Iallanis the Tender One

Just in time for Valentine’s Day is the giantish goddess of love, Iallanis. She is one of the youngest members of the Ordning, born after Hiatea’s acceptance by Annam. Her long-term goal is to bring all giants into the fold of good, including the other members of the Ordning, even Memnor and Karontor. She is patron of love in all forms, and the mercy and forgiveness that comes from it. Enjoy!

Iallanis (PDF Version)
(The Tender One, the Floral Giant, Annam’s Gentle Daughter)
Lesser Power of Arborea and Ysgard, NG

Portfolio:  Love, mercy, forgiveness, beauty, flowering plants
Aliases:  None
Domain Name:  Olympus/Florallium and Ysgard/Jotunheim (Blomheim)
Superior:  Annam
Allies:  Baldr, Diancastra, Freya, Fionnghuala, Hanali Celanil, Hiatea, Sheela Peryroyl, Skoreaus Stonebones, Stronmaus, Sune, Tamara
Foes:  Karontor, Memnor
Symbol:  Garland of flowers
Wor. Align.:  LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN

The youngest of all of Annam’s divine children save Diancastra, Iallanis (EE-uh-lan-is) is the giantish patron of love in all its forms. She believes that through love comes mercy and forgiveness, and ultimately unity and redemption for all giants. Iallanis holds a deep passion for beauty, both inner and outer, and sees flowers as the ultimate expression of natural beauty.

Iallanis’s  birth was something of a redemption for Annam, who had begun to despair of the evil that had crept into his creation. Her quickness to forgive others and temperance in the face of her brother’s selfishness quickly made her one of Annam’s favorite children, although she considers her inability to prevent the All-Father’s withdrawal a personal failing. Amongst the other members of the Ordning, she is closest to Hiatea, as love, marriage, and children are so closely intertwined in the two goddesses’ view. However, each places emphasis on different ends of the spectrum, with perpetuating the breeds being of higher importance to the Huntress, while the Tender One believes love should come first, and a childless love no less important than one that produces children. Second only to her relationship with Hiatea is her relationship to Stronmaus, who readily agrees that some of the deepest joys a giant can experience stems from love in one form or another. All three powers form a powerful and unified bloc in the Ordning, and are one of the few reasons the Jotunbrud don’t slip further towards evil. Like Hiatea, she finds herself exasperated at Diancastra’s antics, disapproving of her sister’s frequent flings and lack of discipline; she loves her deeply all the same, however. Her relationship with Skoreaus is surprisingly good, being one of the only members of the Ordning he regularly visits, each sharing new works of art with each other. It is said Iallanis is the only being who has brought a smile to his face since his own withdrawal from the Ordning. While she hates none of her evil kin, she is deeply saddened by their maliciousness, and disappointed that they don’t see the problems their divisiveness brings to the Jotunbrud. She waits stoically for the day they announce their regrets, so she can forgive them and welcome them with open arms. Of course, the same cannot be said for them. While Surtr, Thrym, and Grolantor are dismissive of her, Karontor and Memnor hate her deeply. The former because her goodness and beauty stand in direct opposition to his evil, ugly soul, while the latter sees her as one of the most dangerous influences on the Jotunbrud when it comes to his long-term goals.

Outside of the Ordning, Iallanis is working on cultivating friendships with deities in other pantheons that share her values. Her long term goals are to improve the giants’ relationships with pantheons they are strained with, or outright foes of, despite similar outlooks. Thus far she has had the most success with Sheela Peryroyl of the halflings and Hanali Celenil of the Seldarine; through them she is trying to initiate a friendship with Sharindlar of the Morndinsamman to improve the dwarven outlook of the Ordning. It is said that she was once wooed by the Aesir Baldr, god of beauty and light; while nothing came of it, they remain friends. Through him, Iallanis has also befriended Freya, the Vanir goddess of love, much to Thrym’s annoyance. However, her closest friendship is with the swanmay goddess Fionnghuala. The two deities are constant companions, and each can frequently be found visiting the other’s realm. Their bond is so strong that followers of either deity will always find safe haven amongst followers of the other.

