Darahl Firecloak the Even-Tempered

One of the more interesting elven powers, and one who has estranged himself from his kin, is Darahl Firecloak. Once known as Tilvenar, a debacle with an evil artifact caused a great loss of status and led to him reinventing himself and looking outside the normal elven groups to rebuild his faith. Incorporated into this entry is a tidbit from Eric Boyd’s “Havens of Miyeritar,” available on DM’s Guild. Enjoy!

Darahl Firecloak (PDF Version)
(The Even-Tempered, Lord of the Green Flame)
Demipower (Lesser) of Arcadia, LN(G)

Portfolio:                 Earth and flame phenomena, elemental earth and fire magic, volcanoes, lava, caverns, reinvention
Aliases:                     Tilvenar
Domain Name:           Abellio/the Twin Towers
Superior:                   None
Allies:                       Dumathoin, Eilistraee, Flandal Steelskin, Grumbar, Kossuth, Psilofyr, Segojan Earthcaller, Sunnis, Tarsellis Meunniduin, Tethrin Varaldé, Urogalan, Zaaman Rul, the Seldarine (estranged)
Foes:                           Blibdoolpoolp, the Dark God, Deep Duerra, Diinkarazan, Diirinka, the Elder Elemental God, Ghaunadar, Great Mother, Gzemnid, Ilsensine, Ilxendren, Imix, Juiblex, Laduguer, Lolth, Maanzecorian, Ogremoch, Piscaethces, the Queen of Air and Darkness, Selvetarm, Talos, Urdlen, the drow pantheon (except Eilistraee)
Symbol:                     Two outstretched hands holding a green flame between them
Wor. Align.:             LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, LE, NE

Nearly forgotten by most elves who once worshiped him, Darahl Firecloak (duh-RAWL fie-ER-cloke) has tried to reinvent himself to appeal to more faithful besides just elves. He represents those natural phenomena involving earth and flame, as well as magic that calls upon such forces. In his self-imposed exile he still supports the elven cause and has become a patron for those rare elven individuals who make their homes beneath the surface.

Once known as Tilvenar, Darahl served under Rillifane Rallathil as a power who controlled and diverted natural disasters of an earthen and fiery nature, as well as teaching elves methods of careful extraction of materials from the land and the forging and use thereof. He was careful both in how minerals were acquired, often using magic to draw them forth directly without harming the local flora and fauna. He taught his followers how to do the same, and how to create items from wondrous to mundane without harming those living nearby with excessive smoke and waste. For his skill at forging exquisite works of art and endless patience with crafting items to perfection, Tilvenar became known as the Even-Tempered; it was said only Corellon himself among the Seldarine could manufacture items of greater beauty.

Unfortunately, Tilvenar ran afoul of a plot by both Lolth and the Queen of Air and Darkness. These two terrible foes of the Seldarine are not known to have worked together outside of this instance, and no lasting alliance resulted from their actions, leading some sages to speculate another force brought them together. Whatever the case, their activities resulted in an evil artifact of great power, known as the Kyrashar Rose. Created to bring destruction to the followers of the Seldarine, it worked all too well on Tilvenar. How he acquired the Rose is unknown; some stories say it was a trick by evil faeries, while other stories posit that an especially devout follower discovered it and offered it up to Darahl’s old self as an act of faith. Regardless, one of Tilvenar’s avatars took up the amber rose and began admiring its beauty, at which point the two evil goddesses began to dominate his mind and issue contradictory orders. This quickly led to insanity, which even spread to Tilvenar’s other avatars, all of whom embarked upon murderous rampages across many elven worlds. A concerted effort to heal or destroy his avatars was undertaken by other members of the Seldarine, but the damage was done. His followers took the brunt of his insane rage (or succumbed to a version of it themselves), and recruitment of new faithful was difficult due to his now-dark reputation. Over the centuries, his following waned so much that it seemed likely a death due to neglect was all that awaited him.

Darahl was never a passive deity, however. Guilt and sorry over his uncontrolled actions had created a gulf between himself and his fellow members of the Seldarine, and he began looking for a new home outside of Arvandor and the memories of his failure. Setting himself up in a mountainous region of Abellio in Arcadia made him realize that the only way to recover his stature was to reinvent himself. He dropped his old name in favor of the name he is now known as, Darahl Firecloak, and focused his efforts on recruiting elven wizards with an interest in magics and phenomena with a fiery or earthen bent. Further, he began working to make his name known in underground and volcanic regions and operates as a patron for those who wish protection from the natural dangers found in those regions. While he clearly emphasizes elves as followers, he has been pleased to respond to anyone who wishes to call on him for aid, and as such he has attracted small followings among other races who travel in such areas. So far, his efforts have garnered success enough to put him on solid footing as a demipower, but it will likely be a long climb back to the point of being a lesser power.

