December 1, 2021
The second of the Derro Twins, banished from the Morndinsamman for their crimes, is Diinkarazan, the Mad God. Betrayed by his brother and imprisoned by Ilsensine, he has been driven mad by the hallucinations inflicted by the mind flayer god. However, he gains lucidity periodically, but not for long enough to effect his freedom.
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Deities | Tagged: Derro Gods, Dwarven Gods, Gods of Insanity, Gods of Revenge, Missing Demihuman Deities, Residents of the Abyss |
Posted by AuldDragon
November 1, 2021
The last of the neogi deities, P’kk the Dominator is the god of neogi captains, who control their crew and captives through tyrannical fear. It is the only member of the neogi pantheon to live in Baator, the Nine Hells, but it keeps a close eye on its brethren, watching for any weaknesses it can exploit. It is also the only member of the pantheon to have a form other than that of most neogi, as it favors a form that merges the head of a neogi with the body of an umber hulk.
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Deities, Spelljammer | Tagged: Gods of Baator, Gods of Fear, Gods of Tyranny, Neogi Gods, Spelljammer |
Posted by AuldDragon
October 1, 2021
Just in time for the spookiest month of the year comes the Queen of the Unseelie Court, the Queen of Air and Darkness. Sister to Titania, the Queen was corrupted by darkness, and has become the antithesis of all the beneficent faeries stand for. She spreads the corruption that brought her down to the lands of the sylvan folk, and in this way also serves almost as a native deity of darkness for the elves of the surface. I attempted to add depth to the Queen for this entry by exploring a bit of what I think she was before her corruption, and how that shaped who she became after encountering the Black Diamond. I also drew some inspiration from other sources of the name Queen of Air and Darkness, and used that to flesh out her character as well.
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Deities | Tagged: Elven Gods, Gods of Air, Gods of Darkness, Gods of Magic, Gods of Magical Subtypes, Gods of Murder, Sylvan Gods, Unseelie Court |
Posted by AuldDragon
September 1, 2021
One of the deities straddling the boundary between the Seldarine and the Seelie Court, Rellavar Danuvien is the king of the frost sprites and a member of the outer circle of the Seelie Court, as well as being a rising power of the reclusive snow elves. He is a protector deity who looks out for elves and faeriefolk who are endangered by harsh weather and natural disasters.
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Deities | Tagged: Gods of Guardianship/Protection, Seelie Court, Seldarine |
Posted by AuldDragon
August 1, 2021
The second-to-last deity in the neogi pantheon is the cruel T’zen’kil, god of pain, torture, and slavery. It is a foul being that enforces the social order and the idea that neogi superiority means that lesser beings deserve suffering. These elements have also made it the informal deity of neogi cooks and chefs.
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Deities, Spelljammer | Tagged: Gods of Pain, Neogi Gods, Spelljammer |
Posted by AuldDragon
July 1, 2021
The leader of the Seelie Court, and supreme fairy is Titania, the Faerie Queen. She rules her court with compassion and love, but she posses incredible magical power with which to defend her diminutive subjects. For this write-up, I incorporated an old 1st Edition druid subtype from Dragon #155, for a previous incarnation of the faerie queen named Rhiannon, as well as some medieval folklore about faeries and people said to be touched by them.
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Deities | Tagged: Faerie Gods, Gods of Friendship, Gods of Magic, Pantheon Leaders, Seelie Court |
Posted by AuldDragon
June 13, 2021
In Spelljammer, the elite troops of the Reigar are the Lakshu, described as a race of beautiful green-haired amazons. Each one has a unique tool called a “shakti,” an item that forms both armor and weapon, and also serves as their personal identifier. All of these elements were inspired and adapted from a manga and anime that ran between 1988 and 1990, called Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato.

However, while there were three sample shaktis listed under the entry for the Reigar, it leaves a lot of work for a DM; in one of the adventures I ran for my Spelljammer livestreamed campaign, I ended up created quite a few so I thought I would share them for other DMs to use, or use as inspiration for their own unique forms.
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Spelljammer | Tagged: Lakshu, Reigar, Shakti, Spelljammer |
Posted by AuldDragon
June 1, 2021
A minor, nearly forgotten member of the Seldarine, Alathrian Druanna is the goddess of writing, subservient to Labelas Enoreth in his role as keeper of history. Because of her portfolio on writing, she has come to hold the fields of conjuration, geometric, and runic magic as well, although only a small number of elves still follow her tenets.
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Deities | Tagged: Demipowers, Elven Gods, Gods of Magical Subtypes, Missing Demihuman Deities, Powers of Arborea, Seldarine |
Posted by AuldDragon
May 1, 2021
Another of the neogi deities from Dragon Magazine #214, Thrig’ki is one of the more interesting deities. It represents the closest thing the spidery neogi have to “love;” their emotion is much closer to envy, jealousy, and covetousness. Due to its purview over these emotions, it has come to also represent trade and commerce as well.
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Deities, Spelljammer | Tagged: Gods of Commerce, Gods of Greed, Neogi Gods, Spelljammer |
Posted by AuldDragon
April 1, 2021
Oberon the Faerie King is a god of male faerie warriors and hunters, and patron of wild places and the beasts who live there. He is consort to Titania, but is not fond of the politics of the Seelie Court and prefers to stay away when possible. He is a tireless defender of the sylvan races, and is more than willing to take the fight to the Court’s foes.
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Deities | Tagged: Gods of Animals, Gods of Guardianship/Protection, Gods of Nature, Seelie Court, Sylvan Gods |
Posted by AuldDragon