Kurtulmak the Cunning

May 28, 2011

Sorry for the long delay between releases. I’ve been really busy, and I had a major computer hardware failure that has been taking up a lot of my time.  I’ve also been working out some publishing ideas for these deity entries. For these reasons, new entries will be rather sparse for the near future.

Kobolds have always been one of my favorite humanoid races. As such, I really liked working on Kurtulmak. I also wrote this from the point of second edition canon, so you will not find any mentions of Tiamat in this document; nor will you find anything explicitly stating they’re reptiles. I personally do not endorse either of those views, but I wrote this entry to be relatively neutral toward either view. It should be easy enough to use this write-up with either viewpoint.

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Maglubiyet the Mighty One

March 14, 2011

Okay, you were probably expecting Trishina next, but she has been slightly delayed (off berrating Deep Sashelas for pursuing an elf maiden, I imagine). Instead, I bring you the chief of the goblin and hobgoblin pantheon, Maglubiyet! Compared to Gruumsh, there was surprisingly little canon on the Lord of Depths and Darkness, so I wasn’t very constrained in my writing. I’m definitely getting a better feel for these documents, too. After working on this one, I’m kind of looking forward to working on Bargrivyek, as I think I’ll turn him into one of the favored gods of spelljamming goblins. That will be a little while off though. Anyway, without further ado, here is Maglubiyet.

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Bahgtru the Leg-Breaker

January 24, 2011

Here’s my third update to Monster Mythology; this time I worked on Gruumsh’s son, Bahgtru. I was originally planning to do all the gods in order, but I found when working on this one that it burned me out a bit to be doing the same sort of thing, so I’m going to start skipping around. That way each one feels fresh while I’m writing it, and there will be a wider variety of options available to players and DMs earlier. Despite the issues I had with this one, I think it still turned out very well, so enjoy and let me know what you think!

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Gruumsh One-Eye

January 12, 2011

Okay, here’s the second entry in my project to update the gods of Monster Mythology to the 2nd Edition “Faiths & Avatars” format.  This time we have the chief deity of the orcish pantheon, Gruumsh.

This time I’ve created a couple spells for Gruumsh’s clergy to use, so I’m interested to hear thoughts on them, too.  One is a modification of an existing dwarven spell, and the other is a codification of a special ability granted to Gruumsh’s priests in Monster Mythology. I plan to do that for similar abilities listed for other gods.

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