This reinvention has brought Darahl into contact with a number of deities he had little contact with before. He has become good friends with other powers of earth and stone, particularly Dumathoin of the dwarves and the gnomish powers Segojan Earthcaller and Flandal Steelskin. His followers have not yet delved deep enough to have regular contact with the svirfneblin, but once they do it is likely Darahl will try to form an alliance with Callarduran Smoothhands. He has also recently established a relationship with Psilofyr of the myconids; it is rumored he came to the aid of the Spore Lord against Selvetarm during the Time of Troubles, but no solid details are known. Darahl is aggressively contacting a number of other powers, including various elemental powers, to ensure he can call on a number of other powers should the need arise. This is due in no small part to the considerable number of enemies he has made in the course of his reinvention. Being an apparently new power on the scene and an elven one at that has garnered him no love from the established dark powers of the underdark. Darahl focuses especially on disrupting the actions of Lolth and her followers, as he has not forgiven her for the role she played in his loss of status. These activities brought him into contact with Eilistraee, whom he’d had little contact with since her own exile. Each sees a kindred spirit of sorts in the other, and the two have become fast friends. One other power he has run afoul of is Talos the Destroyer. Darahl’s role as patron of underdark wizards and his work to ward off and control dangerous earth and fire phenomena is seen by Talos as a direct challenge both to his own interests and his plans using the alias of Malyk. So far Darahl has treaded carefully enough to avoid outright confrontations, but it is a dangerous path he walks.

From the outside, Darahl’s new home in Arcadia is not obviously of elven design for it is a simple, plain tower of grey stone stretching into the sky. Incongruously named the Twin Towers, the second tower actually descends into the earth as far as the visible tower stretches into the sky. At each peak can be found a portal to the planes of Elemental Fire and Earth, with fire at the bottom and earth at the top. The plain exterior of the tower belies the stunning beauty within; all rooms are richly decorated with fine elven metalwork and fireproof paintings and tapestries depicting the sylvan vistas of Arvandor. It is clear to any visitor that Darahl loves his original homeland and misses it tremendously.

The Lord of the Green Flame was always an active deity, and this has not changed with his reinvention. His sole remaining avatar is always dispatched to some world’s underdark, wherein he often looks for elves in need of aid. As he often comes across others in need of aid, he is quick to assist them and has earned him a number of faithful from these acts. His current focus is the expansion of his faith, but he is ever watchful for the activities of Lolth or the Queen of Air and Darkness, and he will go to great lengths to disrupt their activities. He has also heard rumors of tall elven folk who live exclusively in the underdark but have forsaken worship of the Seldarine out of shame at their own cowardice; Darahl hopes to find these elves and establish himself as their patron as a way of eventually bringing them back to the Seldarine.

Darahl’s Avatar (Earth Elementalist 24, Fire Elementalist 24, Cleric 20)
Darahl appears as a muscular elf of average height with pale, slightly grey skin and long hair of fine-spun silver. His eyes are a fiery orange tinged with green, and he wears robes of pale grey-green with a large cloak of a darker shade of the same color. He draws his spells from all schools and spheres save those of elemental air and water.

AC 0; MV 12; HP 116; THAC0 8; #AT 1
Dmg 1d6+7 (staff +3, +4 Str)
MR 40%; SZ M (6 feet tall)
Str 18(90), Dex 19, Con 17, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 19
Spells P: 12/12/11/10/7/5/2, W: 7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6*
Saves PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 5; BW 7; Sp 4
* Numbers assume one extra elemental earth and elemental fire spell per spell level.

Special Att/Def: While he prefers to use magic if combat is necessary, Darahl also carries a staff +3 called the Pyrogean Staff. This shaft of petrified wood possesses both the earth and fire powers of a staff of the elements as if it held a 24 Hit Die elemental of each type, although it in fact does not hold an elemental at all. The staff can only be recharged by returning to the Twin Towers in Abellio.