Iallanis is very active on the Prime Material Plane, sending her avatars to observe weddings of good kings, the consecration of a great building, the completion of great works of art, and other occasions of joy and delight for giants. She may also dispatch an avatar to defend giants whose love has been forbidden upon pain of death or great giantish works of art. Finally, she may defend good giantish settlements that are threatened by evil humanoids, although she’ll rarely engage in battle directly. Instead, she prefers to use her powers to disrupt, discourage, or otherwise defuse the threat with a minimum of violence and death.

Iallanis’s Avatar (16-HD Giant, Druid 29, Enchanter 24)
Iallanis appears as a fair-skinned giant with fair hair and dazzling graceful movements. She wears a short green dress from with living flowers grow in ever shifting patterns, and is always bear legged and bare footed. Her laugh is joyful and infectious.  She favors spells from the spheres of charm, divination, elemental, plant, and protection, and the schools of abjuration, divination, and enchantment/charm, although she can cast from any school or sphere, save the sphere of combat.

AC 0; MV 21; HP 199; THAC0 2; #AT 1
Dmg 1d12+7 (touch, +7 Str)
MR 20%; SZ H H (13 feet tall) or G (25 feet tall)
Str 19, Dex 21, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 23, Cha 24
Spells P: 13/12/12/12/11/10/7, W: 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5*
Saves PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 5; BW 5; Sp 4
* Numbers assume one extra enchantment/charm spell per spell level.

Special Att/Def: Iallanis wields no weapons in combat, preferring to use magic to restrain and charm foes. If necessary, she can strike with her open palm, stunning any creature struck for 1d3+2 rounds in addition to normal damage. She can charm person or giant at will in addition to any other actions she takes, and victims save with a −4 penalty, except for giants who save with a −8 penalty. If she desires, her touch can remove any mortal curse three times per day, and she can enchant a container of liquid to become a philtre of love once per day. The Tender One can cast entangle and wall of thorns three times per day each.

No normal animal or plant will attack Iallanis, and she can pass through any terrain unhindered, as pass without trace. She is immune to caused wounds (including harm), poisons, disease, blindness, and energy drains. Her movements cannot be restricted by plants (such as the entangle spell) or purely magical means (such as hold, slow, or a wand of paralyzation).

Other Manifestations
Iallanis may manifest her power in a green radiance that envelops a giant or a plant. This radiance grants giants a +2 bonus to Charisma, sanctuary, protection from evil, or the ability to cure light wounds, neutralize poison, cure disease, or remove curse with a touch. If the radiance envelops a plant, it may be affected as if by plant growth, entangle, or wall of thorns; in all cases, the plants will flower profusely and may grow goodberries if the Floral Giant desires. She sends omens in the form of suddenly blossoming flowers, in which messages can be derived. Flowers may form in a circle of any size, granting sanctuary to all who stand within them. She may also cause a line of flowers to bloom sequentially, leading a creature to a specific destination.

The Tender One’s omens and manifestations appear most often to show her favor for a loving relationship or marriage, and to lead a giant to their destined love. She may also use her manifestations to protect giants who are in love against familial or tribal wishes.

Iallanis is served by aasimar, amber dragons, amber lotus, ashira, asuras, bees, butterflies, dobies, dryads, einheriar, hamadryads, hermitic alaghi, hollyphants, hummingbirds, incarnates of charity, hope, and temperance, lillendi, nymphs, swanmays, treants, and woodland animals of all sorts. She demonstrates her favor through pleasant floral scents, the tinkling of wind chimes, rare wild flowers, emeralds, peridots, and fossil flowers encased in amber. She demonstrates her disfavor through the sudden closing of all flower buds in the area, swarms of grasshoppers and locusts, and the loss of one’s voice just as they are proposing marriage.

