Yurtrus White-Hands

August 25, 2012

The final major orcish god, Yurtrus is the dreadful god of death and disease. He never speaks, and is avoided by the other gods of the pantheon, who fear and loathe him. His priests are masters of orcish burials and death ceremonies, and intercede with their mute god to head off or cure diseases, as well as using their divinely granted powers to afflict such upon their enemies.

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Khurgorbaeyag the Overseer

August 10, 2012

Patron of goblins as a race, and a power of strict order and organization, is Khurgorbaeyag. He is one of the few deities who does not have a strong interest in combat, and instead is a deity of slavery and oppression. Similarly, his priests are not front line fighters, and have a great focus on maintaining social order and castes, as well as training and maintaining slaves.

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Shargaas the Night Lord

July 27, 2012

One of two loners amongst the orcish pantheon, Shargaas the Night Lord is master of those acts that are best performed in darkness, the underdark, and darkness in general. A number of his portfolios overlap with other deities in the pantheon and this leads to many conflicts, although Gruumsh’s power typically keeps those in check. He relishes thievery, murder, and assassination and is the patron of those professions in orcish populations.

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Kuraulyek the Horned Thief

July 15, 2012

One of the more isolated goblinkin deities, Kuraulyek the Horned Thief is an exile from the kobold pantheon. He is a petty and paranoid god, who created the urd race as a rival to Kurtulmak’s kobolds, but they have not the power or the courage to truly challenge them. This was another interesting deity to work on, considering how little-used urds are. Hopefully I’ve come up with some ideas that make them more interesting to use!

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Grankhul the Hunter

June 24, 2012

This time let’s delve into the Bugbear pantheon with the most prominent member outside of Hruggek himself: Grankhul the Hunter. He embodies the goblinoid ideals of the huntsman, taking great pride in stalking and tracking foes, and immense pleasure in making a kill. To a degree, his priests function as anti-rangers, with a focus on hunting and stealth. As always, comments are welcome!

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Luthic the Cave Mother

June 11, 2012

Luthic is the only major female deity amongst the goblinoid pantheons. She is wife to Gruumsh and mother of Bahgtru, and is the patron of female orcs, as well as those warriors who defend orcish settlements. She was a very interesting deity to work on, actually. I tried to twist the usually good aspects of healing, nurturing, and protection to have an orcish, lawful evil twist; for example, she teaches that only strong, worthy orc warriors deserve healing, while cowards do not. And, as with the other goblinoid deities, I’ve tried to inject some culture into the lives of orcs, so they’re more than just one-dimensional brutes who think of nothing but killing (or the overdone “noble savage” that seems to pop up in some settings). As always, comments are welcome!

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Ilneval the Horde Leader

May 4, 2012

Time for another deity, this time from the Orcish pantheon. Ilneval is Gruumsh’s lieutenant, called to lead Orcish armies when Gruumsh cannot. He is a consummate commander, focusing on strategy over brute force. He is generally the god of elite fighters and orogs in orcish societies, while Bahgtru is generally the god venerated by the regular orc warriors. Enjoy!

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Hruggek the Decapitator

April 17, 2012

It’s been a while since I had any deities read to post, but I have been steadily working, trying to get all the goblinkin gods done, but I’ve been working on individual sections rather than working on a single god at a time. However, I have gotten some more finished, so now it’s time to put them up and make them available! The first is Hruggek the Decapitator, the head of the bugbear pantheon! One thing I want to do but have not yet done is detail some of the heads he has in his cave in Pandemonium. I’m not sure just what I will do with them, or how powerful they should be. Let me know what you think!

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Expanding the Pantheons of the Goblinkin, Part II

March 17, 2012

I’m not sure why I didn’t realize it before, but considering goblins and hobgoblins have their own patron deities, norkers and koalinths should as well. So what would these two deities be like? To start with, both would likely be demipowers; norkers and koalinths are significantly less common than goblins or hobgoblins afterall.

The Norker god would be Chaotic Evil like his followers, and could have the portfolios of savage and unorganized combat, individuality, and eating. He would obey Maglubiyet out of fear, but would be unreliable; the other goblin deities would likely use him and his followers as the lowest of cannon fodder in the endless war with the orcish hordes on Acheron. He would likely hate and despise Bargrivyek.

The deity of the koalinth would be an opponent of both Deep Sashelas and Panzuriel; he would probably live on Baator rather than Acheron, like Bargrivyek. His portfolios could include Oceans, Aquatic combat, and Ambush. I don’t think Nomog-Geaya being his superior would make sense, so he would likely be subservient to Maglubiyet only.

Expanding the Pantheons of the Goblinkin

March 9, 2012

So, as part of my project, I’ve been looking at the existing goblinkin pantheons, and they really feel like they are too small.  The orcish pantheon isn’t too bad, with seven deities (including Dukagsh), but the other pantheons only have four each.

There’s a mention in DMGR4 Monster Mythology of minor bugbear gods of earth and fertility, so clearly we can bump up the bugbears to six there, and the fertility deity would probably work as a female (I kind of feel each one should have at least one female deity…). Obviously, due to the personality of the goblinkin, most of these new deities should have some sort of violent/combat/war/negative take on the portfolios, and many of the typical “good” portfolios would be non-existent, unless they can be twisted (as Luthic’s healing portfolio, in which she only heals warriors after combat). However, I would kind of like to avoid a situation of “this is the goblin version of Luthic, this is the kobold version of Luthic” and that sort of thing, so I’ll need to look at different interpretations, or different twists on the portfolios. Read the rest of this entry »