Child of Titania and Oberon, Damh (pronounced DAV) is the revelrous patron of satyrs and korred. Despite his love for wine, women, and song, he is the physically strongest member of the Seelie Court, and the first to come to defense of sylvan lands.
Fionnghuala the Mistress of Swans
April 26, 2011This was a really interesting deity to work on, in part because there were multiple sources of information to draw upon. For one thing, Fionnghuala (pronounced Finella), is just about the only deity in Monster Mythology drawn from real-world mythology (Titania and Oberon are literary creations, perhaps based on mythological characters, but not in and of themselves from mythology). I slipped in some other literary mythology as well that seemed fitting. I also decided it made sense to allow half-elves to become swanmays in addition to humans, and I modeled a lot of the game stats on Mielikki.
Skerrit the Hoofed Lord
February 15, 2011As I mentioned in my previous post on Bahgtru, I’d burned out a bit working on another evil orc god. So for this update to Monster Mythology, I decided to work on something completely different, and Skerrit jumped out at me as something that could be a lot of fun, and it was. I really enjoyed working on his writeup, and I think most of you will agree that he is makes a great addition to the existing set of nature deities, such as Silvanus and Rillifane Rallafil. Hopefully my additions to Spelljammer and the Forgotten Realms will be useful, interesting, and welcome.
Which actually reminds me. I’d like to add some Greyhawk flavor to some of these write-ups, but I don’t know the setting all that well, and I don’t want to step on any toes, so to speak. So if anyone knows of any specific locations that are holy to one of the (non-demihuman) gods in Monster Mythology, please let me know! Alternately, if you know of a good location to put something, that would be welcome too!