The Church
Clergy:                      Clerics, specialty priests, druids, mystics, shamans
Clergy’s Align.:      LG, NG, CG, N
Turn Undead:           C: Yes, SP: Yes, at priest level −2, D: No, Mys: No, Sha: No
Cmnd. Undead:         C: No, SP: No, D: No, Mys: No, Sha: No

All clerics, specialty priests, druids, mystics, and shamans of Iallanis receive religion (giantish) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. All members of Iallanis’s clergy must be happily married to advance beyond 3rd level. All priests of Iallanis, regardless of class, are required to live modest lives and donate excess wealth in the same manner as paladins. They have no explicit requirements with regards to tithing or magical items, but holding onto items that could be better used by the church or other members of the priesthood is frowned upon.

Even amongst tribes of evil giants, Iallanis’s followers are accorded respect. While her clergy is not typically found within such tribes, lay followers of the Floral Giant perform the basic duties of the priesthood, and her priests try to make regular visits to perform their duties as well. The sole exception are tribes that honor Karontor above all others; the hatred his priests hold for the Tender One’s followers cause them to exile or murder any who are found within their tribes. Formorian priests of Karontor hold an especially deep hatred for Iallanis and her clergy, and are likely to attack them on sight. Iallanis’s priests are accorded influential social positions within the tribes of good giants, although they never take positions of power or authority. Her priests are amongst the most likely giants to make friends with non-giants, particularly elves, humans, and swanmays.

The Floral Giant’s priesthood creates naturalistic temples that are built into the landscape. They are usually covered in and surrounded by plants and bushes with bright, fragrant flowers. Shrines dedicated to her are beautiful, living frames of small flowering trees that are enchanted to always flower and be healthy regardless of the season. They are often decorated with small pieces of artwork and statuary made by current and past generations of priests. These shrines are located in public places in giant communities, so any member can visit them and public events can be held before them. Large services of Iallanis are held in beautiful wilderness areas, particularly open meadows filled with wildflowers, although other areas of natural beauty are common in lands that do not contain meadows.

Novices in the service of Iallanis are called Buds. Full priests of the Floral Giant are called Bloomsisters and Bloombrothers, and collectively are known as Bloomchildren. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Iallanan priests are White Lily, Yellow Daffodil, Orange Poppy, Blue Violet, Purple Orchid, and Red Rose. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as florani and druids. Florani tend to be associated with specific tribes, while druids wander from place to place and maintain holy sites. The clergy of Iallanis includes firbolgs (18%), voadkyn (18%), cloud giants (12%), storm giants (12%), stone giants (12%), fog giants (4%), mountain giants (2%), and reef giants (2%). The remaining 20% is composed of a hodgepodge of the other giantish races and a sattering of non-giants, such as elves, humans, ogres, minotaurs, and mongrelmen. Followers of races typically considered ugly (fomorians, mongrelmen, etc.) or brutish (ogres, minotaurs, etc.) by other races often have a reincarnation or redemption aspect to their beliefs, feeling that through worship of Annam’s Gentle Daughter they will be reborn as another race, more pleasing to her eye. This is not seen as heretical by other members of the clergy, but they do not incorporate it into the canon theology of her church. Females (70%) outnumber males (30%) within the priesthood. The Tender One’s clergy is made up of specialty priests (40%), clerics (24%), shamans (20%), druids (10%), and mystics (6%).

Dogma: Mercy is to be honored above all save the gods, love is to be honored above all save mercy, and beauty is to be honored above all save love. Passion is the milk of life, and kindness is the milk of might. Evil deeds never go unpunished and good deeds never go unrewarded. Any giant who embraces goodness should be welcomed into the fold. The Jotunbrud must regain their unity and strive for unity with the forces of good in order to preserve giantish culture and civilization in the face of pressures from the smaller races.

