the rest of this entry »