Maanzecorian the Philosoflayer

October 1, 2024

Maanzecorian always fascinated me, as a knowledge- and philosphy-loving deity of a very evil race. He always felt like the perfect patron of Estriss, the illithid in the Cloakmaster Spelljammer novel series. I was disappointed when he was unceremoniously slain in the Dead Gods adventure, so I took this opportunity to create the potential of a revival (or, for those who wish it, another deity to masquerade as him). Read the rest of this entry »

Psilofyr the Spore Lord

August 1, 2020

A contemplative and peaceable deity, Psilofyr is the myconid deity of community and philosophy. It is an ancient power, manifesting as a type of fungal world tree archetype. It dislikes animal life, seeing them as inherently destructive and violently destructive, although it has softened towards races like the svirfneblin that have proven themselves allies to myconids.

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