Day-to-Day Activities: Priests of the Tender One seek to promote harmony within and amongst giantish communities, and encourage altruism in all giants, especially those of an evil bent. They do this in a non-patronizing way, encouraging giants to put themselves in the positions of others, and to think of how they’d want to be treated in such positions. They also seek to nurture love amongst all breeds of giants, believing that regardless of position or status, love and marriage are the great equalizers. When a love or marriage is forbidden, and entreaties to the rulers over the individuals involved are rebuffed, the clergy seeks to spirit the couple away to a more tolerant community.

On a more personal level, individual members of Iallanis’s clergy often pursue hobbies in gardening or the arts. Singing, dancing, and poetry are particularly favored, but nothing that creates lasting or momentary beauty is looked down upon. The clergy is often called upon to bless artistic endeavors undertaken by members of their tribe, and always oversee weddings. In tribes that do not have full priests of the Floral Giant, lay followers typically perform these duties, and such marriages are deemed no less in Iallanis’s eyes, so long as the love between the couple is genuine. The clergy of the Tender One always say a brief prayer of thanks and blessing over any gift or meal they receive.

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: Each year, on the first day of spring, the regional clergy of Iallanis gathers at a different tribe’s hold for a grand revel, called Spring’s Blossoming. This revel celebrates life, love, and beauty in all its forms, and if possible, a wedding is held during the event. As it is considered a great honor to be wed at this time, the most important members of society wait until this ceremony is held to have their marriage. Singing, dancing, and contests of skill precede the wedding, along with displays of local artistic talents, with a great feast following the marriage ceremony itself and many toasts to the happy couple.

Major Centers of Worship: Within the giantish kingdom of Symnammos, temples or shrines dedicated to the Floral Giant can be found in most large settlements. The most important of her temples is the Lifeflower Fields, which consists of a large turf lodge covered in wild flowers and surrounded by cultivated bushes, orchards, and fields. The temple hosts weddings for all levels of society, and ask only for payment in terms of works of art and good deeds.

On the world of Greela in Greyspace, the settlements of Nach Turacht each contain shrines consecrated to Iallanis, each answering to a temple near the firbolg town of Talltree Vale called Cwm Rhosyn. Located in a glen filled with rosebushes, the temple consists of a trellised hall with various flowing plants making up the walls and ceiling. As with all temples dedicated to Annam’s Gentle Daughter, the temple is a favorite place for marriages.

While no temples dedicated to Iallanis exist around the Vilhon Reach on Toril, her faith is strong amongst the giants in the area. She has followers amongst both the mountain giants of the Osraun Mountains and the voadkyn of the Chondalwood, both groups of whom are allied with the druidic Emerald Enclave. Neither group sees the humans of the nearby nations as up to the Floral Giant’s expectations, but they are closely allied with other races. It is said that Iallanis’s avatar visited both communities, and there are rumors she prevented an attack from the underdark on the surface lead by one of the goblinoid deities. In recent years, priests of her faith have visited a meadow deep in the Chondalwood that she blessed during that time. The exact location of this field is kept a secret from outsiders.

Affiliated Orders: The church of Iallanis sponsors no specific orders of monks or knights; however, a self-described knightly order has sprung up to protect the Tender One’s clergy and holy sites. Composed of giantish warriors and rangers, the Floral Guardians observe many of the priesthood’s precepts of mercy and devotion to love and beauty, although they are fanatical when their charges are threatened. They always observe rules of mercy, however, encouraging opponents to surrender rather than continue a fight, and accepting surrenders when offered. The order has only a loose hierarchy, and individuals can induct anyone they choose into the order, so long as they swear to protect the Iallanis’s sacred charges and sites. It is considered an especially blessed union if a member of this order marries a member of the priesthood.

