The ruthless Prince of Evil Fire Creatures is Imix, a warlord who strives to dominate all with his fiery destruction. He plans and strategizes in steps, completing one before moving to the next. it is widely held that should he succeed in his current war against Olhydra, no other archomental would be able to match his power. Read the rest of this entry »
No Deity This Month
April 1, 2023Hey folks, just wanted to let you know that I was not able to complete a deity for this month due to real life interference. A deity will arrive next month!
Kavor the Lord of Gravity
March 1, 2023One of the more interesting and less-developed races in Spelljammer were the stout grav, a race of miners who are able to manipulate gravity. The material presented for them makes no actual mention of a deity or faith that they follow or even priests, but it typically strikes me as unusual when races have no deities in D&D. Since the grav have featured heavily in the current leg of my Spelljammer campaign, it gave me ample opportunity to work on their culture and faith, and so I created the deity Kavor for them. Included with the PDF is the writeup for gravs as a PC or NPC race that I created as well.
Shami-Amourae, the Demon Princess of Eros
February 1, 2023Just in time for Valentine’s Day comes Shami-Amourae, the Demon Princess of Eros and the Lady of Delights! Originally appearing in Dungeon #5 and updated to 2nd Edition with the Dungeon anthology The Road to Danger, Shami-Amourae is much like the succubi she claims dominion over. In 3rd Edition she was supplanted by another tanar’ri, but that figure does not appear in any 2nd Edition sources that I could find, so I stuck with the Lady of Delights as described in the above two products. Read the rest of this entry »
Ogremoch, the Prince of Evil Earth
January 1, 2023The next of the Princes of Elemental Evil is Ogremoch. The least subtle of all of the archomentals, the Stone Tyrant seeks to inspire and create a great juggernaut of evil who will spread destruction throughout his home plane and many others, although as yet none of his attempts have met with his own satisfaction. Read the rest of this entry »
Tarsellis Meunniduin the Lord of the Mountains
December 1, 2022Patron of the snow elves, Tarsellis Meunniduin is the Seldarine deity of mountains and high-altitude wilderness. Like the Snow Elves themselves, he has isolated himself from the Seldarine due to disputes with his brethren and a general preference for being alone. He now spends most of his time wandering and hunting through the wilderness of Ysgard.
Yan-C-Bin, the Prince of Evil Air
November 1, 2022The third of the evil archomentals, Yan-C-Bin is a subtle and hidden creature. He wages an endless cold war with his rival, Chan, while also wandering, gathering information, and using the destructive power of air on various planes. It is said that one day he and Chan will meet, and only one will survive the encounter.
Kanchelsis the Lord of Vampires
October 1, 2022Just in time for the Halloween season comes the Lord of Vampires, Kanchelsis! He is a dual-natured deity, both a sophisticated, high-society bon vivant and a wild creature of brutal hunts and violence. This duality is the same as that held by vampires within mortal, living society.
Keptolo the Eager Consort
September 1, 2022Originally published in Dragon Magazine #298 for 3rd Edition, Keptolo offered a nice alternative to Vhaeraun and Selvetarm for male drow living within the matriarchal societies of Lolth-worshipping drow, and had some connections with another deity I plan to work on Zinzerena. Further, he had no strong connections or contradictions with other material, so he was a great candidate for writing up as a 2nd Editions deity. Enjoy!
Olhydra the Princess of Evil Water
August 1, 2022Another of the Archomentals, Olhydra is the Archomental of Evil Water. She is possibly the closest of all of the archomentals to becoming a true deity, given her diverse array of worshipers. However, she is still not yet a true power, and thus cannot grant spells above 3rd level at this point as with the other archomentals. Read the rest of this entry »