Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath

June 1, 2023

One of the most infamous of Abyssal lords, and star villain of a pair of Planescape modules, Orcus is the Demon Prince of Undeath. Once arguably the most powerful of the tanar’ri, he was slain by Kiaransalee, but perhaps unsurprisingly, he managed to return as the undead Tenebrous. With this loss of status and following, he is now attempting to rebuild his strength in a more surreptitious fashion. Read the rest of this entry »

Shami-Amourae, the Demon Princess of Eros

February 1, 2023

Just in time for Valentine’s Day comes Shami-Amourae, the Demon Princess of Eros and the Lady of Delights! Originally appearing in Dungeon #5 and updated to 2nd Edition with the Dungeon anthology The Road to Danger, Shami-Amourae is much like the succubi she claims dominion over. In 3rd Edition she was supplanted by another tanar’ri, but that figure does not appear in any 2nd Edition sources that I could find, so I stuck with the Lady of Delights as described in the above two products. Read the rest of this entry »

Kanchelsis the Lord of Vampires

October 1, 2022

Just in time for the Halloween season comes the Lord of Vampires, Kanchelsis! He is a dual-natured deity, both a sophisticated, high-society bon vivant and a wild creature of brutal hunts and violence. This duality is the same as that held by vampires within mortal, living society.

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Keptolo the Eager Consort

September 1, 2022

Originally published in Dragon Magazine #298 for 3rd Edition, Keptolo offered a nice alternative to Vhaeraun and Selvetarm for male drow living within the matriarchal societies of Lolth-worshipping drow, and had some connections with another deity I plan to work on Zinzerena. Further, he had no strong connections or contradictions with other material, so he was a great candidate for writing up as a 2nd Editions deity. Enjoy!

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Juiblex the Faceless Lord

May 1, 2022

Another of the Tanar’ri lords elevated to godhood, Juiblex is the Demon Prince of Ooze. Patron of aboleths and intelligent amorphs, the Slime Lord has inscrutable and unknown goals, keeping mainly to itself and not even participating in the politics of the Abyss. On the Prime Material Plane, it is also favored by insane cultists or those desiring power. Read the rest of this entry »

Laogzed the Devourer

August 1, 2017

Perhaps one of the few deities who can rival the disgusting nature of Vaprak is the patron of troglodytes, Laogzed. While he grants spells to the troglodytes, he did not create them, and cares little for their welfare, granting spells simply because he doesn’t care enough not to. He is shunned by most other powers, and used as a divine disposal by those willing to deal with him or willing to risk getting close. Read the rest of this entry »