Maglubiyet the Mighty One

March 14, 2011

Okay, you were probably expecting Trishina next, but she has been slightly delayed (off berrating Deep Sashelas for pursuing an elf maiden, I imagine). Instead, I bring you the chief of the goblin and hobgoblin pantheon, Maglubiyet! Compared to Gruumsh, there was surprisingly little canon on the Lord of Depths and Darkness, so I wasn’t very constrained in my writing. I’m definitely getting a better feel for these documents, too. After working on this one, I’m kind of looking forward to working on Bargrivyek, as I think I’ll turn him into one of the favored gods of spelljamming goblins. That will be a little while off though. Anyway, without further ado, here is Maglubiyet.

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Bahgtru the Leg-Breaker

January 24, 2011

Here’s my third update to Monster Mythology; this time I worked on Gruumsh’s son, Bahgtru. I was originally planning to do all the gods in order, but I found when working on this one that it burned me out a bit to be doing the same sort of thing, so I’m going to start skipping around. That way each one feels fresh while I’m writing it, and there will be a wider variety of options available to players and DMs earlier. Despite the issues I had with this one, I think it still turned out very well, so enjoy and let me know what you think!

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Gruumsh One-Eye

January 12, 2011

Okay, here’s the second entry in my project to update the gods of Monster Mythology to the 2nd Edition “Faiths & Avatars” format.  This time we have the chief deity of the orcish pantheon, Gruumsh.

This time I’ve created a couple spells for Gruumsh’s clergy to use, so I’m interested to hear thoughts on them, too.  One is a modification of an existing dwarven spell, and the other is a codification of a special ability granted to Gruumsh’s priests in Monster Mythology. I plan to do that for similar abilities listed for other gods.

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