Garyx is one of the draconic deities originally presented in FOR1 Draconomicon, for the Forgotten Realms. He is somewhat similar to Elemtia, but whereas Elemtia is a purely elemental deity, Garyx represents the effects and power of fire, rather than the element of fire. Read the rest of this entry »
Lendys the Balancer
February 1, 2016Where Chronepsis judges dragons after their deaths, Lendys judges them while still alive. He believes in retributive justice, that those who live by fang and claw die by fang and claw. All punishments are carefully measured, however, and minor crimes have minor punishments. While he is hard and merciless, he is fair in his dealings. Read the rest of this entry »
Elemtia the Tempest
January 1, 2016Elemtia is mentioned in one line in the Council of Wyrms campaign setting, as a demipower of elementals favored by chaotic dragons. I decided to expand that to elemental magic, elemental forces, and nature, with followers who are akin to druids. Read the rest of this entry »
Aasterinian, the Messenger of Io
December 1, 2015Aasterinian is a playful and vital deity who revels in play and learning. She is Io’s messenger to both mortal dragons and her fellow draconic deities, although she isn’t always prompt. She is a friendly, wandering deity, who can often be found having adventures of her own or enjoying the hospitality of other deities. Read the rest of this entry »
Chronepsis the Death Dragon
September 15, 2015As the silent watcher of time and draconic fate, Chronepsis rarely interacts with those who are not dead or dying. It is said that he is a counterpart to Io; where Io is the beginning of all things, Chronepsis is the end of all things. He guides the spirits of the draconic dead to the afterlife, and determines the location of their final rest. Read the rest of this entry »
Astilabor the Hoardmistress
August 3, 2015Astilabor is the goddess who represents the desire most dragons have for gaining status amongst their peers, mostly through the acquisition of wealth and treasure. This is not greed in the normal sense, for the wealth is not desired for its own sake or to deprive others of the opportunity of gaining it; that is the realm of Task. The importance of status and wealth to most dragons has made Astilabor one of the more powerful draconic deities, and while she feels her wealth places her above the other deities, she does not think her abilities surpass theirs in all things. Read the rest of this entry »
Arcanic the Learned
July 13, 2015Arcanic is a minor demipower introduced in Council of Wyrms, as a LN deity of magic. As that setting had additional material presented in Dragon Magazine (and later included in the hardbound re-release) for sage-dragons, it seemed suitable to make Arcanic the patron of that kit. I also made his relationship with Kereska something like the relationship between Azuth and Mystra in the Forgotten Realms, with a focus on wizardry rather than magic itself. Read the rest of this entry »
Zorquan the High One
April 13, 2015Zorquan is the deity who embodies what it is to be a dragon, representing those features all dragons share. His primary concern is with the survival of the dragon races as a whole rather than individual dragons. Read the rest of this entry »
Dragons and Their Gods
March 16, 2015Virtually all dragons revere Io, Chronepsis, and Zorquan. Io’s priesthood is rare, although all dracoforms are his children and he welcomes them all. Similarly, the death of all dracoforms are the realm of Chronepsis, and he may call any of them to his service. Finally, even though all dracoforms may look to Zorquan for guidance and assistance in improving themselves and their skills, Zorquan only accepts true dragons into his service, and his priests will refuse to train unusual dragons (Faerie Dragons, Dracohydras, etc.). Rogue dragons may worship, and become priests of, virtually any deity; for example, a Gold Dragon who becomes hateful of life may turn to Faluzure, or a pyromaniacal Faerie Dragon may turn to Garyx’s faith. Generally, dragons who are only slightly different in alignment (NG rather than CG for example) are just considered odd or strange, while more significantly different (CE rather than CG) are considered true rogues; dragons will react to such rogues in much the same way as they would react to dragons who are normally of that alignment. The following list includes the primary deities dragons would worship, as well as some deities favored by rogues. Those deities bolded are the most common favored deities. Some of the details are likely to change. Read the rest of this entry »
Priestly Dragon Magic
March 9, 2015As with wizardly magic, many dragons naturally gain access to priestly spells as they age. These spells are not granted by the draconic gods and require neither prayer nor memorization. As with the wizard magic, such spells are cast with a Casting Time of 1 and only a Vocal component, regardless of the spell’s description. Such spells are gained automatically and haphazardly; as such, they should be rolled for randomly. They should make some sense, however; Warp Wood is of little use to a desert-dwelling dragon, and such results should be rerolled.
Note that spells restricted to specific deities, even dragon priests, should not be gained by normal dragons unless they worship said deities; for example, a red dragon who worships Tiamat would have a chance of gaining spells restricted to Tiamat’s priests (as an aside, dragons need not worship their own gods; a gold dragon may gain the special spells of Torm if he is a devout follower of that deity). Because of this, some draconic magic is substantially more powerful than a humanoid spell of the same level; even should a humanoid become a priest of a draconic god without an established humanoid faith, they should not gain access to the spells that are listed for the deity. It would not be unreasonable to assume a dragon worships a deity who shares an alignment and/or temperament when creating a list upon which to roll. As an option, non-priest dragons who worship a specific deity may gain only spells from the spheres listed for that deity’s specialty priests.
For those dragons who choose to become priests and forgo their normal wizardly magic, as well as those dragons who gain no access to wizardly magic normally (such as radiant dragons), it is advised to introduce a handful of the draconic wizard spells as commonly available priest spells. Those spells are: Calm (Wiz2); Hand (Wiz2); and Sharptooth (Wiz3). All three spells can be found in either the Cult of the Dragon accessory or the Wizard’s Spell Compendium volumes. In addition, another common spell granted by the dragon gods to their priests follows:
Craft Draconic Holy Symbol (Pr 1; Alteration)
Sphere:Â Â All
Range:Â Â Touch
Components:Â Â V, S, M
Duration:Â Â Permanent
Casting Time:Â Â 1 hour
Area of Effect:Â Â Special
Saving Throw:Â Â None
This spell creates a draconic holy symbol from raw materials. In order to create the holy symbol, the dragon must have on-hand a volume equal to twice the material necessary for the final holy symbol, although the form does not matter. In order to perform the spell, the caster must hold the materials in its claws while chanting the spell; at the completion of the chant, the material has reformed into the appropriate holy symbol. Most dragon-priests can only create symbols for their own faiths; the exception being those of Io and Zorquan, who can create any holy symbol. Excess material is consumed by the magic of the spell; the spell does not require the use of a holy symbol to create a new one. Holy symbols created in this manner radiate minor magic, but this is a residue of their creation, and have no inherent magical power.