At will, Darahl can hurl two bolts of green flame per round, in lieu of any other attacks or spellcasting, to a range of 30 yards. This flame is the origin of his epithet, and anyone struck by the flame is allowed a saving throw versus spell to avoid the damage; a failure results in 3d6 points of damage. The flame ignites flammable materials, and cannot be extinguished with sand or smothering, only cold or water can extinguish the flames. Once per day he can cast a warm fire shield, stoneskin, wall of fire, and wall of stone, and three times per day he can cast affect normal fires, pyrotechnics, soften earth and stone, and stone shape. Finally, he can summon one 8 HD earth or fire elemental each day that serves him for 6 turns. Only another power of greater status can wrest control of this elemental from him.

Darahl Firecloak is immune to all earth and fire attacks, can see perfectly in even magical darkness, and can only be struck by weapons of +1 or better weapons. He suffers a −2 penalty to saving throws versus mind affecting spells and psionics as a lingering effect of his encounter with the Kyrashar Rose.

Other Manifestations
The Lord of the Green Flame most commonly manifests by altering an existing flame to have a greenish hue, or by bringing forth a greenish flame from vents in stone or earth. This flame can guide followers towards safety or an intended destination, or it can wrap around a follower to protect them as a warm fire shield. The flames can lash at foes of the follower as if any wizard or priest spell of a fiery nature of 5th level or lower. Finally, his manifestations can invisibly quell any nonmagical fire, earth tremble, or earthen collapse in the area.

The Seldarine call on agathinons, asuras, and ancient treants as their preferred servants although Darahl rarely uses these servants. Instead, he favors azer, earth elementals, earth fundamentals, earth mephits, fire elementals, fire fundamentals, fire mephits, firetails, galeb duhr, lava children, magma fundamentals, magma mephits, magma paraelementals, pechs, phantom stalkers, and sandlings. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of gems of all sorts, but especially those of green and red hue, comfortably heated air, as well as beautiful caverns, lava tubes, other natural subterranean structures. He displays his displeasure through ground rumbles and sudden bursts of flame, but these never harm creatures or risk damage to objects or the natural land.

The Church
Clergy:                      Clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, wizards
Clergy’s Align.:      LG, NG, LN
Turn Undead:           C: Yes, SP: Yes, Cru: No, W: No
Cmnd. Undead:         C: No, SP: No, Cru: No, W: No

All clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics), specialty priests, and crusaders of Darahl receive religion (elf) and reading/writing (elvish) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies.

The priesthood of Darahl is found only rarely among elven communities today, where he is still often known as Tilvenar. Among these communities his clergy still focuses on their traditional duties of safely extracting metals from the earth for use in metalworking and protecting objects and communities from fiery and earthen dangers. The more recently established sects are not typically found within elven lands; much more often they are found in varied communities within or near the underdark. These sects focus on magical accomplishments and dealing with dangers and utilizing phenomena related to earth and fire. They are actively recruiting converts by attempting to convey the benefits of worshiping a deity who offers protection against cave-ins, lava pockets, tremors, and other such hazards.

Temples dedicated to Darahl are quite rare. Most of the ancient temples dedicated to him as Tilvenar were destroyed by his insane avatars and were never rebuilt. These temples were typically built to embrace natural land features and often contained hot springs or were in places with good access to metal resources. Temples were delicate, beautiful structures with obsidian decorations and natural glass panes set in the walls. Interiors were filled with bright lights and artwork and accoutrements in shades of red, orange, and yellow. It is likely that future elven temples dedicated to Darahl will follow these plans, while those constructed by other races will be more utilitarian facilities, although they will decorate the interiors in similar bright colors and beautiful works of art.

Novices in the service of the Lord of the Green Flame are known as Deepseekers. Full priests of the Even-Tempered are known as Brothers/Sisters of Stone and Flame. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by the Darahlian priesthood are Pumice, Basalt, Andesite, Porphyry, Diorite, Granite, and Obsidian. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as firecloaks. Even with his reinvention, elven worship remains the core of his faith, with high elves (42%), grey elves (24%), and half-elves of various ancestries (11%) predominating; he has actively encouraged wider recruiting and as such his clergy now also contains humans (8%), drow (6%), dwarves (3%), gnomes (2%), and half-dark elves (2%). The remaining 2% consist of a variety of other races, primarily those who dwell in the underdark, as well as elves of other ancestries. The majority of the Darahlian priesthood is male (60%), with the remainder female (40%). The upper echelons of Darahl’s clergy are dominated by specialty priests (30%), with clerics (including multiclassed members, 20%) found in more junior positions and crusaders (20%) operating as the defenders of congregations. The remainder are wizards, about half of whom are in the Order of Pyrogean Wizards; the rest are found throughout the ranks of the main clergy. There is a minor rift between the standard clergy and the Pyrogean Wizards over how to properly worship Darahl, but it is not yet at a point where it would harm the church as a whole.