Priestly Vestments: Members of the priesthood wear garments made of high quality green cloth during ceremonies. Female clergy members wear short dresses, while males wear blouses and kilts; in most cases, the garments are embroidered with colorful floral designs. Hair styles vary by individual preference, although female members of the priesthood tend to wear their hair long. Regardless of gender, followers of the Floral Giant wear garlands of flowers in their hair, and simple yet elegant bracelets or anklets are favored. The holy symbol of the priesthood is a stylized flower; it may be forged or cast from metal, carved from stone, or painted or carved into a stone disc. Such items are often created by a novice upon becoming a full priest. The item used as a holy symbol may be freely given by another, but it may never be commissioned or purchased. Some tribes view it as an honor to create an item and give it to a newly ordained member of the clergy; in such tribes, it is believed that Iallanis will bless the creator of the item with an especially deep and long lasting love. Some other tribes also have a tradition of giving the holy symbols of retired or deceased clergy to newly ordained priests.

Adventuring Garb: Members of Iallanis’s clergy rarely travel on their own, preferring to tend to their tribes. When they do travel, they rarely wear better armor than leather, preferring to remain unencumbered. Their clothing is typical for their tribe, it it is often embroidered with floral designs, and they like to wear flowers in their hair, either indivually or as a garland. Most clergy members prefer to use non-lethal weapons or staves.

Specialty Priests (Druids)
Requirements:          Wisdom 12, Charisma 15
Prime Req.:                Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment:                N
Weapons:                   Club, dagger, dart, mancatcher, net, scimitar, sickle, sling, spear, staff
Armor:                       Padded, leather, or hide armor, and wooden, bone, shell, or other non-metallic shield
Major Spheres:         All, animal, charm, elemental, healing, plant, sun, time, wards, weather
Minor Spheres:         Guardian, protection, travelers
Magical Items:         As druid
Req. Profs:                Artistic ability, herbalism
Bonus Profs:             Healing, modern language (pick two from: brownie, dryad, elvish, korred, nymph, pegasus, pixie, satyr, sprite, sylph, treant, unicorn), survival (woodland)

Some of the specialty priests of Iallanis are druids. Their abilities and restrictions, aside from changes noted above, are detailed in full in the Player’s Handbook.

  • Iallanis’s druids are almost exclusively voadkyn, but there are a handful of firbolgs and wood elves in their ranks.
  • Druids in the service of Iallanis are not allowed to multiclass
  • To advance past 3rd level, druids in the service of Iallanis must be happily married.

Specialty Priests (Florani)
Requirements:          Wisdom 9, Charisma 12
Prime Req.:                Wisdom, Charisma
Alignment:                LG, NG, CG
Weapons:                   Long bow, mancatcher, net, staff, short bow
Armor:                       Any up to leather
Major Spheres:         All, creation, charm, elemental air, elemental water, guardian, healing, protection, sun, travelers, wards
Minor Spheres:         Animal, divination, necromantic, plant, time
Magical Items:         Same as clerics
Req. Profs:                Artistic ability
Bonus Profs:             Etiquette

  • Florani can be of any giant race, although most are voadkyn, firbolgs, cloud giants, stone giants, or storm giants.
  • Florani are not allowed to multiclass.
  • To advance past 3rd level, florani must be happily married.
  • Cure wounds spells cast by florani heal an additional 1 hit point per 4 levels of experience gained by the priest.
  • Florani are immune to all non-damaging spells cast directly upon them py priests of Karontor.
  • Florani take only half damage from all caused wounds (not including harm).
  • Once per day, florani can cast charm person or giant (as the 2nd-level priest spell).
  • At 3rd level, florani can cast sleep pollen or goodberry (as the 2nd-level priest spells) once per day.
  • At 5th level, florani can cast charm monster (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or wall of thorns (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 7th level, florani can cast flower crown (as the 5th-level priest spell) or remove curse (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 9th level, florani can cast symbol of persuasion (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 12th level, florani become immune to the harm spell and all caused wounds.

