Task the Wrester

July 1, 2016

Task is the deity of greed, the pure unadulterated avarice that particularly affects evil dragonkind. Whereas Astilabor represents the desire to acquire treasure for the status and utility a large hoard brings, Task represents the selfish desire to own wealth for the sake of wealth itself and the desire to take what others have simply to deprive them of it. Read the rest of this entry »

Faluzure the Night Dragon

June 1, 2016

Faluzure is by far the most insidious evil of all the draconic gods. He longs for a multiverse that is beyond death; inhabited solely by the undead, and ruled by him and various forms of undead dragons. He stalks the planes, feeding off the life energy of the wisest and the best to power himself and his magic. If there is one force that could unite the good and evil members of dragon-kind, it is the Night Dragon. Read the rest of this entry »

Rais, The Cogitative One

May 1, 2016

Rais is another minor deity that was mentioned rather briefly in a single 2nd Edition product. In her case, she was created to be a deity for the dragons (particularly silver dragons) of the air world Edill in the Spelljammer supplement SJR6 Greyspace, which detailed the planets in the crystal sphere encompassing the Greyhawk setting. I developed her as a deity of philosophy and logic, with an emphasis on the truths and creative power of thought. While minor, she can prove to be a very interesting deity in a campaign. Read the rest of this entry »

Kalzareinad, The Keeper of Dark Wonders

April 1, 2016

Kalzareinad was a deity of magic mentioned originally in an adventure in FOR1 Draconomicon. For the last two millennia, he had one worshiper remaining, sustaining him and keeping him from deific death. This ended with him voluntarily merging with Kereska during the Time of Troubles in the Forgotten Realms, but need not be the case in other settings. Read the rest of this entry »

Garyx the Firelord

March 1, 2016

Garyx is one of the draconic deities originally presented in FOR1 Draconomicon, for the Forgotten Realms. He is somewhat similar to Elemtia, but whereas Elemtia is a purely elemental deity, Garyx represents the effects and power of fire, rather than the element of fire. Read the rest of this entry »

Lendys the Balancer

February 1, 2016

Where Chronepsis judges dragons after their deaths, Lendys judges them while still alive. He believes in retributive justice, that those who live by fang and claw die by fang and claw. All punishments are carefully measured, however, and minor crimes have minor punishments. While he is hard and merciless, he is fair in his dealings. Read the rest of this entry »

Elemtia the Tempest

January 1, 2016

Elemtia is mentioned in one line in the Council of Wyrms campaign setting, as a demipower of elementals favored by chaotic dragons. I decided to expand that to elemental magic, elemental forces, and nature, with followers who are akin to druids. Read the rest of this entry »

Aasterinian, the Messenger of Io

December 1, 2015

Aasterinian is a playful and vital deity who revels in play and learning. She is Io’s messenger to both mortal dragons and her fellow draconic deities, although she isn’t always prompt. She is a friendly, wandering deity, who can often be found having adventures of her own or enjoying the hospitality of other deities. Read the rest of this entry »

Chronepsis the Death Dragon

September 15, 2015

As the silent watcher of time and draconic fate, Chronepsis rarely interacts with those who are not dead or dying. It is said that he is a counterpart to Io; where Io is the beginning of all things, Chronepsis is the end of all things. He guides the spirits of the draconic dead to the afterlife, and determines the location of their final rest. Read the rest of this entry »

Astilabor the Hoardmistress

August 3, 2015

Astilabor is the goddess who represents the desire most dragons have for gaining status amongst their peers, mostly through the acquisition of wealth and treasure. This is not greed in the normal sense, for the wealth is not desired for its own sake or to deprive others of the opportunity of gaining it; that is the realm of Task. The importance of status and wealth to most dragons has made Astilabor one of the more powerful draconic deities, and while she feels her wealth places her above the other deities, she does not think her abilities surpass theirs in all things. Read the rest of this entry »