Dogma: Embrace the power that earth and fire hold. Respect their power and they will serve you well, but always know they can wreak great havoc. Use their gifts to create objects of great art and magic. Learn the subtle signs fire and earth share in order to protect and warn those vulnerable to their wrath. Explore the natural wonders that are created by both phenomena and relish their beauty.

Day-to-Day Activities: Members of Darahl’s faith now mostly spend their time in or exploring the underdark. A fascination with the underdark is a common draw for the faithful, both elven and non-elven, although a sense of community is also important for those who feel as outsiders among their own kind. Lay followers and many members of the clergy try to make use of earth or fire in their daily lives, and professions or hobbies that include mining, metalworking, or gem cutting are common. Wizards who join the faith are similarly fascinated with either the underdark or elemental magics relating to earth and fire and spend their time researching these matters; a handful of his oldest members are even considered sages on these topics.

Many minor or personal ceremonies are conducted by members of the Darahlian faith, especially in the context of natural disasters such as forest fires, earthquakes, and eruptions. The Lord of the Green Flame is seen as having dominion over such occurrences but does not bring them; these ceremonies are pleas for aid in ending or averting harm from such events. Further, his clergy are called upon to bless newly forged objects, expeditions to mine or explore beneath the earth, and newly opened or discovered tunnels.

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: With his reinvention, many of Darahl’s old ceremonies have been relegated to the past in favor of new celebrations and observances. The most significant remaining ceremony is held during the day on Midsummer and is known as the Tempering. It is considered most auspicious to start or complete a great task on this day, whether they are the creation of mundane tools are works of art or items of great magical power; any follower of Darahl gains a +1 or +5% bonus to relevant proficiency checks or rolls for magical item creation. From sunup to sundown, a special sanctified brazier is fed with coal (anthracite is preferred, but other types are allowed; charcoal or peat cannot be substituted) and special compounds of copper so that a steady green flame burns the whole time.

Major Centers of Worship: Few sacred sites dedicated to Darahl Firecloak remain known today, having been lost either in his madness caused by the Kyrashar Rose or the decline of his faith in the aftermath. Precise locations are rarely known even for those whose existence is still remembered, and many followers of Darahl have dedicated themselves to searching for and re-sanctifying these locations.

On the world of Oerth, an ancient temple known as the Magmatic Halls was recently discovered and re-occupied beneath the Lortmil Mountains; the current priestly contingent restoring the site consists primarily of elves, dwarves, and gnomes from the Ulek states nearby.

On Toril, one ancient temple of the Lord of Green Flame was located in the dark elven city of Jhachalkhyn, beneath Neverwinter Wood. Lost when the priests of Tilvenar formed the murderous Cult of Kyrashar and were eventually destroyed, it has lain hidden in that city for thousands of years, unable to be restored due to the presence of Lolth’s faith, but with that city’s recent destruction, many members of Darahl’s faith in the northern underdark have renewed hope that the Verdignis Vault can be re-occupied and restored. Among the Darahlian faith residing beneath the Elven Court, a persistent rumor holds that an ancient temple lies beneath the hills surrounding the Cormyrian town of Tilverton. These priests believe that it is actually the name Tilvenar that granted the town its name, rather than the wizardess Tilvara, although there are also those who hold that she was, in fact, a member of his faith. As such, the town has attracted a small community of Darahlians, although it is as yet not even a dozen strong.

Affiliated Orders: While Darahl’s small church currently sponsors no knightly or monastic orders, the relatively new Order of Pyrogean Wizards has developed as an offshoot of the faith. This order is dedicated to a dual mastery of both earth and fire magic and turning natural phenomena related to both elements to their will and goals. Other elementalist wizards often derogatorily refer to them as magma paraelementalists, but they insist that they are not studying just the merger of the two elements, but equal control of each on their own as well as control of the combined matter. They advocate for a dogma that focuses solely on magic and its interaction with the natural world of these elements; this has resulted in a minor rift between the order and the temple hierarchies. To date, the heads of Darahl’s priestly communities have maintained a calm disagreement and focused on trying to convince members of the order of their misguided views; only time will tell if they are able to repair the rift or if it will lead to the Pyrogean Wizards parting with the clergy to make their own way.

In addition, persistent rumors hold that secretive orders of druids and specialty priests dedicated to maintaining the balance of seismic energy beneath the surface serve Darahl on many worlds. If true, these priests, known as Earthstokers (see Dragon Magazine #265) would represent a significant force that the Lord of the Green Flame holds in reserve in case his followers are threatened.

