Ilsensine, the Great Brain

May 1, 2024

The terrible and powerful patron of the illithids is Ilsensine, the Great Brain. A deity of pure mental energy, it exhorts its followers to take their rightful place of domination over all other races of the multiverse. There’s been a lot written about illithids over the years, so this one took a lot of research and I’m pretty sure I still missed a lot of potentially relevant material, but it was still a lot of fun to write! Read the rest of this entry »

Gzemnid the Gas Giant

May 1, 2020

One of Great Mother’s many offspring, and the only one to achieve divinity itself, Gzemnid is a master of air elemental magic and deception. It desires to increase its store of knowledge and magic, but is intelligent enough to know that bargaining for or stealing such things can be just as effective as slaying for them.

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