Iallanan Spells
In addition to the spell listed below, priests of the Tender One can cast the 1st-level priest spell divine romantic interest, detailed in Demihuman Deities in the entry for Hanali Celanil, and the 3rd-level priest spell merciful touch, detailed in Demihuman Deities in the entry for Sharindlar.

1st Level
Flower Field (Pr 1; Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere:                    Plant
Range:                     120 yds.
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Special
Casting Time:          1 rd.
Area of Effect:         10 sq. ft./level
Saving Throw:        Special

This spell allows a priest to cause a field of flowers to sprout in a barren field of dirt, regardless of the health of the soil. Normally, such flowers are a mix of typical wildflowers for the region, but as the priest becomes more powerful, different types of flowers can be commanded to grow. In most cases, the flowers are permanent, transforming the soil to be suitable for them to thrive in; such plants are non-magical and can later be harmed in all the ways normal plants can be. Flowers cannot be grown on non-earthen surfaces, such as sand, stone, wood, or the like.

In addition to normal flowers, the casting priest can cause a number of magical flowers to grow and release special pollen or scent for a short time, as they rise in level. The casting priest is always immune to these effects. The pollen or scent clouds can be dispersed if a gust of wind spell, or similarly strong normal or magical winds blow through the area.

  • At 3rd level, the priest can cause a field of potent red poppies to bloom, releasing potent somnolent pollen into the air within a 20 yard radius of the field. Those creatures inhaling this pollen must make a successful saving throw vs. poison or fall into a deep, comatose slumber. Creatures with 8 Hit Dice or fewer make this save with a −4 penalty, while those with Hit Dice greater than 16 make the save with a +4 bonus. While the sleep itself only lasts 2d4 rounds, the pollen takes 4d10 rounds to disperse; any still in the area when they awaken must make an immediate saving throw as above or fall asleep again. Even those who make their saving throws feel drowsy and become slow to react, suffering −1 penalties to attack rolls, initiative, and surprise rolls. After the pollen disperses, the flowers become normal poppies.
  • At 6th level, the priest can cause a field of hyperallergenic flowering grasses to grow in the area. Such grasses have small white flowers that release a cloud of nearly invisible pollen within 20 yards of the flower field; those who inhale it are immediately beset by strong symptoms of hay fever, including sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, congestion, and the like. All actions (attacks, proficiency checks, etc.) are taken at a −1 penalty to the rolls, and any attempts at spellcasting require a saving throw vs. poison with a +4 bonus; those that fail have their spell disrupted by a sneezing fit. The pollen disperses and becomes harmless after 4d10 rounds, at which point the grasses become perfectly ordinary and have no further special powers.
  • At 9th level, the priest can cause a field of small, blue hyacinths to grow in the area. These flowers produce a strong, pleasant scent within a 20 yard radius of the field that induces a state of euphoria in those who fail a saving throw vs. poison with a −4 penalty. While under the effects of the euphoria, all encounter reactions are moved two places closer to friendly, and encounter reactions will never be worse than indifferent. In addition, those affected will not initiate attacks of their own and will engage in combat only to defend themselves. The euphoria lasts as long as a creature stays within the scent cloud, plus 2d4 rounds. The scent cloud itself disperses after 4d10 rounds.

The casting priest can choose what form the spell takes from any of the forms available to her. In addition, at 4th level, the priest can grow a field consisting of one type of normal, native flower rather than a random assortment of native plants, and at 8th level, she can grow specific normal flowers of any variety, and can even create patterns based on the plant variety and color. The magical flowers can never be mixed with other varieties, however.

The material components for this spell are a handful of flower seeds or two flower bulbs, which are tossed into the area in which the flowers will grow.

2nd Level
Charm Person or Giant (Pr 2; Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere:                    Charm
Range:                     120 yds.
Components:           V, S
Duration:                 Special
Casting Time:          5
Area of Effect:         1 person or giant
Saving Throw:        Neg.