Priestly Vestments: Ceremonial garb for the clergy of Darahl consists of hoodless robes in shades of brown, red, orange, and yellow, fringed with green as members advance through the ranks. Some powerful temples are known to enchant these robes with magical symbols should they possess the ability to do so. Members often wear necklaces and earrings of valuable metal and set with gems, all of which are considered “gifts of the earth” granted by the Even-Tempered. The holy symbol used by the priesthood is a carved image of a flame held between two hands carved in jet in a silver setting, although wealthy priests are also known to use cut emerald instead of jet.

Adventuring Garb: The dangers of the underdark, with its many factions hostile to the church, has caused members of the Darahlian faith to be slightly paranoid about their safety. As such when leaving the confines of their temples, many members of the faith outfit themselves with the best armor and weapons they can lay their hands on. Metal weapons and armor are preferred, as they combine the two focuses of Darahl into one item, so maces, swords, axes, and plate armor are almost standard for non-wizardly clergymembers. In addition, manufacture of magical scrolls for use by the clergy is quickly becoming common, and it is now rare for a priest of middling rank or higher to not possess a scroll or two when venturing out into unsecured areas of the underdark.

Specialty Priests (Firecloaks)
Requirements:          Strength 10, Wisdom 13
Prime Req.:                Wisdom
Alignment:                LG, NG, LN
Weapons:                   Any that includes a metal component
Armor:                       Any
Major Spheres:         All, combat, creation, elemental (earth, fire), protection, summoning, travelers
Minor Spheres:         Guardian, healing, law, necromantic
Magical Items:         Same as clerics, plus see below
Req. Profs:                Modern languages (choose one: azer, derro, drow, duergar, dwarven, gnomish, firenewt, fire giant, pech, salamander, stone giant, umber hulk, undercommon)
Bonus Profs:             Choose one of fire-building or modern languages (same selections as above)

  • While most firecloaks are surface elves and half-elves, virtually any race found in the underdark can join his clergy. Of these, the majority are humans or drow, but there are a number of dwarves and gnomes found in the ranks, although this is frowned upon in those societies.
  • Half-elves may multiclass as firecloak/mages.
  • Firecloaks may select nonweapon proficiencies from the wizard group without penalty.
  • Firecloaks receive a +1 bonus to all saves versus earth- or fire-based magic, including all spells from the schools and spheres of elemental earth and elemental fire.
  • Firecloaks may use any magical items that deal with elemental earth or elemental fire regardless of class restrictions.
  • Firecloaks can cast greenflame (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day for every level they have achieved.
  • Firecloaks can cast affect normal fires (as the 1st-level wizard spell) or strength of stone (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 3rd level, firecloaks can cast flamewalk or meld into stone (as the 3rd-level priest spells) once per day.
  • At 5th level, firecloaks can cast dig (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or pyrotechnics (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 5th level, firecloaks suffer only half damage from earth- and fire-based spells, with a successful save indicating quarter damage.
  • At 7th level, firecloaks can summon 1d4+1 azer or pechs once per day. The summoned creatures assist the priest, including in combat, for up to one hour before returning to their home plane. They can be dismissed at will, and if slain their bodies and possessions vanish back to their home plane.
  • At 9th level, firecloaks can cast fire quench (as the reverse of the 7th-level priest spell, fire storm) or stone tell (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 12th level, firecloaks can cast fire gate (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or stone walk (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 14th level, firecloaks may enter the Elemental Planes of Earth or Fire once per week. They may remain on that plane safely only for one day per two levels of experience, plus one additional day per point of Wisdom over 14; beyond that, they must make a saving throw vs. spell or be affected as if by a harm Once they return, they may not go back to that elemental plane for an equal number of days, unless they have other means of doing so.

Darahlian Spells
In addition to the spell listed below, priests of the Lord of the Green Flame can cast the 1st-level priest spell detect metal and minerals, detailed in Powers & Pantheons in the entry for Geb. At the DM’s option, any spell related to magma that is not restricted to a specific deity may be available to the priests of Darahl Firecloak. Further, the DM may allow access to select Earthstoker spells in Dragon Magazine #265.