This spell affects any single person, giant, or giant-kin it is cast upon. Thus, unlike the first level wizard spell charm person, this spell can affect humanoids of larger than man-sized that are classified as true giants or giant-kin. This spell has no effect on creatures that are similar to giants, such as trolls or ogres, however.

The individual receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect, with any adjustment due to Wisdom. If the individual receives damage from the caster’s group in the same round the charm is cast, an additional bonus of +1 per hit point of damage received is added to the victim’s saving throw.

If the spell recipient fails his saving throw, he regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed individual as if it were an  automaton, but any word or action of the caster is viewed in the most favorable way. Thus, a charmed individual would not obey a suicide command, but he might believe the caster if assured that the only chance to save the caster’s life is for the individual to hold back an onrushing red dragon for “just a minute or two.” Note also that the spell does not endow the caster with linguistic capabilities beyond those he normally possesses (i.e., he must speak the victim’s language to communicate his commands).

The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed person’s Intelligence and is tied to the saving throw. The spell can be broken if a successful saving throw is rolled, and this saving throw is checked on a periodic basis, according to the creature’s Intelligence (see the following table). If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed individual by some overt action, or if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast upon the charmed individual, the charm spell is broken.

If two or more charm effects simultaneously affect a creature, the result is decided by the DM. This could range from one effect being clearly dominant, to the subject being torn by conflicting desires, to new saving throws that could negate both spells.

Note that the subject has full memory of the events that took place while he was charmed.

Intelligence Score              Time Between Checks
         3 or less                                  3 months
4–6                                      2 months
7–9                                       1 month
10–12                                     3 weeks
13–14                                     2 weeks
15–16                                     1 week
17                                         3 days
18                                         2 days
19 or more                                   1 day

The time between checks is the time period during which the check occurs. When to roll the check during this tune is determined (randomly or by selection) by the DM. The roll is made secretly.

Sleep Pollen (Pr 2; Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere:                    Plant
Range:                     10 ft.
Components:           S, M
Duration:                 2d4 rds. + 1 rd./level
Casting Time:          5
Area of Effect:         1 creature
Saving Throw:        Special

This spell, also called Iallanis’s kiss, allows the casting priest to blow a cloud of somnolent pollen towards a single creature, causing them to fall immediately into a deep slumber. No saving throw is allowed for creatures with 12 or fewer hit dice, while those above receive a save vs. spell, with a −1 penalty per three levels of the caster, to a maximum of −4 at level 12. Non-breathing creatures, and those immune to plant effects, are immune to this spell.

The material component for this spell is a fresh poppy flower.

5th Level
Flower Crown (Pr 5; Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere:                    Plant
Range:                     0
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 1 hr./level
Casting Time:          3
Area of Effect:         The caster
Saving Throw:        Neg.

When a priest casts this spell, a crown of living flowers appears on her head. These flowers are bright and fragrant, pleasing to both eyes and nose. While wearing this crown, the priest has an effective Charisma score two points higher, even above racial maximums. Those who gaze upon the priest must make a saving throw vs. spell; if they succeed, they act normally. However, those who fail their saving throw treat the priest with a great deal of reverence and respect, listening to her words and considering them carefully.  This spell cannot cause individuals to act against their alignment or nature, but they will not harm the priest if they do not agree with her statements. Due to the level of respect and reverence they feel for the priest, they may defend her physically against other aggressors if it is in their nature.

The material components for this spell are the priest’s holy symbol and a fresh daisy.

2 Responses to Iallanis the Tender One

  1. Edi says:

    Awesome, this Information really helped me understand Iallanis better.

    In a SKT campaign I decided to play a Firbolg Cleric and just chose a giant deity that stood for life. Now my char is on his way to bring peace to the wars between the giants.

    Couldnt find much about Iallanis at first until i came across this Website.

    Thank you!

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