1st Level
Greenflame (Pr 1; Wiz 1; Invocation/Evocation)
Sphere:                    Elemental Fire
Range:                     30 yds.
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Special
Casting Time:          4 (1)
Area of Effect:         1 creature or object per flame
Saving Throw:        Special

By means of this spell, the caster creates a flame of greenish hue that may be hurled at a creature or object. A normal attack roll is made against the target’s unarmored Armor Class, only taking into account magical protections and Dexterity. If a creature is hit by the flames, they suffer 1d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the caster. Misses are handled as grenade-like missiles; any creature within a 1-foot radius of where it lands is allowed a saving throw versus breath weapon to avoid the damage entirely. Objects can also be targeted by the greenflame; flammable material is allowed a saving throw versus normal fire to avoid being set alight. Fires resulting from this fire quickly take on a normal hue. The caster can hurl an additional flame for every five levels they have achieved, but they must be hurled in subsequent rounds in lieu of other actions other than movement. Only one flame may be hurled in a round, and any round in which an available greenflame isn’t hurled ends the spell and all remaining flames.

The material component for this spell is a small copper bead.

2nd Level
Magma Dowse (Pr 2; Wiz 2; Divination)
Sphere:                    Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire
Range:                     0
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 1 rd./level
Casting Time:          5 (2)
Area of Effect:         100 ft./level × 10 ft path
Saving Throw:        None

By means of this spell, the caster may dowse for magma, much like water dowsing. A forked metal rod is required to dowse for magma, and it may be reused. Magma can be detected up to 100 feet away per level of the caster but only in the general direction the caster is pointing the dowsing rod. If magma is detected, the rod will tug the caster in that direction, who can walk up to 30 feet per round to narrow down the direction or check other directions. This spell is frequently used to ensure no dangerous magma pockets are near mine shafts. If the rod is ever used for water dowsing, it will ever after cause the magma dowse spell to fail and fizzle away.

4th Level
Magmatic Armor (Pr 4; Wiz 4; Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere:                    Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire
Range:                     0
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 4 rds. + 1 rd./level
Casting Time:          7 (4)
Area of Effect:         The caster
Saving Throw:        Special

With this spell, the caster summons a thick layer of liquid rock to encase themselves as armor. This armor is as strong as plate armor, granting an Armor Class of 3, but the viscous nature of the rock reduces Dexterity scores by 2 points for the duration; the caster is still free to cast spells while protected by this spell. Even though the armor radiates tremendous heat, they and all of their equipment is unharmed by the magmatic armor in any way. While wearing the armor, the caster gains a +4 bonus to all saves versus earth and fire attacks and suffers only half normal damage. They are, however, quite vulnerable to cold and water attacks. Such attacks are saved versus with a −4 penalty and damage is doubled. Further, if fully struck by a significant quantity of water or cold, the armor hardens and functions as a slow spell for two rounds. A single bucket filled with water does not cause this effect, but two, or an equivalent volume, would. Further, spells like the sleet version of ice storm (but not the hail storm) and a cone of cold are strong enough to have such effects. Any creatures not immune to heat who comes within five feet of the caster suffers 1d4 points of damage per round, but the magmatic armor has no effect on an enemy’s equipment in the course of normal melee attacks.

5th Level
Summon Azer/Summon Pech (Pr 5; Wiz 5; Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere:                    Summoning
Range:                     10 yds.
Components:           V, S, M
Duration:                 Special
Casting Time:          1 rd. (1 rd.)
Area of Effect:         Special
Saving Throw:        None

Similar to conjure elemental, this spell brings forth a group of humanoid inhabitants from the planes of Elemental Earth or Fire. To cast this spell, a suitably large area of the appropriate element type must be available, for it serves as the portal through which the creatures arrive. To summon pechs, a patch of dry sand, stone, or earth 20 feet in diameter must be within range, while a large bonfire must be present in order to summon azer. In addition, a 500 gp emerald or ruby, respectively, must be used in the casting. When completed successfully, the pechs or azer arrive and perform any tasks asked of them, including combat, although mining and forging are common reasons to summon them as well. If combat is required of them, the pechs or azers stay for only one round per caster level; otherwise, they serve for two turns per caster level.

The version of the summoning must be decided at the time of memorization; a priest who has memorized the summon pechs version cannot summon azer at the time of casting, for example. 1d4 creatures are summoned, plus 1 per three levels of the caster.


3 Responses to Darahl Firecloak the Even-Tempered

  1. Paul says:

    Always fun to see your takes on the lesser known Seldarine!

  2. Conor says:

    <3 After I played a gun toting Elf paladin in PF I pondered how to replicate the character in D&D & I came across Darahl on wikis, great to see so much fleshing out for him/OC ideas :)

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